    What can media fed fear do?

    This is the 3rd child to be suspended for an asinine reason because the media and this government has pumped this nation full of fear over the Sandy Hook travesty.

    The first child was a 5 year old girl who brought her bubble making gun to school and told the kids on the playground, let's shoot each other with bubbles! 

    The second was a 12 year old boy who had a picture of an AK-15 as the background on his computer. He was suspended because the school officials called the picture threatening. 

    Now this.......A 7 year old boy pretending to save the world by tossing imaginary grenades and making exploding sounds gets suspended from school. 

    This is fear out of control. These people need to get a grip and stop punishing children for the actions of  mad men. 

    This is what happens when a nation drinks the fear kool-aid created by a government seeking to control the people by using mad gunmen as the reason to take over and remove our ability to defend ourselves. Now they are making children the bad guys too. When does the out of control fear end and common sense come back into play? 

    I'm beginning to not even recognize my country anymore. 


    This is not concern and caring! This is brainwashed liberals who should not be in charge of this nations young people!  These children are not doing anything wrong but they still get punished by chicken little adults. These "adults" truly need to get a grip! 

    +2  Views: 2747 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

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