    i hate when people drive and talk and text why do they do that

    +9  Views: 1055 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    Multi-tasking and you are correct... you should hate it because it is dangerous.

    Where I live you can not text or talk on a cell phone while driving.  It is against the law. 



    It is against the law here, too, but people do it ALL the time.

    Because they are selfish and ignorant. It is against the law in all states in the United States. People still do it however because they know there is not enough police presence on the roads. In my state they recently raised the fine to $400.00. This does not deter the people though because I still see them drive past me holding the phone to their ear and talking away, not paying attention to the road. Sadly, the only way these people learn is after they cause an accident.  It's awesome to see a young person like yourself take notice and question this. Kudos to you!

    IIts against the law in the US. Yet they still do it all the time. Stupid.

    It's against the law in the UK too, but every day you see people driving while on their phones.

    I agree it's extremely dangerous to do all of the above, especially texting.

    In today’s world doing something wrong is only bad if you are caught, otherwise it is OK because everyone does it. Like if everyone took a dollar from a casher when they were not looking, that is OK because everyone does it but if you are caught then it is not OK.

    Some also have a pet on their lap while doing all that too! IDIOTS!

    Coz they dont know the importance of life.

    Good question. Great answers.

    The last time I texted was on a two lane road, leading up to a stop sign, going 35 mph. I was very familiar with the road.  I was not familiar with the truck that was parked on the side of the road and almost hit it. 
    That was enough for me.  I'll pull off the road if I want to send a message to somebody.

    Just for fun .

    ed shank

    Not fun when to hit a car head on and kill a family.
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    They are in a habit of holding mobile in one hand and the handle of car in another hand.

    It does not matter if they are in the 'habit', it is dangerous. Ed is right.

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