    How do you like your French Toast?

    This will be the biggest question of the year.I like it just with salt & pepper.My daughter likes it American style with ice cream & maple syrup.Any other ideas?

    +9  Views: 1789 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    Thanks Don.But I guess it would get a bit dried out in the mail.:)

    Man! I would love to visit Georgia.For many reasons other than French toast & B.B.Q.s.I never got there when I visited the U.S. & I have always regretted it.Maybe someday.

    Sup sounds good man when should we be there? I don't drink booze so you can drink my share of whatever over amp Canadian beers I'll bring for you...never been to Atlanta...I hear it's real fine! Thanks for the invite bro!! ;)

    I wasn't trying to lose the weight- so I do need to see the doctor.

    If the mail is too slow, Tommy, don could try e-mail.

    18 Answers

    With lots of pure maple syrup- hold the butter!  Yumm now I'm hungry- which is a good thing since I lost 10 lbs this month (Time to try different specialists don't ya think)


    What's the specialist telling you to eat?I've never had a weight problem.Just lucky I guess.But 10 lbs in a month seems a pretty good achievement to me.Good onya Doobs!

    Try a Medicine Man!!!

    Then it does sound like you have a problem Doo.
    Take care.

    Thanks Tommy..and thanks for the best answer.

    dr doo: I tried to lose weight for my daughter's wedding. My goal was ten pounds. I was soooo careful for eleven months. At that time, I had only lost 8 pounds!!!! Arghhh. I went to the doctor and he felt so sorry for me he gave me a diet pill. By the time of the wedding, I had lost 10 1/2 pounds.
    I have heard that losing weight is more difficult for a woman a I sure do believe it.
    Congratulations to you.

    French Toast is just a memory for me and so I will hang around and read all of the delicious answers.  I used to like it with butter, icing sugar and cinnamon.

    Le' Sigh.


    Sounds yummy fishy.I will be trying that one.

    poor fishy, you must miss some of this stuff

    Oh well, Lambie... it could be much worse. :)

    I make it on occasion, I like it on Vienna bread.  I put eggs, milk and a little vanilla in the blender and make it fluffy and then dip the bread in and then bake it... Sprinkle some powdered sugar and maple syrup.   I learned this when I was in the boy scouts and they gave me kitchen duty for two weeks at camp because my parents was in the restaurant biz so they thought i belonged in the kitchen.. Blah!!  Kitchen duty means I had to go to bed earlier than everyone else and wake up at 3:30 AM and get to th mess hall and begin cooking, then lunch, then dinner/supper.. I never got to do any of the cool things everyone else did.  


    Well it serves you right.Being Italian AND having folks in the BIZ who else were they gunna give the cooking to.LOL.The vanilla ingredient & the baking part make it sound interseting tho.At least you learned something.

    Don, I'm curious, why did you give me a thumbs down on this?? I can't figure out what I said that would offend you to do this??

    Don gave you a TD? Nooooooo! I thought he was better than that. I'd TU you up twice if I could....jhh

    I think it was a mistake. :(

    I hope so. Would hate having something to hold against him......I liked you answer....

    I'm gunna make a rule..NO TDs on MY Questions!!
    I think it must have been accidental.:)

    I think it was an accident too, as his reply to your post was quite cordial. :)

    Yeah, i think it was an accident, I don't think I have ever done that but I can see how it could be a mistake.

    Don, isn't it possible to just go to the TD and switch it to TU?

    Relieved to hear it.....

    HA!! Don. you don't have to 'make it up to me'-- I'll just TD you later.. LOLOLOL!! j/k.. After i read it s'more and thought about it, I realized it was a mistake. It shows one thing though, when there's a TD, it really get's people's attention. I think aka should get rid of it or at least, move the TD button away from the TU button.

    You're right, a simple move would solve a lot of problems and wouldn't be that hard to do. Great idea (like your toast)....

    When giving a TD, it even prompts you with "are you sure?". We all have 2 chances to do it right! :)

    Nutmeg in the egg and milk mix and butter and maple syrup. 


    This is how I like to make mine.I like lots of cinnamon.

    I will use cinnamon sometimes but mostly I prefer the nutmeg. :)

    I like nutmeg. I have to try that sometime. I love nutmeg on rice pudding.

    Using nutmeg will make your kitchen smell like a bakery. Oh, Ann ...Rice Pudding! I haven't had that since I was a kid. So good.

    Not a huge fan of rice pudding but egg custard with nutmeg, now that's the stuff!!

     First I toast the bread lightly (usually white bread, but whatever you like)
    The lightly toasted bread is dredged in a mixture of milk, egg, and cinnamon. 
    I fry the bread in butter, letting each side get a little crusty.
    While the second side is frying, I put butter pats on top of the bread, so the butter melts while the bread is cooking.  It makes a "puddle".
    Being careful not to spill out the butter puddle when I take the toast from the pan, I then sprinkle in confectioner's (powdered) sugar, letting it soak into the butter.  It's like frosting.  
    Sometimes I'll put on a little pure maple syrup, but not too often. The sugar makes it so sweet.
    When I am being health-conscious, and the way my children got it served to them, I'll put on sliced bananas and berries, and a spoonful of yogurt.  Skip the butter puddle. 

    Edit:  I do add a little vanilla and nutmeg along with the cinnamon. Oops


    OK, but no cinnamon please.
    I'll be round shortly.

    I like cinnamon but not on purpose.......

    Nice recipe Bob.

    OK, no cinnamon, but ROMOS and Julie, you'd best get over here before I eat it all myself.

    No, maybe there's a glitch (?) Don't worry about it don.. I was just curious and I know it was a mistake. :)

    Ducky has commented your answer I make it on occasion, I like ... Karma +15: Ducky has voted up your answer I make it on occasion, I like ... Karma +15: country bumpkin has voted up your answer Howdy Doody died years ago and... Karma +15: mycatsmom has voted up your answer My momma

    Vinny, I don't understand what you're calling a mistake.

    Colleen---> OOPS! I wanted this in my reply but it ended up here instead. In regards to a TD I received from Don, it was a mistake. He punched the wrong button and i posted in the wrong reply.. It's all good, to err is human. :)

    OK, all is well :)

    I like it with just melted butter. Hm...sounds like an idea for tomorrow's breakfast! I haven't had french toast in awhile.


    Glad I reminded you.:) I always fry it in butter.

    My mom would make it and serve it on our plates. We would then smear it with jelly and roll it up "jelly roll" style and eat it......I never heard of putting syrup on it until adulthood.......


    The jelly idea sounds good.i'll be trying it.

    Smear butter on it, too so that it drips just right.....

    I make mine with milk ,egg, cinammon, a little vanilla. Fry it -put butter on top and brown sugar! Some ham or bacon or sausage on the side!


    Maybe I'll try nutmeg next time! Sounds good!

    Yes, vanilla. I forgot, that is a good addition.

    I forgot about the meats...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

    With strawberries on top!

    I put a couple shots of orange juice, a few drops of vanilla, some orange peel zest,and a pinch of Saigon Cinnamon into the egg mixture...sliced at an angle French Baggettes or (stale) French bread loaf...saturate in egg mixture and fry in butter on medium heat...slowly and patiently so as to cook the egg through the bread....a side bowl of strawberries and slices of oranges....sprinkle of icing or confectioners sugar...served with maple syrup (the real stuff) and !voila!...heart attack on a plate!! Yum!  ;)


    sounds like breakfast tomorrow, think I would really like that

    I'm there.

    I've always just had it with salt and pepper and maybe bacon, but some of the sweet versions sound great, I absolutely love maple syrup......even on porridge (oatmeal to some)


    I've never heard of salt and pepper! Just shows how varied we are from place to place and how we grew up. :D

    I also have never heard of salt and pepper! It was always a sweet breakfast!

    I grew up with the savory version, but the others sound really nice and I'm about to try one, 0700 here and I'm hungry!!

    2:15 Friday afternoon here and I'm hungry, too!

    I've had it for dinner more times than I could count.


    I like it with syrup.

    I like it with jam.

    I like it with butter.

    And a thin slice of ram.

    Tommy, I would write a longer poem, but every new line double spaces. I had  too much breakfast pastry today and I'm feeling frumpy. 


    If you press the shift button at the same time you press "enter", it should single space.

    The lines in itsmee's answer

    Frumpy? You Itsmee?? Never!!

    Where I live, a slice of ram is quite common with french toast.

    Tommy, It's good to have someone on your side. : ) (or wherever)

    press the shift
    when you press enter
    If you do this,
    it will be better!
    Thank you, Bob/PKB

    A piece of ram? Do you mean Ham or do you mean ram (as in lamb/sheep/ewe?)

    With strawberry jam and whiped cream.


    you can say so.

    I just like mine with a sprinkle of plain ole white sugar on top...nothing else.

    I'm also averse to cinnamon...I find the flavour much too overpowering. I will not eat apple pie (tart) that has cinnamon in it.


    I won't eat the apple tart period, I have an aversion to cooked apples......

    Wow Julie.That's Unaamerican ain't it?? I thought all yo guys ate it just on principal.
    Now don't git offended by the UnAmerican dig.It was just a joke.:)

    I'm not offended. I like the juice, just can't handle the texture. I'm a texture eater.....

    ""Served by Maryse, French-Canadian!


    I'd rather have the maple syrup myself :)

    At my age I think I would enjoy the maple syrup more too.LOL

    Butter and real Maple syrup.

    in my belly, that's how I like mine, and she can serve them, no problem! 

    French toast ! Hmmm ? don't know what I'll eat first? I think I'll go back to bed!


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