    should a woman break up a great relationship because her kids are grown and he has a young one

    0  Views: 644 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    If you need to ask this I am thinking the answer is yes, if you love this person you need to accept the responsibility, the care and possible contact with the natural mother, if you have doubts have a good long look at what you wish to do with your future

    Can the woman handle being with a young child again? Children require lots of care and the father may not have a lot of time for the lady! Is that acceptable? If not- get out now.

    So far you say the relationship is "great".Only you can decide how you feel about being involved with the child.Some relationships come as a packaged deal.

    I personally could not be around young kids at my age, depending on the childs age. Kids wear you down when your young. Don't know how old you are but the comments here are something to take into account.

    Only You can truly answer this...but please remember it`s not just about the two of you and your happiness...IF you become a part of this kid`s life..and they take to you..then the child is going to be left hurt and confused..if you can`t handle it and walk later!:-¬



    I suppose that is as good an excuse as any. 

    One kid ant that bad really. I don’t think I could handle kids however I never could.

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