    how to overcome fear

    my son is scared of bean hit form behind when he has the puck in ice hockey


    +2  Views: 1157 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    12 Answers

    Your son has a legitimate fear.  Many hockey players cannot play the game successfully because they are afraid "to go into the corners" as they say.  Hockey is a rough game indeed! Does your son want to quit playing hockey by any chance?  I have watched a lot of junior hockey over the years and I've known many "hockey parents". More often than not, it is the parents who have the dream and NOT the kid! His chances of going to the NHL (or other professional organization) are less than 1% even if he is one of the best on the ice. There are other sports, other careers, other vocations....let him explore other options.


    The question was about fear. I answered about a fear. I am sure a life changing injury is different. Why does he continue playing?

    The question was about the sons's fear of being hit from behind while playing hockey. Why does he continue playing? Ask the parent who posted the question and read my response again. That is EXACTLY what I addressed.

    yeah, soccer is safer and less violent

    Some advice here.

    Meet it head on. I can't relate to the hockey issue but I do know fear.


    Head on...literally. A head injury from a "hit from behind" in hockey, can and often is, life-changing, career-ending and devastating. Unless you've seen that happen, you cannot even imagine the consequences.

    getting hit from behind snaps their neck back, too

    I wanted to write to you when you were out sick, but your email address wasn't real. If you have time and don't mind exchanging a few emails with me, I would like that. Colleen can give you my address if you want.
    ed shank

    I recently corrected my e-mail with the powers above. I look forward to to hearing from you.


    Know how he feels , I have that same problem "Hitting from behind " Get out I would say  If he has fear of the game . I cant my "Wife says it`s not a game but a "Reality !!!


    I know your fear.


    Col, why is there a pic of a bulb to squeeze to use a blood pressure cuff ?

    Put your glasses on mcm. It's a frying pan and it refers a joke that dowsa says about his wife using one on his hard head.

    lol it doesn't look a bulb :)

    Colleen: What has just happened to my BP? :)

    Probably has shot up since becoming a mod here.

    I don't blame him, I would be too!!

    Dance with the fear.  Meaning, keep playing hockey but dont let the fear stop your game- admit that it is there, and in the worst calamity it will hurt & possibly take him out of the game (or a few games) but most fears dont come true...when you dance with a fear it leads the dance and then you do...and everytime you lead the fear gets smaller and more reasonable.  Do a little research on your own -if hr wears a hockey hemet and proper gear he is highly unlikely to get a huge injury- telling him this may help.  Tell him what you have been afraid of and how slowly you learned to work with your fear until one day it seemed so little it was easy.


    Sorry doolittle but research has shown that many, not just a few, junior and even senior hockey players, wearing all the correct gear (the law for junior players by the way, not optional) have had serious, career-ending, life-changing head injuries! From what? Hits from behind! It is not even comparable to to a lot of other fears and many people are calling for very long suspensions of players who do the hitting. So far, it isn't working. When you sit in an arena and you actually see a 19 or 20 year old, writhing on the ice, with legs shaking uncontrollably, a sure sign of head injury, it is sickening and disturbing.

    Thank you for correcting me!

    Sorry that you feel "corrected". I've been at the arena watching approximately 35 games of junior hockey per season for about 15 years. A close friend of mine works for the organization so I often hear what goes on behind the scenes (with hockey parents) and I often speak with the couples who "board" the out of town hockey players every season. I hear and see a lot and it's an issue that is close to my heart. Also, when a "hockey parent" sits behind you at the game, cursing out their own kid on the ice for making mistakes, it gives a different perspective. And that's the much bigger picture of what I'm talking about! You'll notice that the parent is asking the question...NOT the kid. He should have the option to quit if it is not HIS desire to play! If he is unable to conquer his fear, he should be assured that he is still OKAY in his parents eyes!

    No, if I say something that isn't accurate it should be corrected. No harm no foul.

    Thank you doo.

    I have a great fear of yucky bugs! I try to ignore them but if a real creepy one gets on me, I freak out, instant goose bumps and total fear!


    Fear of bugs or life-changing, career-ending head injuries are not comparable.

    I can relate to that. It ended my grandsons career in hockey. He had a severe concussion and  under Dr.s advice stopped playing hockey after 11 yrs. It is a rough sport .I dont blame your son of beeing afraid from beeing hit from behind. It happens more often than not.


    Absolutely right Ann. It's sad to see an end to the sport that a kid loves to play. Even worse though, are the parents who insist, against all advice, that the kid gets back out there. Even in NHL circles, you see players who go back, after 4 or 5 concussions...asking for a bleak future. :(

    His concussion was so severe, that the Dr. said, if he had anther one, his brain could be permanently damaged. It was devasting for my granddson, to leave hocky. He was the top player and they went to Canada every year for competitian.
    ed shank

    All sports have a certain amount of risk of injury. I don't care for hockey for a number of reasons, the fighting is probably the biggest turn off. Grown men behaving like street thugs for millions in salary a year. Sends a bad message to young people.

    I hear you ed, but at least the fighting (player size being equal) is more fair than being blind sided by a hit from behind. (Besides, I enjoy the occasional brawl on the ice...bad Duck) :)

    To Ducky and Ed. My grandson who was injured also has a younger brother and my daughter in son-inlaw made him quit hockey too.I am so relieved.They live in the Seattle, Washington area, where hockey is very popular. It is a very rough sport. I watched them play when I was visiting

    Rough indeed! It will get rougher too as the kids are getting bigger and bigger. We have a 16-year old joining our local, junior hockey team this year...6'2"-195 lbs...not even finished growing yet. Yikes!

    have him take up golf, it is safer, and if he makes it to the pros, he can make more money.  Notice that there are no old hockey players, but there are old golfers?


    thats right. old golfers never die...they just lose their balls. lol

    Good idea bustieone! The worst that can happen is that you're too hot at work all day, or that you get teamed up with the cursing, club throwing, "no class Tiger Woods". :(

    Let him watch Batman Begins, LOL


    No I'm just kidding.
    Give some time, let him overcome his fears little by little at all once.
    I'll tell you my fear. My fear in jumping in 5 or 7 meter swimming pool. For me as a grown person. Someone pushed me off, I helped myself go up. But for a child, little by little help him. DON'T GIVE UP MAN!


    Can't he sort of look around, as he's advancing the puck down the ice........or look around to see who he can shoot the puck to ?

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