    do cats eat birds for real???

    my cat and my birds play with each others and care one time my cat when out and their was a dog 

    she was scared and my birds wher shouting they were scared about her being in danger .

    0  Views: 802 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    Yes they do.Be very careful letting your cat interact with your birds.One pounce from the cat, and your bird is injured or dead.

    Yes , it's their nature you can't stop them from doing whats natural to them.Just don't encourage birds into your garden.

    Yes; I've seen it. Also, haven't you heard about the cat that swallowed the canary?

    thats like saying: do humans eat beef for real?


    Not all humans eat beef for real.

    They can,. if they can catch them.

    Some do and some don't !!


    Worthless brought in a bird one day through the cat door and David Jean (my 100 lb lab) took it from him and ran off!

    Sadly, yes it is true, cats nature is to catch birds and kill them. Please keep your cat away from the birds.

    Yes they are carnivores by nature, birds are prey animals, as the cats instinctively know.  Even though your cat may only get minute amounts of meat in their commercially prepared kitty diets, they still are wired for their instinctive behaviors.  Cats that have never touched the earth in their life, if given the chance will be interested in hunting, instinctively!  So yes they will kill and even eat birds, and other small animals. 

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