    Hello is this for real im new

    0  Views: 794 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Welcome to akaQA. :)


    Hi Colleen,what happened to the "bump" on the questions,

    You can only bump if the question has never been answered. You are allowed to post "bump" to the question if you want to bring it back to the top of the page. I can remove the "bump" post.

    I can;t find it,promise I really did look,just wanted to add a comment to a Q I asked re asylum seekers a couple of days ago as Tommyh was the only one to answer,then someone posted the same Q yesterday

    Since it has been answered, then the bump button goes away. Just go to the question, add your comment to the blue area and then post in the new answer box, "bump".

    Okey Dokey

    It is real. Stick around and enjoy. Welcome.

    We're as real as it gets. Stick around and enjoy. Read......

    It's real..real fun that is welcome..

    I’ve been here a looooong time and the Q&As here are about what you might expect from such a cross cultural mix of our global joiners. Lots of differences and similarities in everyone thinking. Profanity is not allowed here, which helps in keeping the blood pressure down and a good sense of humor will certainly help pass the time. Some folk are really dedicated to digging up facts across the net and if you work at it your proficiency in answering questions will go up. Colleen, one of our moderators, seems to be able to answer just about any question. We all have a shot at answering questions and based on personal experience, as advice,is most meaningful and interesting to me.     


    Just wanted to let you know that I changed your wording to "one of our moderators". ;)

    Well, I'm possibly just a fragment in your imagination, but here often and welcome,I look forward to hearing from you

    im aussie so im real


    are you sure your real? you look like just a little purple thingo to me

    NO..It`s pretend...None of us exist on here!:-0..You just imagined it!:-z..WELCOME anyway!

    What ever you are looking is real .

    thats just like asking is facebook real


    This appears to be quite real.  The big question is whether or not YOU are an original or a remake of some sinister member who infiltrates under a new alias. 
    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say, "WELCOME.  Have fun! Be helpful!" 

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