    why cant i find the right women for me

    0  Views: 1244 Answers: 17 Posted: 11 years ago

    <moved because the rat answered his own question>


    Karma: 180

    dont we all NO just want to be treated the same and ive got my dream girl just she hasnt got the dream attidude go with it sort of like ....looking at kylie minoge with shreks attitude.... hows that for explaination


    Fishlet: You need to find your soul mate. This is why you are at a loss and experiencing frustration.
    Nothing else will do in this lifetime for you.
    Breathe, focus and be the best person you can be ... have a bit of faith and let life flow.
    Enjoy the energy instead of trying to make something out of nothing, actually.
    You won't be happy until you find your other half. Knowing this is half the battle.
    Best wishes, KC Fishlet. Edit this comment Delete comment

    But you said you were married in one of your replies. What are you looking for a woman for? (or did you mean that plural?)

    17 Answers

    Maybe you can't find the right woman because your expectations are too high and your priorities are in the wrong places.


    I'm thinking those priorities are situated a little to the south on this one!! LOL ;D

    no not to high just ask for the same in return and its not all about sex

    He's married!

    Maybe because you are looking for women, not a woman. Women do not like to share. 


    No we do not!!!! ;)

    nope one is hard enough why would any man in his right mind want a have more than 1 woman there vindictive cheaters ,no women dont like to share there man with other women but other women are happy to share them selves with other men ,,,,

    Well with your attitude about women, I can see exactly why you are single. No woman wants to be with a chauvinist. Enjoy the single life. I hope you can stand living with yourself.

    its not about being a pig its the truth and iam not single marrried for 16 years and together for 20 thanks just in a trying time and looking for answers in the wrong places why is that chauvinist check your stats just a fact and a responce to an answer

    Check your question. It's all about you. Your words are from your own mind. They are what you think of women. You can't even back out of this one. Check your English, apparently you have no clue as to what you are saying.

    You are looking in the wrong places.

    Because you are "rattyman" which sounds sort I, for one...and being WOMAN Goddess of everything even the air you are now breathing...don't know that I would care to be called something like Mrs. rattyman...maybe change the spelling to rattymOn and it'll sound more dready and you can score chicks who are reggae freaks...just a thought...or was it?


    a typical womans thought ,wasnt a lot of input there luv

    SEE!!!! It's your "typical" male attitude! Lighten up.....

    Check his answers to everyone. He most definitely is a rat.

    Get the trap!!!!

    You can't find any woman and yet you're spending your time at akaQA?  Surprise, surprise.


    ive gotn the woman suprise suprise and yet i find my self lonley suprise suprise ....ANY ONE ELSE GOT SMART COMMENTS KEEP THEM TO YA BORING OLD SELF >>>>>> and i wonder who spends the most time on akaQA well just look at my karama and yours and tell me who got no life yawn.......

    You have got a woman: surprise surprise. I hope your "woman" is not some inflatable doll....surprise surprise....You have yourself a woman and still you are lonely: NOT surprise, NOT surprise! Guess who's boring now? Yawn.

    i wish it was because if she was like you i would let her air out and take you back ,,,,And insist on a refund

    LMAO. You finally are beginning to make sense, and funny too......We may chip in and get you "Dolly" the incredible inflatable for Christmas....I hear she's versatile....If she is too soft, put more air in...too firm, let some air out....You are gonna have tons of fun with Dolly, rattyman.

    Rattyman, have you ever thought of attending meditation classes?  You seem very wound up and clearly portray a negative outlook toward women.  You also write in absolutes which leads me to believe that you have not met every single woman on this planet. 

    Negative energy abounds!

    If you look back at your responses you may see 

    what others are seeing. You refer to women as

    "vindictive cheaters". I don't think you are ready

    for another relationship, as you have not taken

    the time to heal from the last one.'re very confusing to me.  Are you single or married?  Are you looking for a woman or several women?  Do you like women or hate them?  It takes more, much more, than proper manners (opening doors, pulling out chairs, etc) to attract someone.  Read a book.


    Yes Ducklet...he should read many..many books...until he's about 97. ;)


    no full of cheaters
    Deleted User

    wtf are you nuts that tells you how to find one its not a dating site you flip.. If you want to find someone you should attend something you love like Church and maybe she will be there ....

    Dude, all women are to be treated as something precious. If you can keep that in the back of your mind you will find that special woman. The uglier you become, so will they. You shall reap what you sow. 


    Great answer, Ed.

    Change your attitude, like change your avatar name for starters.......


    i dont think my attitude is the drama iam polite open doors push chairs in have conversations listern to her worries and her bad day say goodnight do little things help do house work enjoy drives picnics beaches fishing 4x4 going out for tea ,,, and my avatar well thats my boys nickname and it wont be changing iam only looking for one woman not 10 , and yet iam still either treated like animal waste ignored taken for granted or just dont excist .... so yer

    I wouldn't treat you like a dog. Dogs deserve so much better than you do. I would treat you like the pig you are.

    Hmmm...Doo is quite confused.  One premiss you have is that women are cheaters..but not men...yet, you are married looking for women...see how I might be a bit confused- with that married for 20 years part casually thrown in there????


    Sounds like his wife might have had an affair.

    and so, doing the mature thing, he might too.

    He is so angry, guess it's retaliation but where does that get him?
    Patch things up or move on.

    Well, it's never pleasant when a spouse strays....for this he does have a pint
    Dardaigh I mentioned to him, he has to heal from that...(and have a pint) ;)

    You are a married man for 16 years and with her for twenty? You should be glad you have a fool to stick with you! What's wrong with you? RATMAN?  Shame on you ! Would you just dump your partner of twenty years for a right woman?  No woman I know would even talk to a RAT like you!

    Might be you want your dream girl ?


    Who is that? Rat woman?

    Drama, Drama, too much Drama! 

    I heard all the best women, shop at Wal-mart, most of them are free, looking for Mr right, you might fit some ones dream.....

    Well Rattyman... It seem to me that your not to commited with your relationship that you are in now? In anycase there are many situation that people are in a disfuntional marriage, My suggestion would take some time to figure out what went wrong with your first marriage, you wont be able to make a wise choice if you don't solve these issue, You know you reap what you sow! BTW. there are no perfect women out there and if there is one by chance, it a good chance she'll be looking for a perfect men..Oh well make a long story short, you'd need to do some work or behavior on self before committing to another unhappy marriage.

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