    What would you do if you were told you had six months to live?

    +7  Views: 1513 Answers: 19 Posted: 11 years ago

    19 Answers

    Start praying for a miracle.

    Find homes for all my birds and the 2 dogs (people who would take them after I was gone) then go spend time with my mom. Nothing major. I'm sure I'd still be here watching over the forum. 



    They do not chirp at night. The ringing in your ears from your wife hitting you with the frying pan would cancel out the day chipping.

    Thanks Colleen! I think for me I would do what I do everyday. Look out for the kids i work with and see my mom once a week cause she is 84, watch my tv shows and be happy! until 'bye bye', a term my very humorous baby brother always uses. bye bye. hope i see Jesus.

    I always thought I would try and enjoy the time that  I had left and make the most of it doing as much as I can. A friend of ours has just be told this week that he has less than a year , he is in pieces at the moment,it's difficult to know what to say. we are just trying to find ways to make things easier for him .


    Just "being there" is all you "need to say". It's so difficult for all of you, isn't it?

    I don't know if you feel right doing this, but I would encourage him to be happy. That's what I used to do with my sister. I pointed out all the beautiful things in life she had and her wonderful family, and the beautiful tress and plants. She tried but it was hard for her because she was upset with her husband. She thought he was cheating. She was glad that she saw her brothers and sister everyday. Out of 8 kids one spent the day with her every day til she left. I was real sick years ago and she asked me how could i be in such a good mood. I told her it was my appreciation of every aspect of life. She told me if she was in my position she would kill herself. I think its all about perspective. But I believe we should try to be happy with every breath we get to take.

    when my mother in law was told she had only weeks to live she pulled me aside and said she was tired of family treating her as fragile and she wanted to talk about her condition and death, we sat on the beach and did just that for hours

    sunny, he doesn't want to leave his family .

    The doctor said my mom didn't have much time left. My thought is to be as helpful and kind as I can be and to give her whatever time I have to do things she wants to do (hence the LV trip).

    Thank you all for your comments, I'm going to try and make his last bit of time here as happy and enjoyable as I can.

    I am sure a friend like you will do exactly that. Hugs, prayers, and peace.

    Amazing the difference a day can make,I am now faced with this myself,I am finding myself in the dilemma of telling my family or not,I know they have the right to be told,but I don't want to ruin their lives or be treated differently

    Oh no lambie! I don't know whether to ask or not? You, yourself have bad news? :(

    Ducky,yes,found out yesterday,doesn't look promising,I'm still in shock and a quandary about telling family,there is treatment but I'm not sure as yet if it will be worth a shot,will know more later today after several specialists meet to discuss options

    Oh lamb, I'm sorry to hear that. It must be difficult but sit tight until you have all the details and options. I wish that I could hug you "in real". ((((( hugs )))))

    ((((((Lambie))))))...don't know what to say except you are loved here. Hope it's some positive news from the doctors. xxxx

    Thanks Ducky,I need a hug,terror is setting in!

    Thanks Dardeigh,they just called and are consulting in Brisbane re possible treatment options,not looking good,but trying to stay positive xx

    ((((Lamby))) Sending my best to you and hoping that they find brighter news for you. Power of the mind can make things happen when the medical field tells you to give up. I am believing you have a lot of years left and what treatment they have will help more than hinder. Prove them wrong Lamby! Ed shank did! Love, energy and positive thoughts are surrounding you my friend. I do not mind making long distance phone calls if you want to send me your phone number if you just want to talk.

    Colleen,thanks,I do appreciate your kind words,this is not the first time Iv'e had health issues,just this is the most serious and the prognosis not good,but I won't know what can be done until I go to Brisbane on the 17th August,there's nothing more they can do for me here,I'm trying to stay positive,have had to take more time off work,they have been very supportive, the waiting is the worst xx

    Love and best wishes to you Lambshank.Just try and be positive,will be thinking of you on 17th. xx

    Thanks Sunnyb,you guys,apart from my husband and work manager are the only ones that know,so your good wishes are appreciated

    Big Canadian Hugs and lots of love, Lambie. I truly hope that August 17th brings promising news.
    xoxo Fishie

    @SunnyB... a friend at one's side is wonderful medicine.

    Fish,yes and thank you

    Probably do everything bad I could possibly think of for 5 months and 29 days, and ask the Almighty for forgiveness the final day.  And Bingo, enter the pearly gates the day after I am gone.

    Good strategy?




    Hahaha, However, we'll see you inside the gate.

    Make sure everthing is in order, refuse medical intervention , except maybe for pain. Spend time with my family and pray  to God for an easy tansition into the kingdom of heaven.

    I would want to make sure that everything is organized.....will, funeral, check book balanced, useless items discarded, closets cleaned out......everything to make it easier for the person who has to "clean the place out".  (I've had to do that and it's awful!) 

    I think I should go now and clean something.......LOL!!


    Yeah Ducky good point. I think I better go clean something too.


    Duck --I did some of that after I was supposedly cured of cancer, b/c it tends to come back. You don't want all that to be on the shoulders of your survivors. And if you're a clutterer, like me,that mess could cause people to talk about you after you're dead :-\

    I guess I could finally give up work, and not have to worry about the bills later!""


    I agree. Life's too short.

    yes,but I have to go back to work next week after extended sick leave, the $$ just don't add up at the moment :(

    lambshank me and my sister talked about death and pain before she left. She said she thought we you die that's it. i told her she better pray to Jesus, Budda and everybody else. She said, "I think you're right." She became a Christian before she left here.

    glad she is at peace Tabber

    lambshank i am happy you felt confident enough with everybody to share such sensitive information about your health. I was real sick years ago and got totally well. Now, lambshank my chiropractor told me i got well very quickly and he never saw anything like that. I did everything he told me to do. I walked one full hour outside everyday, by the beach when i could. Imagined myself well. Don't worry be happy. I was on a very strict died of only raw fruits, and veggies and vitamins. It all came from a bood called "How To Get Well" by Pavlo Airola. When I got well, medical doctors asked me what i did. When i told them they said, "that was just a miracle." It was and they happy everyday, it we can figure out how to give the body what it needs to heal. Try not to worry, be happy everyday, every hour, most minutes if you can. A non invasive health specialist i love is at Specialist is named Stephen Huere. He as free consultations. # on his website. I have used him for years after hearing him on a radio show. God Bless you a continue have the good fortune of life and health.

    Thank you Tabber for sharing this information,unfortunately my condition will involve very radical surgery,chemo and radiation (if I'm lucky,I'm told) Iv'e trawled the internet and for this type of very aggressive throat cancer there are almost no options,hopefully I'll just through it and hopefully there is something they can do,they told me no guarantees and the prognosis isn't good, oddly I answered your question a couple of hours before I went to the doctor and found out. I will look up that site, thanks

    Lambie; I am sorry to read this news. I have witnessed a few miracles of my own regarding diet as Tabber has said. One of the foods that seems to have a positive effect is kelp. It comes in a number of different forms. Kelp keeps the body alkaline which Cancer does not like.
    I hope this helps. xo K

    Thanks Fish,I'll try and get some at the health food shop,if it comes in tablets it will be O.K,can't keep normal food down at the moment(honestly don't want it either)

    I have taken it in capsule form with Phytoplankton which is brilliant for the immune system. At the moment I take a kelp/phytoplankton combination in powder form and mix it in my smoothies. My immune system is fried and my organs run hot, so I need all the help I can get.

    Just back from a Thu-Sun out-of-town and your sad news is the first thing I see here, and it is heartbreaking.
    Lambshank, you have the love, prayers, good thoughts, and support of every one of us here, which is a lot of good stuff coming your way.
    Back in the mid 1950's my dad had cancer in the lymph nodes of his neck/throat. Surgery and radiation (or was it chemotherapy in those days) followed and he lived until 2001. I truly believe his survival was a miracle. NEVER give up, no matter what the doctor tells you; I hope your family is supportive and surrounds you with only positive.
    It's time for you to be the center of your life.
    Much love and prayers for your health. Phyllis

    @lamshank: and I'll be praying for you as well. Good luck and get well soon!

    Thanks Bob and Chiangmai, (also everyone else) I have still chosen not to tell my family until I know exactly what is happening,but the cancers not in the early stage,just came back from the dentist and may have to have my bottom teeth out !! apparently they may need to remove some lower jaw....just seems to get worse,Iv'e also been told not to take any medication,even herbal at the moment,so I guess it's just waiting now,I appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers

    lambshank God bless you and stay strong. I am praying praying for you and your heart and your throat. One last idea from me, where people say they totally overcame real bad cancer situtions. it's a book called Wheatgrass, Nature's Finest Medicine. by Steve Meyerowitz. I believe in miracles because I experienced a health miracles years ago, which my doctors could not understand. If you give body healing nutrients it will heal. That's what I did and became totally well. Prayers and wishes to you lambshank!

    Thanks Tabber,I will call hubby and see if he can get that book for me today,he works in a much bigger town, I also got over a major illness a couple of years ago,the doctors also couldn't believe I recovered, but I don't think I realized how sick I was, I am trying to stay positive but this time it's difficult

    lambshank you bring up a very important point that i learned from my chiropractor at the time. you didn't know you were as sick as you were. He taught and told me to "imagine your self well". Also saying that the brain control every cell in the body. He said do not picture yourself sick. Love the part of you that is sick even tho you want to be angry at that part. That's what I did, I imagined that part of my body well and focused on that at least 20 minutes a day imagining my body well. I got well within a year. He told me it was a remarkable recovery for something that had no cure. See what I mean.

    Lambie, Kelp, phytoplankton and wheatgrass are not herbs. ... In fact, kelp is part of the Japanese diet. We eat it weekly in this house.
    Thinking about you daily, xo K

    Thanks fishy,I know there is a juice place that sells wheat grass shots in town (going there today) I will have a look for some kelp, I spoke to a naturapath the other day and she didn't recommend the tablets at the moment,but if I ate it as part of a meal I think it would O.K


    take care of my children then do anything dangerous or extremely daring. I would have my butt in church more than I could sin. try my best to go to heaven even tho I raised hell and enjoyed every minute of the my time left on earth/

    I'd say..."Okay, I'll take the last six months of my 89th year".

    Hike the "Appalachian Trial" from start ( Georgia) to finish (Maine),alone just me and nature.If I could just get the the bears to come into my tent for a little peace pipe time we would get along fine,and while on the trial I would write good-bye letters to the ones closest to me.I guess I could start in Maine and head for Georgia,but I don't want to die in Georgia,that would be to much like how's it go "the night the lights went out in Georgia".And the last thing I would do is make my final post on "AKAQA" to you all...


    If this is ever your circumstance I will join you briefly to gather the bears for the peace pipe time!

    Good Plan!...(but beware..anyone recall the bear man..Timothy Treadwell..who lived with the bears for 13 seasons..then he was coming home and flight postponed so he went back for a night with the bears and they ate him and his g/f!!:-(...And he filmed it)!!...Way to go!!???:-?(Just thought of it to cheer you all up some more from this gloom n doom)!!!;-))..BEWARE of the bear...if you made the six months..not much fun to be eaten to death!!lol:-(

    Take care of all my crap so that so much wouldn't be left over for others. Write tasteful letters and assure those I care about that they've been great!

    I`d get all the sensible stuff in order and outta the care..then kid care:-)....Then I`d max my cards and leave my ex-husband with all the bills!!!:-) (Not half of what he deserves)!:-z

    I doubt I could plan the last six months of my life. I would hope to have my cats taken care off. If they were re homed to loving home, I would miss them so much, that six months be to long.! I would not put pressure on myself about any thing else. OK, maybe write a couple of letters,.

    Get a second opinion in 7 months..

    I wouldn't be very surprized. I d pay off what i could and try to get the rest "forgiven",  I would bring my cat along while I visited aka members until he found his new family.  I'd take the younger generation out to talk.  Id like to pet an elephant, a lion, and hold a koala bear.  Id take pain medicine and eat yummy food,  and I would hire someone to explain to some of my family and friends that treatment wouldn't work...and I would requet my funeral be at a zoo and speaken in all the animal languages!  The super aka party with mango majitos, beer, and milkshakes,

    For me that  would be  a hard question to answer, Settle old unfinished business or forgive and forget


    That depends on how you`d want to be remembered!??!:-¬

    Tie up the loose ends of business and make sure my will was updated.
    Make something (even a simple crocheted blanket) for each of my sons and grandchildren.
    Write a "memoir" for each of my sons.
    Play a round of golf and keep bowling.
    Read the Bible.
    Keep up with akaQA, but not as much.  Turn off the TV.  

    I don't think I would tell anyone except my husband.  I don't like being the center of attention and I don't enjoy people feeling sorry for me.

    I would spend as much time with my son and husband as possible and I would create art as there would be no need to produce the functional work any longer.

    I would talk to my friends as much as possible. 

    I would definitely hire a house keeper as clearly, I would not have time to clean my house.  I would be on a deadline.

    That's it.  I am already at peace. 

    The rest is for those left behind to figure out.  I hope they don't fight over my glorious shoe collection!

    Jack Large

    I would collect all of my elven grand children and my three great Grand children and talk them on a trip around the world, with me and my wife and teach them everything I can


    That would be very special, Jack. You are a blessed man.

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