    who can help me get help for my son racist problem in a prison

    +2  Views: 1333 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    Unfortunately racism is everywhere Schools, the work place, on the street, jails would be no different.If this is the only problem your son is facing whilst in jail, he is lucky.

    Prison has it's own society. I seriously doubt there will be help for this. Your son is in prison, he must have broken a law or laws to get there. Hopefully he will learn from this. Prison is not a resort. It's a tough life and one he should learn from so when he gets out, he will not do anything to get himself put in again. It's too late to play mommy or daddy now (sorry, your name is gender neutral). He's a man who made his choices. Let him learn. 

    Dude, why  is he in prison in the first place? What can you expect if you go to prison? You're not in a  holiday camp.

    ¤ Prison Activist Resource Center
    PARC is a prison abolitionist group committed to exposing and challenging the institutionalized racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, and classism of the Prison Industrial Complex.
    ¤ Rights of Inmates (FindLaw)
    Even the most chronic or hardened inmates have basic rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution. If you are facing incarceration, you should know your rights. If you have a family member or friend who is in prison or jail, you should know what their rights are, as well.

     Check this link for the appropriate site for help>>>

    <font size="3">


    Basic rights, we feed and clothe them and keep them dry. That's all the rights they need. Be a whiner or a complainer, (whether it's inmate or family of inmate) and the inmate is the one who gets the crap kicked out of him. If you love your kid, you won't make this call r5lau.

    Colleen is likely very right in her caution to you r5lau. I say this only because of personal experience with an ex who was an inmate for 12+ yrs and was coddled and spoiled by a "sits dem" that did no real good...he remains to this day a whiner and a complainer about everything and everyone with expectations that make a spoiled child seem charming...this due to a system that "protects" some of the vilest, rudest individuals on the planet...Colleen's right...let him do his own g@#$d#$% time!
    I supplied the link as you have a right to be informed.

    For what it's worth>>Ableism is discrimination against those who do not appear able-bodied.
    >>>Heterosexism is a system of attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships.

    Tell him to keep his eyes down, his mouth shut and his temper should be nonexistent. Play it cool and bide your time. Making friends is a personal choice.....

    Thanks for a resource, lindilou.  My little white boy is facing prison time, and I'm sure he will be subjected to racism and abuse from the get-go.  There are gangs of every color; even if he keeps his mouth shut and his eyes down, I've no doubt he'll be harassed by other inmates and the "guards" assigned to keep the peace and everything orderly and safe. 
    The punishment is the time of imprisonment.  Every prisoner deserves to be safe, no matter what kind of crime (s)he has committed.   


    If you want him to make it, call no one.

    I know; this is all just going from bad to worse; he has put himself in this situation and has to suffer the consequences. It doesn't keep my heart from breaking knowing this. I am nearly paralyzed with fear for him.

    God takes care of all. Your son will get no worse than what he earned by way of bad Karma. Life may not always seem fair but God always is. There are no accidents and no one handles more burdens than what they earned for them self. He's going to be fine and there's no reason at all for you to ruin your health, which you will do, if you keep worrying about him like that. The same things that can happen in prison can also happen in the world outside the prison. Did you worry like this for him then? He's actually probably safer in prison.

    The three of them are always close in thought and I'm always concerned for their safety. I'm a worst-case-scenario person; at this point, he is actually safer than his brothers, who are walking free. They are all in my prayers constantly. Thanks for your kind words.

    " I am nearly paralyzed with fear for him"

    That's the bit I meant when I asked if you worried about him like that when he was not in prison.

    Keep it in perspective so you don't ruin your own health.

    I see what you are saying. My biggest fear is the time he is losing, all he is missing in life (his GF, family, his dog, career, etc.) His dog is with me, and I nearly burst into tears just looking at that big oaf. Likely they will never see each other again. My son raised him from a puppy and he is an awesome dog, a reflection of my son. I won't overlook the negative sides of my son, but I know his bad choices originated with his drug use, which originated with a bad choice. Vicious circle.

    OK, here's a perspective for you. Men and women lose 1- 2, 3, 5, 6, years of their life while fighting wars over sea. They miss all those very same things too. Some never make it home the way they left. Of course their family and loved ones worry the same for them as you do your son in prison but your son is still safer than a military person fighting a war. Your son also gets to have visits from his loved ones that the military people do not get. He has better food, recreation time and does not have to suffer the elements. He chose to do the drugs that led him down the path he took. He could have chosen to join the military and time served would have been grand karma rather than the time he's serving now for bad karma. He's burning off the bad karma and earning good karma for being responsible and doing his time. God looks out for all.


    Drop the guilt too. I know you are wondering if it was something you did in raising him. When he took the reigns to his own life, all that you taught him was left behind as he ran full speed into life. He made the choices, not you. Stop feeling sorry for him. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Nothing in life is a mistake. Everything is exactly as it should be at any given moment. There is a great force in charge here. It's up to your son to allow this experience to make a man out of him. You are mother, you are not mommy. He does not need mommy, just mother and friend. Show no fear and he will not ever have to react to that fear.

    Not only will I take your advice to heart (although the nagging doubt is always there), and what's more, I will give the perspective you...
    He called while I was typing this and I read him exactly what you wrote. He understood and agreed completely.
    Again, Colleen, thank you for your concern and your thoughts. I sincerely appreciate them.

    Bob you are so welcome and Colleen? This is why I do love you...thank you for this awesome reminder friend. Thank you.

    Thanks lindi :)

    Tell him to join the skinheads if nothing else works. He can work on undoing himself when he gets home. Do what you have to do to survive.

    Champus that is hideous advice.
    ed shank

    I know that prison life is different than the time I spent in the county on several occasions while an idiot. Although my stays were not very stressful as I knew nearly everyone in my cell from the street. Racism is always an issue even amongst friends doing time together. He will quickly know what and what not to do. He'll do ok if he's got a set off b***s and not afraid to get a beat down.

    PKB, My best friend,Carol, had 2 of her 3 sons in prison. Now, her grandson is in prison again.He supposedly violated parole . He said he it is just because his father in law, with whom they were living, had alchohol and firearms in the house. How would a parole officer know that ?

    P.S ---they put my friend's grandson in the hole--last time he was in prison, b/c he refused go back to his cell, b/c his cell mate was dangerous and a jerk .

    My cat's Mom... dangerous and a jerk must happen a lot in prison. Sad and true.
    ed shank

    You'll never get closer to insanity than time in the hole. Spent four days there, felt like four months.

    mycatsmom: He violated parole by being somewhere that had alcohol and firearms. He can't be around it, period. My son can't go into a bar for 3 1/2 years. Wait, he maybe can't even go into a restaurant that serves alcohol; I'll have to check on that.
    I am really sorry to hear about your friend's family. It is heartbreaking; that much I know.

    to PKB.. .Thanks for the info about Carol's grandson. I'll tell her how that works.
    I'm sorry you have to go thru this with your son. Keep the faith. God will guide him.

    Is your son the racist, or the victim of racism? No matter, junior will learn a real lesson in life where he is now.

    Tell him to not get involved in gangs. He probably will get pushed around for resisting , but that will probably be it. Tell him to not keep much money in his commissary account. Less than 100.00 at a time. Just call the warden ,tell him/her the problem. What state in.

    Ask to see the chaplain and if you get no help, ask to speak to the warden.  Just because your son is in prison doesn't mean he has to be treated badly by other prisoners.  Keep hammering away.  You can also go to your state representative and ask for help.  Go to your state capital if you have to.  Prison is hard enough as it is.  I don't care what your son may have done to be behind bars; fight for him all the way.

    ed shank

    Ever hear of a blanket party? That's what you'll have in store for a very long time if an inmate follows your advise. Sorry.

    Join the Skinheads? What, now he's a target for everyone including the Skinheads when they find out he is a "POSER"! Stupid advice.
    I say this because Skinheads are filled with hatred and rage. This is difficult to fake and faking it as a Skinhead is an enormous insult. So.... what do you think will happen next?

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