    Rate yourself... on a scale.1 - Being exceptionally normal.10-Being exceptionally strange.* The truly insane may leave themselves out of this survey... there is a different one for you.

    It's no secret... I am a 9.5.      .... But you guys already knew that!

    +15  Views: 1145 Answers: 19 Posted: 11 years ago

    Are you really this bored? :)

    I felt the need to change it up a little considering I have answered soooo many questions written in something other than my Mother tongue and I don't give a flying fig about hacking into Movie Planet.

    Fishlet-You are an artist! you could not be boring if you tried! I really admire your work and all your great questions and answers! Thanks for being YOU!

    You are a creative in general and creative writer even without trying much Fishlet!

    I'm glad you like my helper index/number, thanks! :)

    Flying fig?!
    Well, I do believe that the Fishlet is actually baiting ME.
    I'm curious.....what's higher; 1 or 10?

    Le' Fig ... One or ten can be the highest depending on how you look at things. You are the only fig on this planet that gets a gold star because here on akaQA, we adore our Figgy One!

    Aaaah..I feel all soft and sweet now.:)


    19 Answers

    I'm a 7 but, I medicate...............


    Ha! Hilarious!

    I take the fifth and refuse to incriminate myself.


    You are a star... no need to rate yourself. :)

    Thank you fishy. Good Qustion, xxx

    About a 3. I think I'm a 1 but my wife tells me I have some strange ways.


    You are a star *3*. Your wife already knows that!

    Thank you Fishy.very flattering!

    Normal is as normal does, don't ask me what it means, would not have a clue, rating maybe 15,  Fishy do you remember i posted a question relating to lame questions, well i miss them as lately questions posted other than regulars are pointless to me, and this question being extremely lame is a blessing for sore eyes , keep them coming. lol.


    Too stupidly true11

    This is not a lame question Bulletman... this is science! :D

    Fish, are you having me on, more like science fiction, surely this is not to be taken seriously as this is how i interoperated it. --- yes you are right this is not a lame quaestion ha ha ha ha .

    Research, research and more research!

    5 -  Normally Strange or Strangely Normal. Either way, Perfectly balanced ! ;-)


    I could sense that even with the distance between us... You are almost Zen-like.

    I'm with ROMOS, on this one, Besides, WHAT is definition of NORMAL???


    There is no such thing... just having a bit of a laugh. I had learned more about the innner workings of a Toro ride-em mower than I really cared to know today!

    SHOOT, I was hoping to be at least Normally Insane!!! lol

    Given that i am not a drug user or an alcoholic and i don't feel the need to escape reality on a daily basis i am rating myself a 2.


    I can detect a little flair!

    What a loaded question we all know that i owe points on this one for being honest..


    Oh go on! How many washing machine and dryer questions have you answered today... what about ride-em mowers?... Live a little!

    Live a little I did ..did you know it was 2 for 1 day at ace

    Oh my goodness! That is exciting. I love hardware stores. They are the promise of what can come to be!

    You are what you want to be as long as the budget is willing..

    I always thought I was normal! that would be#2 However I can get wicky wacko#5  But you always see yourself differently than others do!


    Very true. The world could see me as serious and boring. I think you are more of a 6 when you really get going!!! You can be down right colourful! It`s awesome!

    We have a mutual admiration society happening. Thanks for your wonderful words. Big hugs!

    I think I'm normal, in my own strange sort of way,


    strange can be good!

    Strange is great at times... A celebration! ... and it works out really great if you are an artist... the stranger the better. :)

    almost six


    I think you are on a little on the other side of six... :)

    six+? :(

    You have flair ... and a special sense of humor... One of a kind, I would say. Strange can be a very good thing in an individual type of way and if it were up to me you would be very close to 10. ... Not to mention the interesting things you do... such as amazing salad making. Now that is something.
    I need to invent the "Flair Scale!". You would be way way way on top!

    Creative thinking Val... I like it!

    where is it?

    Where is the other question????

    I CAN'T SEE IT!!!

    ARE YOU HIDING IT FROM ME?????????????


    Are you drinking?

    Should I???

    Look under your skirt! Oh sorry! kilt!

    I see a 10 happening! Is it? Is it? YES! 10! Well, you do hang out with fleas and wear skirts.

    Oh dear...better jump in here with a ...
    "KILT KILT KILT"!!!!!

    TX TX TX Ll.

    Mine League!!!

    I'll go with 5, in that no one has defined normal or what is exceptionally strange. I am somewhat average with both weak and strong points in different areas of life. Sometimes I do tend to think in inventive ways though, and in that way I am occasionally different.

    I'm kind of a middle-of-the-road 5, but .... a really strange person still feels he/she is normal.


    Then I really must be normal. Dang!


    The FORCE is not with me!!!

    I think I need the other survey Fishie...I did the math and look!!!




    Lindilou, this result of yours does not surprise me as you are a very special coconut ... numbers don't apply ... Starfish do!
    *(How was that for sappy? I have been practicing after that little go around with Bi Bi Splatty. I don't want to come across as being too edgy! :D)

    Now bisplatty was two different people methinks...or three...or more? That was too freakin' weird even for me....bwahaha! Called me unstable...bwahahaha! ME? Unstable? A little jitterbuggy maybe...a bit comatose at times...even catatonic maybe...unstable though? Not on your noodle-ee doodle! bwa ha ha! ;D #11.

    :D #11(Place another laugh here! Guppies think everything is funny.)... Bi Splatty went from writing like a 8 year old to a 60 odd year old with a firm grasp of the English language very quickly when the kitchen became too hot. Very curious.
    Why can't we vote someone off? Why I ask you! Why?
    It works on television.

    7, I think. 

    It sounds terribly boring but I'm a FIVE.  I don't strive to be a five. However, I am an extremely alive five. 

    "Much madness is divinest sense to the discerning eye
    Much sense the starkest madness.
    Assent and you are sane.
    Demure you're sraight way dangerous and handled with a chain "     emily dickinson

    I used to be proud to be exceptionally strange, but I aint' ,I'm normal as a bowl of Vanilla Icecream with an oatmeal cookie by the side. 



    To the side of the ice cream?

    French Vanilla Bean Icecream? ... or the Vanilla Frozen Desert type of Icecream? * The type of icecream makes all the difference in the world and the cookie... well, that's a whole other story!

    I think I am a little bit strange. I will explain so there can be no problem for all those who will be reading this with great interest. One day I got up and went for a drive on my trycycle and the forth wheel fell of and then I felt very strange because there I was on the ground wondering why I got up this morning. I then got back into my car and swam off the mountain above my house. It is only a very small hill but when I am running up it it feels so high and I try to hang glide  of using my umbrella to soften the landing. Do you think any of this is strange and if so please can you help me as I am hoping to get better some day and I will then be able to do all the weird things I have planed. I am so happy to get all this off my chest and if it can helpother strange people then it will be worth it all. Appart from all the sad normal people who think us strange people are past getting help. Thanks for all your help and if you want to become a little bit strange then try to make sence of this because I cant.


    I know exactly how you feel, I often make a few typo's when I type some answers here, other than that I can see nothing weird in your behaviour!
    I'll get back to you.

    Ha. I think I am feeling a little bit better now. What you said made all the difference. Keep up the good work. Now I will go back to feeding my three wheeler.

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