    Why do actors think people care about their political oppinions?

    Why do actors and other Celebrities think anyone gives a *&%@? about their political opinions?

    +1  Views: 1358 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    Supreme arrogance! And, there are too many fools in country who consider many actors' rantings important.
    many times they are in a position to help charitable causes. everybody knows who they are and they have pull in the monied group. i usually like their "political opinions" and am grateful for them to be there.

    They have money because of people who enjoy their particular talents. Let their money speak for their beliefs, otherwise they should in my opinion shut the hell up! Yes, I understand free speech, but using your celebrity to advance your political views is crap. They are just like lobbyist!

    If they are lobbyists as you say, then I for one am glad they are. They do a hell of a lot of good for human rights and civilian rights! A lot more than I bet you do Mr. Grandstander. When was the last time you checked in on your congressman, senator, legislator? Theses are the people celebrities get the chance to meet and take the time to speak to. Did you know there's a cap on the amount of money you can contribute to campaigns? See here>> All money spent on a campaign has to be accounted for as to where and who it came from. I highly doubt for the small amount they can contribute they are buying politics. Now I'm asking you to do the same as you've asked them to do....shut the hell up!!

    I'll start listening to their uninformed views when they'll start taking my advice on acting, singing and dancing.

    Stick to your day job and let the pundits do their thing. We may agree or not but they at least have a semblance of authority on the subject matter.
    They are as entitled to express their views as anyone else. You don't have to listen to them if you don't want to. You'd be a fool to listen to anyone else's opinion simply because you liked them in a movie anyway.
    Fans like to know everything they can about their favorite celebrity, politics included. Celebrities tend to know a lot of politicians too so stands to reason, people may think celebrities have an inside knowledge on what goes on in politics. Even the paparazzi gets involved asking celebrities about their political views.

    People of celebraty are not the same frame of mind as the people without celebrity.  They shine in their own family and so they shine outside of that.  Being noticed is what they are accustomened to and they carry that with them all day long every single day.

    It really is not a bad thing it is just...the thing.  We are all people of opinion...a celebrity gets noticed and a person schlepping out the garbage thinking about the things to think about does not.

    MsSinclair wrote:

    "They are as entitled to express their views as anyone else"

    But that's the central issue,isn't it? "Anyone else" doesn't have access to the mass media's pulpit. Why should their views usurp yours and mine
    simply because they're popular in the arts field? They're not any more versed on any subject matter than the average person.
    They think many people are ignorant about politics which is true.

    I think they are right if lbaneezy is any example.

    Colleen, thanks for TU today! You didn't have to. You know it wasn't about Karma.;-)
    Well, they travel a great deal and I guess this could give them a little more insight into other countries and sociaties. Also, they interact with a great many well informed and powerful people which could make them more knowledgable than the average person and in their profession they sure can't be stupid. And their politics range from conservative to liberal. They are american citizens with the right to voice their opinions or do you want to change the first amendant. Futhermore, they think that people give a damn about their opinions for the simple reason that they do or there wouldn't be so many public venues that cater to the desimination of celebrity views. Also, they use public platforms to offer these opinions because they can, just like anyone else. What burns my ass up is people that jump on a bandwagon to deny others a constitutional right that they seem to think is solely their's. People who want to refuse the right to free speech to celebrities are morons.

    Okay Colleen...Yes, campain contributions are limited in amount by individual contributors.  However, using ones celebrity to attempt to impress your views (and in your case succeeding) on others who are young, stupid or both is reprehensible.  Why don't you pick on your leader Mr. Obama and his contributors who are ripping off hard working americans. Need I point out the obvious and remind you that Communism and Socialism don't work. ObamaCare, Solyndra, etc. Show me where it has!  It's the actors that support that kind of idiocy that piss me off. Perhaps it would not be so bad if we all had the same access to the media as they do.  Unfortunately, most of us are relegated to this type of venue.  I will be the first to say that they have every right to express their opinion per the constitution.  I have been defending that right most of my life.  Yes, I don't have to agree with it, as is my right, but as a veteran of our military it offends me.  It's ironic to defend someone who is diametrically opposed to capitalism and democracy.  One thing that most people don't understand is that just because you can do something, doesn't allways mean you should. As an aside, if you are a fan of a particular actor, band, or whatever and you need to know everything about them, get a life.  Try reading about our forefathers, history in general, or something else worthwhile.  Or in your case Colleen, move to Afghanistan.

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