    why is it hard to forgive sometimes?

    +1  Views: 623 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Pride and ego.......


    i disagree

    Fear of being hurt again. 

    because you don't condone the act that they did. Maybe you can forgive the person, but still not like the behavior they exhibited.

    "Forgive and forget?"  For lots of people, it just doesn't work. People are '"done wrong" but they don't forget. If they therefore say this, it is probably half-hearted at best. That's the way it is with me.


    true but it takes me a very long time to forgive.

    @ roxannerannie - Love forgives. Find love and forgiveness comes easy.

    O.K., Colleen. I love you, despite several "tongue lashings", some of which have been deserved.

    You do not need to love me. Honest love comes from actually knowing another and connecting soul to soul. I also do not need forgiveness as I did nothing wrong in my duties here. So, leave the past and the minor things in the past where they belong. Once a lesson is learned there's no sense focusing on it anymore ;)

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    it's even harder for me to forgive when i love the person.

    True love understands and forgives.
    Its probably one of the most difficult things you can do. Forgiving people (especially people you love deeply) is very hard b/c you probably shared everything with that person and had trusted them. Its always hardest when someone you love betrays you because they are an important part of your life and you would never expect them to do such a thing. Also, if its a romantic relationship, those are the hardest b/c you chose to love them, so its kind of like you trusted yourself to make good judgements and they turned out to be wrong. And you still want that person in your life b/c they have enriched it somehow, but you are torn b/c of the betrayal and dont know how to get past it. In the end, you have to think about if the person hurt you accidentaly or if it was planned and also if you can trust him/her to never do it again. Think with both your head and your heart b/c if you think with just your heart, your judgement can be foggy. And, if he/she is worth it.

    Sometimes people become emotional and forgive which is fair and good sometimes. But you should first see his or her true character before taking this step of forgiving. If he is a boy of your age then you should give him a chance and forgive him. Thats what is true love.

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