2 Answers
Sounds to me, these students are in school to be nurses for pediatricians. Why were you being used as a learning subject in a children's hospital. Have you ever heard the term "deception"? These students expected a child, not a man. What I don't get is your mentioning of manslaughter just because the student didn't want to treat you. You're not a child.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
This question could use a bit more of an explination. If your doctor wanted you in the hospital to teach then would you not be a doctor instead of a patient?
I have been a patient in a teaching hospital not to teach but for the doctor to teach ... I was a guinea pig!
Also, why on the planet would you mention man slaughter? Was that a joke? Are you an inmate in a prison?
Please provide more information.
Thanks, KC Fishlet
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
She is studying to be a nurse. A nurse is not a doctor so does not have to worry about refusing a patient. She's the care giver, not the life saver. This guy was just a grump and probably a nurse's nightmare anyway.