    Superstitious? About what?

    Many bowlers will not take their turn if a "split" is showing in the lane to their left or right. It is just an unfounded fear, but one shared by many (not me). 
    Do you have any superstition or "unreasonable" fear, phobia, or obsessive behavior?

    +8  Views: 1126 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    I'm not really superstitious, PBK.

    My "crossing my fingers for you" comment in your

    Job Interview Question was my little way of saying

    that I hope you get the position.

    I do always say "God Bless You" when someone

    sneezes but that is only an automatic thing, I don't

    believe their soul is about to depart their body! lol ;)

    And Millie-I have no problem walking under a ladder.

    Now climbing them...that's an entirely different kettle

    'o fish!


    You sound very grounded. Are you sure you belong here??? :D

    You are sweet! lol ((PBK))

    My manager says I'm suffering from OCD, that is when I start something I won't let go until it's finished or resolved, I like things done in an orderly manner (makes work more efficient,less stressful and more productive in amongst the chaos) but I have an absolute terror of spiders, I also believe in superstitious behavior and self fulfilling prophecy.


    Ditto on the OCD but I like spiders.

    Black widows are the very worst around here. They do not have a snowball's chance in hell when I'm around. I am like you in the workplace; I don't think of it as OCD. I think of it as efficient, persevering, and competent. Maybe YOU should be the manager! Seriously.

    Hey...why do they have to 'label'...lots of people believe in being organized. I think living in chaos would be stressful, so I choose to be super-organized, too.

    Arachnophobic...see? Another label. lol

    I'll have to see what the fear of climbing a ladder is called.

    I like spiders and have many collections from around the world. They are very cool creatures.

    We keep saying you are an original, Daisy! :D

    you are certainly are unique Daisy,Funnel webs or daddy long legs,scare me stiff,I do however work in an institution well out of the way,lots of snakes and goanna's,and other wildlife,they don't bother me at all

    I had pet snakes, something happened one day that changed that view forever. Snakes bother me real bad. I use to hold them and play with them. Never again. Spiders fascinate me. The bigger the better. It goes along with my degree. This is my field, one of them.

    Umbriel,like you I never kill them, they just terrify me, female funnel webs can kill in no time, red backs make you ill,and white tails bite will eat away your skin and the sore can weep for years....yuk

    So, a tiny bit superstitious about killing spiders, Umbriel...actually I agree with you if they are tiny or of the daddy-long-legs variety. I accidentally painted two legs on a spider a couple o' weeks ago and Doo had me name him...Kaelen, he's called. Maybe I should have called him Boris, after the Who song. lol :)

    Umbriel, how on earth does one attempt to kill a fly with a rubber band, pray tell?

    My father-in-law could catch them IN FLIGHT with his bare hand. Quick eye, great reflexes; I'll give it to Umster this time.

    Wow, now that's amazing.

    He could have been Wyatt Earp.

    Oh, hardly. :D

    Umbriel you're a gentleman, and a good neighbor. That was very cool.

    Honestly Umbriel, I've never witnessed a person killing a fly with an elastic band before, this is a first for me. I have to give it to you...your use of prose is quite entertaining, when you describe such an ordinary event. There was a joke years ago about this sort of thing but of course, my memory being what it is, I can't recall it.

    It's more of a bad luck thing. Maybe a little obsessive. A phobia is an intense fear of something, the person will try to avoid it, get away from the it, and become ill or have a panic attack. Depends on the person.

    I don't count my chicks before they are hatched either. That is inviting bad luck. I don't spend what I don't have, that is inviting trouble.

    I have an intense fear of snakes, but I don't act on it. No one will ever know I was afraid. That night I will have nightmares and maybe sleep walk. I try never to give into fear, I don't always win.


    I can't imagine being so strong but, knowing part of your path, I'm not surprised.

    Yes..far too many!!:-¬lol...AND they are all too crazy...I cross my fingers when going past a ladder..not just under it!!:-)...I fear the number 17(Although that`s a long and boring story..(A lot of really bad things have happened on 17TH of the month/17 days before Xmas..the no ofthe room my Dad died in...Too many too crazy..but that`s just me!:-)


    Good thing our karma points come in 15s!

    There have been many more robberies ind break-ins, since our economy went downhill. People are desperate and I am locking my doors, even in the daytime. That is my only fear.


    I recently got an alarm system for my condo and have the door alarm ON even when I am home. If the door is unlocked, the gigantic slobbering American bulldog is a good deterrent.

    I am with you on this fear, better to be safe than sorry. I have 2 hand guns loaded and one that sits beside me everyday. I have a monster of a dog at the back door hoping someone will make his day and come closer. There is some history for this reason. I refuse to be a victim. Most criminals look for easy targets, they can hit and run away. Make them believe they will get bloody if they come after you. They'll look elsewhere.

    I know my post does not fall under any of the things Bob mentioned, but I am fearful of people beeing desperate. I dont live in a high crime area, but break-ins have happened much more frequently here as of late.
    Bob and Daisy, you are both very well protected. I too have a weapon and wont be afraid to use it.

    ...and we are celebrating "independence" day tomorrow.

    You have every right to be. You need to learn to shoot a gun and buy one. You also need to learn other ways to protect yourself. Get a whistle and put it on your key ring. Blow it! It attract attention, hopefully the person will get scared and run. Always park when the store camera can see you. When you are at the mall never go to your car then back into the mall. Move your car first. You just told everyone watching where you parked, and if you put bags in your car. Now they think you have money, on a buying spree. There is a lot more, research the web, there information is out there. Be safe.

    Bob. isnt that ironic?

    Daisy, I have not been to a mall in a very long time and when I do go, I make sure there is always someone with me. I have to buy a whistle, thats a great idea, thank you.

    know that at least for me that every good means a bad is coming and vice-a-versa. Looking and learning and helpless in the balance of things in my life and in living things gets me very superstitious.


    Sometimes I'll get a "sloppy" strike...just shouldn't have been; I know I'll get payback eventually, leaving a big split with a good hit. It never fails either!

    If an Alien crosses the street in front of you on a sunny Tuesday afternoon you will have good luck for 27 Wednesdays in a row.

    If an Alien sits down beside you on a bench in the rain without an umbrella you will have very very good luck for 16 and one half years after you turn the age of 33.  If this happens after the age of 33 nothing much happens to you at all.

    If an Alien jumps into the back seat of your moving vehicle while on your way to the dentist's office on a Friday morning you will have extremely bad luck every second Monday for the rest of your life.

    That's pretty much it.


    Holy crapoly...I am so in trouble!!! hahahahaha!!

    I know... the darned things are everywhere!!! They love moving vehicles and they always know when you are on the way to the dentist on a Friday morning. This has happened to me three times!!! I just can't believe it.

    It's too much actually.

    Actually...come to think of it..there was that day it was raining and that funky little dude with the flapper hat came along asking for the loan of an ummmbrella! Hey!!! That was back in 1970!! I am so-ooo in on when does that "luck" fashizzle kick in?? Yet??? Hmmm? ;D

    Was that before or after you turned 33? If it was after then you have to wait for an alien cow pet to pee on your feet for the luck to kick in.

    Sounds stupifying!!! But will it cure my athletes foot??? LOL ;D

    Only if this happens three times and each of those times the alien cow pet's owner is reciting the Ancient Mariner backwards in French.

    Again!? I am so sacarilliacked!!! lol

    :D Aliens are curious creatures. Alien cow pets are over the moon.

    Talk about over the moon...check out the creepy response to an answer I gave a guy about business>>>

    Next time do 'free freak me out hippy dippy' from the woods behind Nelson.... Don't forget to talk about a horse a mud hut and floating clouds far far in the sky.
    We are from British Columbia... we can "out strange" any one!!!

    Terminally wingnuttish?? Are we related?!? LOL! Well I did spout back but the 'book' thought I was being aggressive?! Me? hahaha!!!

    There you go .... another artist completely misunderstood. He must have a very boring mind... poor dear man. That can be sorted out here >

    See? I knew it! Creepers never understand my jeepers!!! Alone among the clouds he is (at least that's where I think his head got stuck....) lol

    Funny thing... the 2 things I don't believe in...superstition & religion.

    I wouldn't say I'm superstitious but rather...mediocrestitious.

    I love black cats (or dogs, rabbits, eagles, mice, catch my drift...) I like ladders. I love full moo-ooo-oons!! And I always leave gifts in the forest like sage...or seashells....or apples...and not just any apples either...we be talkin' good organically grown B.C. apples...and I love the number 13. Oh well...



    In or out but I've heard they're especially fond of monsoon season!!! hee hee

    Monsoon season is breeding season... Woot! Alien babies!
    The baby showers are literally out of this world!!


    I am superstitious when it comes to purchasing scratch tickets. Oddly enough, I always feel jinxed when a store clerk wishes me good luck as I'm turning to walk out of the store with the tickets.


    That is part of the evil ploy!!!! Next time shop with an Alien who walks exactly eleven paces behind you and when you are purchasing the ticket get the Alien to sing, "Little Red Corvette". It works every time.

    A song from the artist formerly known as Prince will ward off many things...good idea!

    I am telling you!

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