
    +1  Views: 514 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    She will no longer be able to live alone. She will remember the past, but not the present. and sometimes say or do things that are upsetting to you, but dont be upset when she is accusing you of something-. She can no longer judge right from wrong.. I took care of my Mom who had Alzheimers and I could hold her attention by playing movies that she used to love to watch, or play music, that she used to listen do. Always make sure your doors a securely locked in your house and when she wants to go outside, always go with her. My Mom used to try to walk away all the time
    Dont let her use the electric stove or the washing machine.
    There are Alzheimer Support Groups in most areas. They are of great help and you will meet other people who take care of someone with Alzheimers.
    This is a great challenge. I wish you best.May God bless you.

    ed shank

    Ann, your comment in regards to familiar music is absoltly correct. At the onset of my mothers condition I would play music that I remember her singing to. She would temporarily return to a normal state. There is no response anymore to anything.

    Ed, there are 7 stages of Alzheimers.
    1)No impairment
    2)Very mild decline
    3)Mild decline
    4)Moderate decline
    5Moderate severe decline
    6)Severe decline7
    7)Late Severe dementia
    your mom, god bless her, may be in the last stages of Alzheimers is so hard to watch them beeing in that condition. What got me through, was my love for my mom and faith in god.

    ed shank

    Ann, your so right, love and faith. I have them both.

    My heart goes out to you. My mother is in the advanced stages, she hasn't a clue who I am. We must find a cure for this disease. The numbers are growing each year and those being afflicted are getting younger. Some in their late thirties. Showing that you love them is all you can do.

    A lot of advises and information regarding dealing with a relative's alzheimer's disease can be found at the following links: 

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