    What is the benefit of good speaking english?

    What is the benefit of good speaking english?

    0  Views: 579 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    You sound more confident and not dumb. You'll be understood quicker.....

    One can possibly come across as being intelligent (of course, there are good English speakers who are morons), and above all else, it's more likely that you would be understood by a person or people who understand it..

    Other than Chinese, because of the sheer size of their population alone, English is the most spoken language in the world.

    It is a global language, spoken in many places that were once part of the British Empire. Many children learn English as a second language in school.

    To communicate with others well, it's a good idea to try and learn how to speak a language to the best of your ability.

    Your thoughts and ideas come across more clearly with a better command of English and the more you read, the better your ability to communicate in speech and writing, including spelling.

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