    Do you like to correct the spelling of other members in public?

    I prefer to just let the error be ... just wondering about others.

    +9  Views: 1990 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    No. Because once you start correcting others you better make bloody sure your spelling is perfect.(& mine ain't).:)


    Nobody is perfect...everyone can improve.

    Oh Tommyh, in my opionion, you are perfecto!

    Right back atcha Itsmee.LOL

    I just couldn't help myself. tsk tsk. : D

    Only if they text type. I do not text so I do not understand the texting language. I can not answer a question that has been asked in 90% text.  

    The only other spelling I will correct is by a person who is well known for correcting other member's spelling. 

    I do not know the other members in public however. I only know them on cyber space.


    I'm still a rebel :)
    These kids today are not rebels, they are uneducated. I blame lack of parenting, the government that tied the hands of teachers and all the electronic devices the kids run around with while they ignore studying and learning.

    Awesome! I wish I could have seen that!

    What thunderstorm video? I love thunderstorms - makes me want to drink brandy in front of a fire with a cat on my lap or something.
    I didn’t know what to call the others members except “in public” I feel like we all know each other here.
    A thunderstorm on the desert raises the hair on your arms - smells sooo good. (dessert?)

    No, but I know a few that do, I can normally understand what people intended to say.

    No wot i meen itsmee?



    I no eggsacklee.

    No. My own spelling is not always perfect either.


    You are too sweet.

    I thought I was a decent speller! Then spell check! Alas! Some times I will change the word that I can't figure out how to spell! HA HA on me!


    Yes, thank goodness for a wide vocabulary!

    No I don't, Itsmee.

    I just try to make sure that my own spelling

     is as free from errors as possible.

    One thing I do change, however, is, when I'm

    addressing someone here, even if their

    name is presented in all lower case letters,

    I like to capitalize the first letter. It was the

    way I was taught, as a child, and some

    habits die hard. :)


    I think names are presented in lower case because it makes typing faster. For awhile my keyboard was broken and I was stuck with ALL lower case ALL the time. I was a typing speedo...but I annoyed others. :/

    Typing speedo...that's hilarious!

    It wouldn't annoy me.

    Capitalizing names is automatic
    for me, same as God Bless You
    for a sneeze. lol :)

    In my advancing years my memory is eroding away like worn-out spark-plugs in an old truck. My declining language skills I have named “Yibberish” for the collective fandango of mixed metaphors, spelling is next to go. 


    Advancing be damned! From what I can tell...yer still a pup! aha!!! ;D

    It’s a joke.

    I got it!!!! ;D

    Your both funny.

    Thanks itsmee...we're planning on taking this show on the road soon but I can't seem to catapult high enough to fly over the border...nor get the lift I'll need to blast all the way down the coast to California....but practice makes perfect!! (so they say) LOL

    No, not unless it can turn into something funny like Button and Bottom ... "Off Bottom!" ... which happened about half an hour ago. 

    Generally I don't worry, but (ashamedly) admit there is a staff at work I don't particularly care for, she got the job on her race, not merit and has proven to be incompetent, two faced and continually reports other staff over very minor issues, I find I correct not only her spelling, but her facts on policy and procedure and anything else I notice (oh, bad lamby!)


    Done Umbriel,in fact it's quite damning, several serious breeches,other staff are just as disgruntled, but unfortunately here in the "lucky" country,discrimination is legal and practiced as long as you are considered a "native",I was instrumental in having a senior member of management dismissed some years ago, last seen leaving the building with federal police guards, so I'm not intimidated,just frustrated at how much is swept under the carpet

    No i let it go. long as they got their point across.  that's what's important to me.

    I corrected my housemate last night when he typed "alot" instead of "a lot". This one always bugs me....


    Does it bug you alot or a lot ?


    Julie, I could not help it....!

    My wife tells me I'm the biggest pest God ever made !

    I think a lot of your wife....

    There is a problem with alot and a lot nowadays, at least for me. Alot, I think, means a whole bunch and a lot is a plot of land. I never wrote "alot" until I took a class in business communications. I'm still not sure what's right.

    Funny, Benthere. Julie, that one bothers me too. It bothers me a lot.

    I still, to this day, correct my own errors (edit) and look up the spelling of a  word, knowing that I can improve.  There is a lot to the study of language and many are simply not interested in learning it properly. I wonder why they do not think that it's important.  Do I correct members here?  Usually not unless they are "jokers" that I can tease, or, on the other hand, one of our "professional forum critics".  Then, I may seize the opportunity.  It's always enjoyable to "give back".      :)


    "There is a lot to the study of language"...

    I hear you Ducky.

    Personally, I think the English language is a beautiful thing and with all the texting and tweeting going on these days, who knows what will be lost?

    I see many errors in spelling and grammar (at least what I think are errors).  To correct someone who is a regular here, unless I was P.O. for some reason, is the last thing I would do. 
    Sometimes I correct spelling when the question or answer is offensive or inappropriate IN MY OPINION.

    For myself, I edit myself when I see an error I've made, even if it is days later.  I suppose I am OCD about this, but since I make mistakes, too, it's hard to call it "real" OCD. I'd never get anything done if I seriously had OCD about spelling and grammar.  


    My punctuation is horrid. I use these: --- or ~~. At one time it was good. No more.
    I don’t know about grammar. I think it’s ok. I just want to relax here and not worry. I don’t think an editor is lurking. : )

    I doubt it, too. Our "editors" are pretty outspoken, isn't he?

    I am not a corrector of  misspelled words although some questions are written in code....aren't they???


    That must be it :D

    We're all pretty good code crackers I'd say!!!lol

    Code? Of course!

    Yes. the spidder question was quite obviously in code!

    reddips...pey, yletinifed ni edoc coD elttiLooD!! eeh eeh! (8

    No, not really. But, I do sometimes find myself feeling irked when I'm reading something that is spelled in an absolutely ridiculous though someone was just too lazy to learn to spell correctly.

    I guess I feel people should respect themselves enough to at least attempt to present what they are trying to convey in an intelligent manner. No one has to be perfect though.



    Self respect...exactly.

    Communicate is nothing else then exchange of ideas. To listen, talk, read, sighs and laughs.

    The meaning of text is to freeze a thought to bring it over by another way then thinking or speaking. In fact reading the text generally lead to an idea of the meaning of the text and thats the goal of writing.

    To correct the spelling of any text, one has to understand the meaning of it, otherwise its impossible to do it correct, so its strange to correct a spelling as the goal (to communicate) has to be reached before one can correct a spelling.

    So whats the use of correcting?


    Greetings ;).



    Or the person learned to communicate through 'Phonics'.

    Who me correct spelling???  ROFL!!!  That would be a very silly thing for me to do- as I don't spell too well & make a lot of typos!


    Oh my dearest Dr. Doo,
    It may or may not be true that you don’t spell well. (Makes no difference to me, you know)
    Now the important thing is that you SMELL well. That’s swell...<3 <3
    How do you do today, young man?

    I believe I smell swell! My PT believes there is something quite wrong with me- so it's off to a neurologist (etc). He's actually the first practitioner to 'stand back' and evaluate what is going on...though he doesn't always say the 'happy' thing I do think he's been pretty realistic so far.
    How are you?

    It's almost as bad as correcting someone pronounciation in public...

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