    What are some fun things to do when you're home alone?

    Hey I'm 12 and I'm home alone! Right now I'm sitting on the couch with my dog, on the computer and watching Hoarders on T.v while eating sprinkles. Im really bored! Any tips??

    +5  Views: 932 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers



    Wow...I'll put this in my favorites. :)

    Read a book.  You'll forget about being bored, the time will fly by and'll learn something new.        :)


    Or you could always do some housework...dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, raking the yard, weeding the garden...

    Fixing the car, painting and decorating,fix the roof,plant a winter vegetable garden, study quantum physics....yadayadayada!!!!

    im 12. I HATE CLEANING!!! :) i love reading though! i am in the middle of re-reading Coraline

    Well, I'm old enough to be your great grandmother and I hate cleaning too but it has to be done!

    Yes you probaly are but im so tired from helping my grandma. She has a torn miniscus and back pains.

    Awwww....poor her until she feels better....everything hurts more when you are old! :(

    Thank you so much Ducky :) She has a doctors appointment today

    That's good. Maybe her doctor can help her.

    Pick up a book on origami and practice it.....


    i already know how to do oragami

    Then fold up a collection of them......

    Get off the couch and go outside! Enjoy the sunshine. Ride a bike, climb a tree, fly a kite, play hop-scotch, lie on the ground and look up at the clouds and see if you can see animals amoungst the clouds. Lots of stuff to do outside sweetheart - Enjoy!

    Practice playing your quitar or any instrument, you could become a pro!

    First of all, at 12 years old you should not be bored.  At this age you were blessed with lots of energy and probably curiosity.  This is the time to learn and discover what interest you.  Ever thought about taking up a music instrument.  Working on your handwriting.  Writing a story even if you are not that good a writing yet.  Get a few books from library and try to discover your love and passion in life.  Then you can start practicing your passion, which will make you a very interesting teen ager and grown up.


    Wow tabber..."practice your passion"? When I was 12 years old, I only cared about what movie I would go to on Saturday. :)

    Ducky I know it seems like asking a lot of a twelve year old to do more than want to see a movie at 12. That was exciting to me too, to see a movie at 12 and it still is. However Ducky, what I have observed and I am very observant about children is that children tell us about their passion in a non verbal way. Some parents are observant enough to pick it up. Some parents are too busy surviving to miss many clues about what interest their children. I could write a book on this topic and may, since it came up. But many successful kids had parents that observed and listened to their kids interest and passions. Very often in kids this can be seen at a very early age. Lots of times we program our kids into boredom. Thanks Ducky.

    Yes tabber. I do grasp your point. I discovered interests, as an adult, that I know for sure, were apparent (not to me) when I was a child. I just wonder if most, or any, 12 year olds would be at all eager to "discover themselves" or even realize that they have "lots of energy". They have a tendency to compare themselves to their friends. They're all energetic but bored, especially when school is out for the summer. :)

    Dishes, dusting, vacuuming, laundry...the fun is endless. :)

    How about E pals. On line corresponding with other children, around your age. Exchanging interests,  ideas, and pics. You could look forward to e- mails from new friends, and spend time replying to them.  Here are some links,



           Just idea.   Good luck.


    In my opinion, kids spend way too much time sitting "in front of screens". Read a book or get outside or both!

    You have come to the right place: akaQA will keep you entertained.  We never have boring days here, just a couple of nuts hanging around.  If you are unable to have fun here, at least I know we'll make you really drowsy very quickly.

    Now, ask us the same question when you are 14.  There'll be lots of new form of entertainment!

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