    Does any body have any insight into what people thinks about December 21, 2012?

    +4  Views: 1270 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    "People"?  No.  My own thought is that it will come and go with no more fanfare than January 1, 2000. 

    Most of us men will remember it's almost time to start Christmas shopping.


    That`s early!...I know a lot of men who don`t start their Christmas shopping until 24th December...I`ll get challenged here..but`s a men`s thing!!:-)

    Well millie111, I did say "almost". :o)

    I can't believe you haven't booked your ticket on the Alien Space Flights out of this place yet Tabby-Tabs.  Limited seating is available... Act fast!

    Go to

    Ask for Melmo ... he's the one waving at you right now.



    Melmo, my friend, how's it hanging?

    Melmo loves Swami Doo. ((Hug Hug))

    From that date on I get a great relief that the days will slowly start to get longer. These short dark days do have a negative influence on me but what other people think about Dec. 21st  I have no idea.




    Oh me too..and many O`s !..I cheer up usually around March!!:-)...Vit D deficiency is also a common cause of Winter Blues.(The Sunshine Vitamin)..Many people find their vit D levels are very low in Winter as less exposure to the sun:(..Also I find the lights that simulate sunshine,(S.A.D.lamps)..Can be beneficial!:-0

    I don't read minds. Have you missed the other couple hundred times this question has been asked here Tabber? Are you running out of ideas for questions? You could answer questions when that happens you know ;)  


    Hi Colleen. I have seen it asked. Thanks for reminding me. But you know, maybe some people did not answer it at the time, just like me, it seem more relevant the closer we get. It kind of scares me. However I really want to see how others feel now as the 'doom' as some say comes closer. no offense.

    It's been asked 100's of times. I don't think too many have missed it. But if the few more make all the difference go for it. Personally I think most of the members here are sick of the question and tired of thinking about it. The wording asked us what we thought others feel. No one can really answer such a question.

    It's very easy to figure out what people think about that "extremely important date".  We get asked (and answer) this same question, at least once a week.  Same ol'...same ol'.  It's just another date.  If I'm wrong, I'll find that out on December 22, 2012.  In the meantime, I can't prevent that date from arriving nor can I change the outcome.

    First day of winter is all it really means to me..

    I am waiting to see which Party wins the election. Then I will give you my answer.

    It  mean the Mayen calender is running out ! no more days to fool around pull your pants up and get at it! ready or not will soon be there! ? where was I ? Got me all confuse???????

    I've always thought it's the poet's day. Poets write about darkness and that day they will get the most of any day of the year. 


    How many poets have written about this day? Now you have me google-ing!

    I don’t know and I don’t google (shhhhhh) That’s a wild guess. Makes sense. Yes?

    No !!

    ""The Winter Solstice and I shall be celebrating.

    This will happen 12-22-12 will come the world will not end just some humor""

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