    Do you have to have "the last word"?

    My sister started in on me this evening; she's been holding back for months and this is the first time we have seen each other where she could uncork and spew like a volcano.  My son got an earful, and when she finally left, his remark was, "You know, Mom, we all have dirty hands in this. It really doesn't matter HOW dirty they are."  

    I didn't argue with her; no defense, no counter-attack, no "stirring of the pot".  She had the first, last, and most of the words in the middle.  

    What do YOU do when you find yourself in a verbal brawl? Do you have to have the last word??

    +11  Views: 1199 Answers: 20 Posted: 11 years ago

    20 Answers

    I let them  do their thing.  I meditate when all is said and done.  Then, if I have a nice bottle of wine in the pantry, I uncork it, pour a glass and sit on the back porch with my trusty dog and have a little think.

    Your sister is always going to be your sister.

    Your sister is always going to do the things she does as that is her journey.

    The grandest thing on the planet earth when times are a bit tough is a good relax and a nice glass of wine.  You live in a part of the world where they just happen to grow some mighty fine grapes.  I do as well. 

    Tomorrow, it really doesn't matter what she said.  Tomorrow, you are still on your journey.

    Things are going to happen any way... and words will be spoken.  It doesn't mean that it actually applies to you.  I learned this lesson the hardest way imaginable. 

    Be free to live your life.  Quit beating yourslelf up.  You are doing your work even if you feel you are not.  I see it. 

    xoxox K


    Very true, great answer Fishlet.


    all true fishy....

    such a wonderful and beautiful answer. i have no siblings i can only imagine.

    I have tried the above but keep on getting drunk.

    @Hector... now you are talking about getting drunk again. And, you wonder why people mention this once in a while. Geeze Louise and Cupcakes Man!

    Whoes Louise,and Cupcake,?????

    They hang out with Mylanta! and Sugar!

    Im all cofused,I Need a Drink

    There you go again!

    I don't think i could just sit back and be accused or abused without defending myself, especially if there was a lot of untruths that came out in the confrontation.


    There is no doubt in my mind that you would never allow anyone to bully you verbally, or in writing :D I am not quick in a verbal confrontation.

    No, I dont have to have the last word. I simply state my point and let the other person continue on, until they realize that there is no more response. I absolutely hate arguments. There is nothing  that people cant disgust in a calm manner.if they have a problem.


    ....and those who can't aren't going to get my time, either, Ann.

    It depends on the individual and the type of discussion.

    My sister is the seems they just want to "vent"...

    and they will always feel that they are right , no matter

    what you say. So, I just let her get it out of her system.

    These individuals are not very pleasant to be around,

    however, so I generally avoid her at all costs...and she 

    knows it.

    Nasty things are said in the heat f the moment and are

    then out there in the universe...they can't be taken back.

    Many times you may get an apology afterwards for what

    was said but that is just a cop out. They wanted you to

    hear that stuff. So, I will walk away...because I don't 

    need the agro and I have nothing to prove. Funny, it's

    only my sister who can be that nasty. I get along great

    with my two brothers.


    Women eh??

    Ha ha ha...I will probably get clobbered for saying it but...yeah., exactly! Guys are much easier to get along with...I kid you not. :)

    probably that we are less passionate over an issue? Or could be that we can't wait for the argument to end, so we can get on the back porch with the wine, as Fishlet does...

    Could be...I suppose in that case, I am more "male" in my thinking. I don't like all the "drama".

    Dardaigh, I agree with you. The males in my family never get in a big argument, they talk things out.

    Hurray for great brothers, Ann! :D


    My sister puts on a great show to family outside of my mother and me. My two older sons are not fooled, especially. She tries to alienate them from me; successful at this point with my youngest, but the other two see through her.

    Walk away my love ,just as Matt Monroe says,

    Yeah, I used to walk away, I just avoid seeing her in the first place because she is such a negative person and I don't need that in my life. Even her own kids realize what she's like but she's their mum, so they're stuck with her, unfortunately.

    Re: Sister/Sibling...I am constantly reminded to forgive, and am willing to be in contact with my sister, although there are going to be distinct, solid, and thick lines on what is acceptable. We need to coordinate for my mom's care...

    A lot depends on the subject itself. Nowadays, I just don't find that I have to stand around to validate someone's subject matter as being worthy of my putting up with them verbally spewing like a broken water main in the middle of town. I try not to go off on other people, and I expect the same level of respect in return. I don't think that is asking much in a civilzed setting.

    Much more is gained by asking someone for a minute of their time, and sitting down to earnestly talk with that person, rather than talk at them. Negotiation, compromise, or understanding are gained through people listening to one another, not two people yelling at each other. That might be construed as venting, but it is also someone's striving for dominance in an encounter.

    When an aggreived or angry participant is willing to sit down and talk like a normal human being, everyone walks away having gained something. On the other hand, when one person is screeching their lungs out at another, one person tends to walk away hurt or insulted while the other probably feels like an idiot afterwards. Not only the forementioned is likely to occur, but in the heat of the moment, that is exactly when people are most likely to say things they perhaps shouldn't have. Once something is said in anger, it's out there and there's no undoing it...and it is the sort of thing that divides families for years.



    You are so right about the "dominance" thing, Shootah. My sister thinks she is an Alpha Male, and so does her husband! lol

    I'll bet they argue alot about who gets to be on top! LOL!


    Think he gets a choice? ha ha ha

    I enjoy a good debate, with each of the participants being given the courtesy to make a point or rebuttal. My sister doesn't have a conversation; she says what she wants to say, and you are supposed to listen to every word. I didn't want to point a finger back at her; two wrongs don't make right. She is much like my ex-husband; "I'm" and "sorry" are never said back to back.

    I hear ya. Mine goes "spare" if you try to rebutt during her diatribe. Oh well, I'm over it. :)

    I used to but not anymore, It only gets you all wound up and does you no good at all. Sounds as if you just took it without retaliating but it's upset you, as Fishlet said sit back have a drink you didn't say anything to be sorry about, sounds like you handled it well.


    Thanks, sunnyB. I really wanted to walk right past her, but she was in the doorway. I felt bad for my son and his family. It was THEIR doorway.

    I would have tossed her out.I have a brother who did that to me. I do not speak to him anymore. Does that give me the last word? No one disrespects me. Not even family. 


    She doesn't know the meaning of the word.

    Your choice to keep speaking to her. I do not miss the drama.

    I haven't spoken to her since January, officially. Had a bad scene at my mom's last night. She was there when I arrived and followed me to my son's next door. He handled her as well as he could without being rude.

    He should have gotten rude. Put her in her place.

    There is some very ugly stuff going on here, and I am afraid for my mom as well as some other family members.
    Yes, I would have liked my son to tell his aunt to take a hike. Clean and sober, though, he's polite to a fault.
    The best thing, after all the bruhaha was over, police gone, etc. he turned to his GF and me. "You know," he said, "during this whole ordeal, I never once thought about using. It never even crossed my mind."
    It was a VERY nasty ordeal and that comment was the bright spot of the night. Very bright spot!

    We are suppose to grow up and make our own families. This is a good reason why. Your sister needs to remove herself and concentrate on her own family and life if she has one.

    Good for you Colleen.

    My sister has many fine qualities. However, she has interfered with my sons too many times, and, bottom line, she is not a nice person. A nice person has ONE face, which (s)he shows to one and all.
    As adults, my sons can schmooze with whomever they choose. Unfortunately, my sister is among those for the youngest.

    Just ignore. 


    I sure don't pay any attention to HER, but I do talk with a friend about it.

    I get tired of arguing when it's pointless, I give in and say, "ok, ok, ok". Doesn't matter who wins, I know the truth.............OK?


    It's not winning, it's respecting yourself, your life and your space.

    Be a phoenix, julie

    Being easy on myself is as good as it gets in a verbal brawl. I know the other person is upset and that does not mean I should be upset too. So I say a string of “Thank you-s” and “ I had no idea…Thank you” and the like to their complete exhaustion. No need to pry in for a few more regaling blasts from the past ….Thank you, thank you and well….thank you. I had no idea you felt like that…thank you so much for telling me….yes…and thank you. Yes, I do know how it feels to sink your fangs into someones neck and suck the last drop of blood out to leave them as a quivering cadaver drained of all life. Thank you for reminding me of that and how is your day and thank you for giving me the last word.   


    Thank you,robertgrist,for tyou answer,Thank you,

    When I'm right, definitely, except for encounters with a few moderators here. Sometimes, one has to just "suck it up."


    The moderators have to do a job. We do not like having to always be the ones to speak to the members. We get to suck up a lot of comments left on the forum about us too.

    The moderators speak because no one else wants to. Some of the videos and photos you post come across as offensive. We also know what your name means, which again, is offensive.
    I certainly didn't understand the comment on wanting to sit on the wicked witch from the Hallmark Christmas ornament.
    The moderators represent the wishes of the majority of the members. Thank goodness.

    Lighten up, Clonge. This is a big forum and if everyone were allowed to do their own "thing" constantly, regardless of other people's feelings, we'd have mayhem, then posters dropping out right, left and centre. Then there'd only be tumbleweeds blowing through town. There are lots of other sites on the web that cater to different posting styles and this one is basically a "G"-rated site and most people are here for that very reason.


    "Sticks & Stones' Remember that from primary school? I have always found the best retort for these people is"Nothing YOU have to say could offend me. "


    She puts a bigger wedge between my youngest son and myself. She's been destructive for years in the name of "caring". I figured if I kept my mouth shut, she'd get done faster.

    Chaplin Don, I wish I could say amen, and walk away. But when Im right then Im right. Why let some one put me down. ?


    Sometimes it's better in the big picture to just let it go, but I understand what you're saying.

    Depends who is right, my husband or I, once I can prove Im right, I wont give in.


    ....I can't imagine that...with your charm ! :)

    My understand no one is 100% right at any time , so give and take it like men, bend over if you need to. or are you too proud to show your weakness. Ans your question is no I don't need the last words even if I know that I'm right or wrong. I just let them have the pleasure of having their say .


    Pretty much what I did...let her rant.

    Only if the last word is amen , otherwise walk away and let it be.


    AMEN...I did walk away.

    Not necessaryly; but mothers in law are famous for it, aren't they? I wonder why!!


    I guess I was blessed with a lovely mother-in-law if not an ideal husband.

    Not necessarily, if the dialog (not screaming or going ballistic, I don't tolerate that) requires that a decision has to be made, regardless of whether you agree with me or not it will be done my way. You can curse me and have the last word as your walking out the door.   

    No i leave that to Colleen,

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