    what are the optimisms of IT in education?

    The benefits of information technology in education


    0  Views: 534 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    As one of the main roles of education is to prepare students for positions in this fast paced and highly technological world, it is essential for information technology to be an integral part of the academic curriculum.
    School Technology
    There is national initiative in place to promote the use of up to date computers in everyday instruction. While schools are updating or purchasing new equipment through budgets or grants, they are also investigating additional ways of teaching with technology.

    Across the Curriculum
    Computers are no longer just another class. They are used in all subjects from Algebra to Zoology. Students are being taught to not only use the internet for research purposes to support school work, they are using technological applications in various content areas such as music composition software.
    Vocational Training
    Information technology is also being treated as its own trade of vocational training. Specialized high schools are offering IT coursework during classes as well as partnering with local businesses to develop a practicum for students so that they can have hands on work experience while still in school.

    Teacher Support
    There are various organizations which offer support to teachers to enable them to teach current and cutting edge software and technology. There is an abundance of offerings for training available through software providers, unions and online forums.

    Future of Education
    Today’s students need to be ready for the workplaces of tomorrow. As education continues to grow with the technology around it, children will grow with the tools they need to be successful. Already, many schools are replacing chalk boards with SmartBoards and pens with voice recorders. The future is already in the classroom.

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