    Does anyone believe Michael Jackson was murdered?

    0  Views: 2883 Answers: 15 Posted: 11 years ago

    Yes. By Miss Scarlett, in the kitchen, with the candlestick.


    No. By his own decisions. Proof that money does not buy happiness. Michael Jackson was one very sad and broken man.

    15 Answers

    Michael Jackson was a billionaire star who demanded (and received) truck loads of drugs!  He followed the same path as many other stars, who have done and will continue to do, those identical behaviors!  They make foolish decisions and suffer very serious consequences.  Why do they insist on living these risky lifestyles?  Because they can!


    Are you kidding?

    No, I'm not!

    Michael Jackson was broken and he could not be fixed... like Humpty Dumpty except a whole lot skinnier. Sad and True.

    yup ..... b/c they've got the money for it.

    he had lost of lot of his money on legal fees by the time he was almost dead. I don't know how he could pay his Dr. thousands per month, not to mention the cost of the drugs.

    No. He caused his own demise by taking drugs that  eventually took his life.

    Not murdered. Rich folks can get ANY drugs they want from someone!  Money talks as we should all know by now!


    Mine says "goodbye" most of the time !

    The King of Pop was not well in the head.  He had a disease.  He eventually died because of his disease. 

    Yesterday they were talking about his fake hair and nose, his skinny body and tattoos covering scars ... his family and how they think Latoya took money out of his house in bags which Micheal kept stashed around his house... even under rugs.  ... Oh my goodness ALREADY! 

    It is as if the media will never let the subject of Micheal Jackson die or give his family one minute of peace.  

    I didn't care for the man or his music but, I do believe he should be allowed to Rest In Peace.  He has a son named Blanket... that is enough information for me.  I personally don't know why he didn't call the child Duvet... now that has a ring to it.

    No one needed to murder the man as he was on that highway for many many years.  It is very sad for his children on many levels.  What is 'normal' for those three little people?  They will be hounded for the rest of their lives.


    He should have called the other two "Sheets" and "Pillow" for a complete set!

    Oh ... Dark Dark Dark and hilarious at exactly the same time!

    You started it...Blanket,'s all your fault! :((

    Duvet- ROFLMAO!!!!! Too Funny. Mike had major major psych. issues!

    @doo..."Mike"? Friend of yours? LOL!!

    Blanket was the boy's nickname. His real name is Prince Micheal Jackson II , b/c his first son has the same name.

    I am now rolling my eyes because I sooooo totally did not know that ... Dang!

    I don't know what to think but...Micheal, Micheal, Micheal.


    Elvis, John Balushi, Michael...etc. etc....Fame and money don't take away your fears or demons.

    No. Why is it that these rumours start

    about so many celebrities? He had a 

    lot of problems and coped with chemicals.

    They eventually caught up with him.


    Sad but true. The list is very long.

    Like many who are caught up too deeply in drugs or alcohol, he unintentionally killed himself. Unfortunately, when people are in throes of their addiction, their primary focus is in feeding the addiction and trying to get through the moment before them. They can't always see past the moment, unless something brings them to the point of realizing they need to clean up.

    No, I believe he committed unintentional suicide. He should have cleaned himself up. He had enough money to hire the best professionals to help get him clean of his dependence on drugs. 


    "committed unintentional suicide" ? Thats a new one! Accidental death would be more appropriate.

    He knew the risks and knew quite well that the drugs could kill him in the way that he was taking them. I call it unintentional suicide. Not accidental death. There was no accident, just a risk that he would commit suicide taking too many drugs.
    Knock-out is the same a suicide.

    Oh, yes I agree!, what about his penchant for little boys then?. Are there professionals that could have sorted that one for him? It was only his money and an army of high powered laywers that kept M.J.out of jail.

    It was never proven they he did anything illegal with boys. Not that I'm defending him but here on this forum we go by what the justice system found, not by hearsay. This question is about the death of Michael, not the kids he had to his home.


    He is gone so let us move on.



    Michael wanted to be remembered. His whole life was about building a legacy. People remember him. There's nothing wrong with that.

    The blame for Micheal Jackson's death falls squarely on the shoulders of the late Mr. Jackson. He knew when he kept begging for his nurse, then his Dr. to give him more propanadol ---that it was the kind of dangerous, illegal drug that was given in surgery by I V  to put people under anesthesia. He knew that b/c of all the many other drugs in his system, that he could die.


    How do you work that one out then mycatsmom? So it was all M.J's own fault was it,? Because his nurse and doctor acquiesced his demands for more drugs .That's what you're saying, is it? Well, I' don't have much interest one way or the other in the demise of this 40 year old, who’s money salvaged him from his penchant for naked little boys, so please excuse my candour, when I say that this is pure eyewash! If two medically qualified people continued to supply the boy with his happy smarties in the knowledge that they were likely to kill him, don't you imagine that it was they that bore the responsibility for his death, although I grant you his continued whining for more drugs was a particularly silly thing to do, but the medics should have told him that he was a very silly little man, given him an aspirin or two and told him it was long past his bed-time so go to sleep. It' quite logical really. When you were a child, Mummy didn't give you all the sweeties you asked for, because she was smart enough to know that they would rot your teeth, and this would make you look very ugly when you grew up. So she let you have one or two, and then sent you to the bathroom to brush your toothy-pegs, and you have grown up with a lovely smile. Clever Mummy. Silly Doctor and Nurse. It's the same principle, you see?


    ceegel, he was 50.

    Dr. Murray knew that the drug (propofol) and other drugs he gave Michael Jackson was very dangerous and totally addictive. Propofol is not for home use. Quote "propofol should be administered only where appropriately trained staff and facilities for monitoring are available, as well as proper airway management, a supply of supplemental oxygen, artificial ventilation and cardiovascular resuscitation". He's responsible! Michael was and addict. A doctor suppose to help an addict not feed his addiction no matter how rich, famous, or poor they are. There are many Michael Jackson's out there. But this Micheal Jackson was known world wide and his death could have been prevented. Dr. Murray let fame get in the way of his ability to help a person who really needed a TRUE doctor. 

    No! I don't believe Micheal was murdered. But I do agree with the verdict that Dr. Murray has to do time for involuntary manslaughter. 

    Was young Micky murdered?

    Well of course he was! Oh look! There goes Lord Lucan riding Shergar!!





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