    What foods, if any, made you nauseous during your pregnancies?

    Just the thought of frozen mixed vegetable would make me barf. The smell of coffee did the same. During my first pregnancy I had morning sickness FOR EVER. I swear I had it during labor. 

    +7  Views: 874 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    Those cheesy poofy snack thingies.  I have no idea what they are called.... Cheetos comes to mind.


    "Whatsits" in the UK

    Whatsits... I can't think about eating them even from this far away.

    Yeah WHATSITS!!..yum yum!:-)

    Ooooohhhhhh ... I still feel sickie-wickie!

    Just hearing she was pregnant again made me nauseous!


    lol!!Happy daddy!;-))

    Too Funny!!!!

    COFFEE!!..just typing the word still makes me feel nauseated...and my youngest is 9!!:-)


    How about .... coffee grounds .... oh, ugh, argh!

    I never got nauseated, but spicy food tore up my mouth. I took antibiotics throughout my pregnancy....

    With my first pregnancy, I could not keep much down for at least 5 month. It was not the food, I think that is why my daughter was only a little over 5 lbs, at birth. I even passed out two times, while beeing pregnant with her.

    ed shank

    Hopefully all is well with her today, and you as well.

    Thanks Ed. She is fine today. Had some medical problems as a very young child though. She lives in Washington state, is married and has two sons, 19 and 16 yrs. old.

    It was not food that caused me was the sound of this bird right here and through both pregnancies. It does not bother me now nor did it prior to but the noise this bird makes made me sick to my ear-gut connection? I do not know.

    Spotted Towhee


    This is the most fascinating tidbit of news I've heard all day.
    It would
    happen to
    you hoo!

    Sheesh! I though I saw that Spotted Towhee flick it's tiny tail!

    Nothing made my wife sick. Watching her eat anything and everything made me sick.


    pat ... pat... pat ... Yes, I know it's rough. : ) (Honest)

    In three pregnancies, I had perhaps one bout of dizziness, but nothing I ate seemed to be a problem.  And eat I did.  Terrible.  Gained 40 pounds with #1, who weighed only 3 lbs.14 oz. at birth. 


    <gasp!> How long did it take to lose it?
    I read People, The Enquirer and magazines like that. (Somebody gives them to me by the way) I would buy them for myself but they're not on the budget this life.
    Anyway, I read how these young starlets try to lose their baby weight so quickly. They kind of need to keep their jobs. So sorry for this. They should enjoy this time of life and not overworry at this precious time.
    ed shank

    My mother said that while pregnant with me she had a constant urge for beer. This woman never drank, still doesn't. Something went right, I was 10LBS 6OZ.

    I would be most allergic to and definitely be nauseous with the person who somehow got me pregnant.  No clue would be my answer.


    But you would be rich! Rich! Rich! Book deals, movies, TV, money, money $$$$$$$!!!!! :D

    It makes me "nauseous" to imagine you in a pregnant condition. I used to look at pictures of that man who was pregnant and in the news ALL the time. He had his baby and she turned out fine, I guess. I think the man is pregnant again. It's not worth googling.

    Some woman do get a bet testy when the are pregnant but they never made me sick, why do you ask, did some pregnant woman make you sick?

    From you comment I think you may have meant to say food made you nauseated, perhaps   ;-)







    What foods, if any, made you nauseous during your pregnancies?

    I see food there. "What foods....".
    Jack Large

    She used the word nauseous for nauseated.

    Nauseous: Causing nausea; sickening

    Nauseated: To be feeling, nausea.

    A common grammatical error, like when someone says "I could care less." When they really mean "I could NOT care less."

    Just try to educate


    Seriously? That's what this was all about? Why are you so knit picky? You knew what she meant. Even what you said was not worded properly.
    Jack Large

    Like I said, just trying to educate


    Educate whom?
    Not very good grammar on your part BTW!

    @Jack Large..try 9 months of pregnancy!...THATS A REAL EDUCATION!!:-)

    The thing I learned here is that you have no business correcting anybody when your statement is as poorly written as it is: Some WOMEN do get a BIT testy when THEY are pregnant....... You knew exactly what the question was and you chose to be petty. Are you Russ Rocks (in the head) or Umbriel in disguise?

    Millie, Bob, Romos & Colleen: I like the way you think. : )

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