10 Answers
Germany...which probably has as many beautiful women as anywhere, but hardly anywhere else has them quietly talking dirty in your ear while speaking English with the German accent. So they automatically get my vote based upon personal preferences.
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
There are lots of beautiful frauleins. Here's my favorite:https://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1600&bih=712&q=katarina+witt+1988&oq=katerina+w&gs_l=img.1.6.0l2j0i10j0j0i10l6.440.4227.0.7895.
Thank you. My grandmother came from Germany, and she was indeed beautiful . Her sister said that they said she was the prettiest girl in Hof, Bavaria
Shootah...my comment about Col. Klinck was in response to Nom whispering, in a German accent, in your ear. ;)
Any way you look at it, it's okay! I say this, as I am one who is capable of laughing at myself, as much as at anything, or anyone else! I don't exactly wear my heart on my sleeve, or a monocle over one eye...but, I do enjoy sharing a laugh! Smile dearie...you are much appreciated!
I've heard more than once that Italy has the most beautiful women. I know one thing.......it has the most handsome and sexiest men.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I agree with you about Italian women, but the men? They stay with their mothers until they are in their 30's and are apparently useless in b*d.
Nom, Sounds like you speak from personal experience. Not that there's anything wrong with that, amore mio.
Nom, I happened to have been married to a man whom both his parents came from Sicily. He was born in the U.S. I can tell you, he was the consumate artistic lover at foreplay and making love.
Digger: There was a segment on U.S. 60 Minutes about these Italian sons, known as "Mammoni". They cook for their sons, make their beds, iron their clothes...They all said that they love it!
Clonge, I didn't see that episode but I've read about Italian young men,known as mammoni, who choose the easy (and cheap) life. It should be noted that these young freeloaders hail from the Old country. They'd never make it in the New. Spoiled,entitled mooches.
If Italian men are such good lovers why is the birth rate in Italy so low? It can't be because they are using contraception as that is banned by the Catholic Church. Maybe it is caused by tight trousers?
Hmmm!...My brother in law is Italian... I won't post a picture...Don't want to disillusion all you Italian lovers!!!;-)...yep he loves me as much as I do h!:-0...No offense to all the Beautiful Italian population!...I'm sure he's just a one off!! ;-)...Well I hope so!;-)lol!
How dare you suggest such a thing digger? Any more of that and I will set the moderator on you.
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