
    Why do we have to live on this world. I'm not dicing the planet but why do we live on this ugle yet beautiful world?

    +2  Views: 1198 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    You do not have to live on this world.  They do sell space shuttle tickets now, which would enable you an option!  Life is what you make it... 


    “Life is what you make it” is the name of a song. A little kid in my preschool thought the lyrics were “Life is watching naked”

    At one time my nephew was working on his masters and it had something to do with making food stations in outer space. I haven’t heard about it lately ... maybe his time is coming!? I know nothing about this shuttle thing.

    Because it seemed like a good idea at the time.



    Screw it in, will ya?

    This little bulb is self-sufficient. ... Good idea or what?! :)

    Self-sufficient is a great idea…I’m all for it. Unfortunately the economy requires failure in order to continue to exist. The industrial giants call it “Planned Obsolescence” aka…make junk and war continually to control the population, economy and institutionalize notable process objectors. The war bit is falling out of popularity so, we the people, are being threatened with disease, famine, bankruptcy and clouds of unbreathable air and global warming. Reports of higher efficiency are unreal and tainted by the same fellows who brought us the endless stream of stinking lies that have imprisoned all of us, all our lives.

    I hear you... I have decided to 'buck the system'. Those in control are boring. I don't do boring... it's boring and non-creative.

    Until a better one comes along what's your choice, look for what's good and start living !!

    Do you have a new destination? Your world is what YOU make it Don't be a cry baby! You don't like something? Try to change it and make it better! We may all thank you later!

    We have to live here. What are the other options? Make the best of it, attitude will get you far....

    we live "on" the Earth.  We live "in" this world.  Why not?

    This is a nursery world that has been through some very rough times, rebellion and isolation. It is clearing up, but time is needed to make necessary changes without upsetting everyone. The people here are just coming into the second million years of cultural evolution and personal spiritual enrichment. Understandably, many choose to venture to other,near-by worlds, to experience cultures  there. Mansonia, is one that many choose to visit as it is a model for this world also.

    The purpose is to gain experience in the evolving social-culture here. Many beings here repetitively cycle through life-death and rebirth, gradually gain longevity as an evolving part of this process. The choice not to remember our biological or spiritual heritage as a matter of fact, at birth. is part of the cultural cycle of chosen ignorance and life path-associations. Some of us choose to live beyond the curtain of time which is how I came to know what I know. But socially there are consequences to knowing so much and suspicion born of ignorance tends to limit associations.       


    Nuvo II....greetings bro'


    Because she loves us.....


    Mind you...there could be other choices....


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