    is there life after death?

    am curious

    0  Views: 1098 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    Delusions, arising from mental activity, are not the same, Colleen, as telling an untruth. You're certainly not a liar. You believe in an earlier life, an afterlife, a soul, a god who cares about human behavior, etc. If you find peace and solace, that's probably right for you. But when you insist that your delusions have anything to do with reality.... gives one pause to think.

    Are you God to make the claim that I am delusional? Perhaps your faith in a science that changes daily makes you delusional. There's nothing wrong with my mental activity. It's just more active and open than yours is. This allows me to see and know more than you do. Keep your mind closed and you will miss out on so much of what existence has to offer. You will not get far at all.

    So are you just going to keep insulting or are you going to settle in and have a grown up discussion?

    I suspect, Colleen, that it's you who has a closed mind, and reject freethought out of hand. If you believe that you know more than I, then you're welcome to add that to your list of misconceptions. 'Night all.

    Actually I added questions to your misconceptions. Your theory that needs a lot of information added to help it to make sense with all your other thoughts of nothingness outside of life on this planet, before or after. My mind is very open, hence my questioning your ideas. Please tell me how they work. So far, I can not agree to that which makes no sense and your theory to this point makes little sense. You're good at just dissing and insulting others ideas but you have yet to explain out your own. You truly are the earthling you complained about.

    As for free thought, it is something I'm accused of being well practiced at but some here on this forum because I do not believe as they believe. I recognize free thought, I just need it to go somewhere and end up with some kind of absolute explanation that makes sense. Not a half thought out thought that goes no where and only leads to a multitude of questions that are asked in order to piece together what might be the rest of the thought.

    Remember, you're the one who asked the question. This leads me to believe you only have a clue but nothing solid to go from.

    Theories of life and death are not mine; I merely accept the most reasonable explanations for the unknown. Such explanations come from the scientific community and certainly not from blind faith and religions with ulterior motives. Have a nice day.

    Again I say, science changes it's mind everyday. I live by facts proven to me, not by faith. Faith is for the church and I am not a member of any man made church. You have no explanations for the unknown. Science only has guesses, not proof. You've not been told anything creditable, just conjecture, opinion and guesses. None of this matters however as death is the only thing that can give a factual answer. You know this yet you persist in the argument and name calling. I truly believe you are a forum troll. One who goes to websites, tosses out a topic and proceeds to try and instigate arguments and fights just for kicks. You started this question, attacked any views opposite of your own but are ill equipped to back up your words or your thoughts. You bring no verifiable proof or research and toss out accusations and insults in an attempt to keep me off topic and defending myself so I will not question you anymore. Smoke screens like this are a classic sign of the forum troll.

    Now I have to change gears. I am posting this as a moderator. When I am posting as just another member you can argue with me all you want. But there are times when a person crosses a line or shows them self to be something this forum does not need, that's when I have to become moderator. You've met both cases. Insulting and trolling is not what akaQA needs. We are a help forum. Not a lightningJC playground.
    This is what you need to do in order to remain on akaQA:

    1. Stop trolling. Any more trolling just to get people arguing and I will remove the whole question since it was not an honest question to begin with. I will remove any other like question that you post to this forum.

    2. Do not give a member a thumbs down just because their answer is not what you wanted. Opinions are safe from thumbs down. If you want to play that game, I can obliterate your karma to negative numbers just for the insulting comments you've made to this point.

    3. Start answering questions. We are a question and answer help site first, discussion forum second. Anyone who wants to park here should at least help answer questions.

    4. (This is just an FYI) Arguing with a moderator when she has made it clear she is moderating will get you suspended. So in other words, if you do not like this, then find another forum that suits your needs better.

    Good day JC.

    colleen never lies!!...WHY SHOULD SHE??...I THINK YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO STIR THINGS UP! ...(Or are a dimwit):-z...How about i murder you and you let us know the answer!!(joke not a threat)!:-) BEHAVE!!...OR FACE THE WRATH OF THE BODYGUARDS!!lol!!!

    <Moved because this was a reply, not a new answer>

    Karma: 145

    Golfcar & Colleen: Your faith defies logic and reason. No, I am not "very intent on getting (you) to believe (my) views that (you are) nutty, delusional and should be thinking like he does..." Believe anything you wish. But when you suggest that until one dies, then the truth is known, you are ignoring the possibility (actually, the probability) that life ends with death. If one is dead, how can the truth be known by that person or anyone else? Peace and goodwill.
    Edit this answer Delete answer
    9 hours ago. Rating: 0


    LightningJC (posted) I've reviewed hundreds of your Answers on this website in which you accuse many of ignorance and arrogance when their opinions differ from yours. As for predetermination and other concepts, they have evolved through time and certainly were not my invention; in other words, it's not MY theory. I merely accept probabilities, and spend no time on possibilities. Edit this comment Delete comment
    Report abuse • commented 7 hours ago


    Colleen (replied to JC) You've explained nothing at all here. You are a blow hard. All air with no substance. As for reviewing hundreds of my remarks, please point them out specifically. It's just too gosh darn easy to say "you accuse many of ignorance and arrogance" with nothing to back up your statement. But then, it's the same way you handle your theory. A few words here and there, nothing to back up or explain what you say.

    Ask any member here that knows me, the thing they will tell you is that I do not live by faith. You are simply putting in what you want to, you are not actually reading my words. No, I can not consider life ends at death because I have been to the heaven worlds. It's your close mindedness, your ego, your insulting ways that cause you to not even consider I could actually visit the heaven worlds. I'm not the only one in this thread who has been there either. Now I am use to people targeting only me and reading only what I say but you really should look at all the other comments here too. It's really not polite to ignore their words that they took the time to type out for you. Edit this comment Delete comment
    commented 5 hours ago

    <Moved because this was a reply, not a new answer>

    Karma: 145

    Colleen, If you believe in god(s), then anything is possible in your mind's eye. Do you not call this "faith"? At least, faith in your travel(s) to the heaven worlds? WOW!! Did you happen to meet any Arab terrorists and their 70 virgins? Just asking because I'm really curious.
    Edit this answer Delete answer
    8 minutes ago. Rating: 0

    It is not by faith that I believe in a creator. It is by fact from knowing the Creator and standing in IT's light and having IT's energy fill me. There are different levels of heaven. I would not meet anyone who had beliefs different than my own. Sarcasm does not become you, well then again, you are looking for reactions to your name calling and sarcastic comments so I guess it does become you in that manner. You are a young Soul. You will have many lifetimes to catch up with me and know what I know. You should keep the faith you think I have instead of giving in to the nothingness.

    I will ask you one last time to use the "comment this answer" link to reply back to a person. The next time, I will just remove your comment if you use the "add new answer" box to reply back.

    I removed your answer because you continue to ignore the request to use the comment this answer link instead of posting your answers as new answers.
    It's not hard. You believe yourself intelligent so figure it out. Click on the "comment this answer or comment this question" link to reply to me or anyone else who comments to you. I know you know how to do this because you've done it before. Stubbornness is not an admirable quality.

    You are being suspended because you have given two more inappropriate thumbs down to answers that did not deserve the thumbs down. This after I already warned you not to thumbs down members for their opinions. I will spend no more time discussing things with you. I've given you the rules of the forum. You continue to ignore them. End result, you are suspended.

    17 Answers

    Yes, Soul exists for eternity. Is there actual life after death, yes, I believe in reincarnation. 


    My experiences have been many. There is no "a subjective experience". There are far too many and happen frequently. This is why I need no book to learn about life, God or existence. I have first hand experience and knowledge given to me by Souls chosen by the IT to share IT's truths. By the way you debate, it makes it appear that you are trying to convince someone. I wonder if you are really being honest with yourself. If you were truly honest with yourself, you should at least be thinking about the consequence of being wrong. All the things that you thought were OK for you to do in life because you would never have to be responsible for them might come back to bite you if you still exist after death. Then you will be accountable for everything you ever did. This should worry a person who is true to himself. This should worry a sane person. I actually am in a better spot than you are. I believe so I act accordingly and do what I feel is right. If I die and there truly is nothing more, then it does not matter if I missed out on immoral fun. I'll be no more, with no thoughts to cause regret.
    By the way, there are millions who think like me too. I've already agreed to the thought that it's impossible to prove either side. Only death can prove it and that's still on an individual basis.

    This is a matter of personal beliefs..................!


    There's way more going on in this peensy little planet than even the Gods care to know...more than just human thought and arrogance...what is it in us that we are not satisfied with the way things are...always seeking to show our rightness over anothers' not this need unhappiness? disturbance of your peace of mind? I'm not preaching complacence or promoting I wonder is what does it matter right here right now whether or not there is life after this life? "Live Life" is what Dalai Lama said when asked by a youth to describe what life is for.It is wonderful if not necessary to be skeptical in this life ...but when it borders on stupidity it is no longer "healthy" skepticism.

    Great answer Lindilou. Standing ovation from the fish in the sea.

    Your comment to your Q is great. Let's accept all diversities as long as they don't hurt others and move on.

    if you don't think there is life after death, look at the line of employees at the time clock waiting to punch out at quitting time. That's when the dead come to life   ; -)


    I really like this kind of humor.

    Reading through the answers (predictable, since this type of question has been around the block three or four times in the less-than-year I've enjoyed akaQA), and your responses, it seems you were just looking for individuals to validate your personal opinion.  
    I'm not one of them.   

    I think there is, althought I have no religion ,but beleave in creation, I think we will get a second chance by being return to the garden of eden here on earth.

    Life or death, one is an illusion so choose.


    I live so death must be the illussion as I would have to be here to think about it

    Flash in the Pan JC... Don't start a Thumbs Down war here.... I can totally obliterate you in seconds.  You don't have one single clue who or what I am about.  You have no clue what my faith is or is not.  Back off!

    You have been reported.

    Yes indeed only if their is life before death, their is also death after death the choice is yours.


    I've been to the other side and back, dude. There is life after death. You will only find out later on.

    JC, skepticism is a healthy response to claims of life after death especially when you actively look for proof among the deniers and are vindictive and punishing of those who support fantasies as real. Always seeking to prove your belief true, you find your niche among the morbidly depressed seeking to be the animal they believe themselves to be and death, the well deserved end of your mortal life, for life at death no longer finds meaning and death...finality beyond redemption and oblivion, gods joke on life.

    Skepticism and the denial of eternal life deserves a prize, but with no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, what would be the point. Pointless life…pointless death. What nerve in the face of billion of childish believers to herald the final truth at their trembling knees.

    God…there is no God and If God exists I dare Him to prove to me that life goes on after death, not that I want to die, but I demand to know. Ha, Ha, Ha….there is no god children….Time will tell.     


    To those of you who know me, I came along this path also.

    Perhaps you are coming at it from the wrong angle. Instead of demanding he show proof, just open yourself up to it. I've been to the heaven worlds. I've visited with those who have gone before me. To not believe me is to call me a liar. That's your right to do so. It was not a dream. I do not use drugs nor do I drink. I am your average person and do not have mental issues. I was there. I saw them, I spoke with them, I've even been to see my little dog. Yes, it all exists. I'm sorry that you are afraid to find out. I truly think fear keeps you from being open to the idea. Hence the reason you laugh and mock the idea of God, heaven and existence after the physical life.

    Colleen…working both sides of the duality thought system in favor of recognising both are reasonable arguements calling for a third, unseen option is a path to resolution. Proof…the demand for proof is the one course the agnostic takes in their denial prattle. The proof demanded must come from ?????? certainly not the bibliophile but from within the agnostic…where is found the Source of all true inspiration.

    Actually, the source of truth and inspiration lies solely within the individual, in the part known as Soul. Believe in Soul and truths will begin to unfold.

    Yes Colleen, you're right on.

    L Ron Hubbard made many claims. One being that God is actually some alien. I have more intelligence than he had. The only thing he was really good at was marketing. In the bible, in Paul's letters, he wrote of some person (I do not know the name as he did not give it) who also claimed to have visited heaven. Paul himself claimed to have visited A heaven, at the time saying he knew of at least 7 different levels of heaven.

    The lives of billions of people are left after one's death 


    Billions of people dream ,While we are dead,
    lindilou a nutshell?...yes!

    Oh my, it would take all day to read this. Mercy!

    After dead, we are as stone.


    This, of course, is only my opinion. I did not hear it on the TV or radio. I did not read it in a book.

    hello, how are you? ;-)

    No, it's a religious and political distraction for the poor, ill and hopeless...


    You're saying that I'm poor ill and hopeless? LOL. I don't even believe the ones who do not believe in existence after death are poor, ill or hopeless. I know there's still hope for everyone. Even you JC :)

    If you are so sure then why bother asking the question at all?
    I also am not poor, ill or hopeless.

    <reply moved to where it belongs>

    Karma: 15

    Colleen: No, I wasn't referring to you specifically. Fact is, the delusion of a hereafter has long been promoted by religions and political powers to control and offer hope to the poor, the ill and the hopeless.

    <comment moved to where it belongs>

    Karma: 15

    Fishlet: I ask the question because I'm interested in answers from otherwise-intelligent folks, as part of a project I'm working on.

    JC, use the comment this answer link to reply. Do not use the "add new answer box". Thank you.

    Yes JC, you meant me and anyone else who believes Soul goes on after death. Please do not back peddle. The hereafter is real. I've been there. Even you have been there. You just do not remember.

    As for what you said to fishlet, you ARE hearing from intelligent people. Why must you be so insulting when you claim you are just looking for information for your "project". So far you have posted two insults. Do you have a very large ego?

    So tell me, who exactly taught you the illusion that there is no hereafter since apparently you believe you are far more intelligent than we are.

    "Otherwise-intellegent". Nice comment. A truly intellegent person does not use condescending remarks when openly disgussing a subject with others.
    Having a cyber-conversation with you is a lesson in futility.

    <reply moved to where it belongs>

    Karma: 30

    Sorry, Colleen, that you consider me insulting. My ego is healthy, thanks for asking. And no, I don't feel that I'm more intelligent than you, merely better informed. Neuroscience has an excellent explanation for your belief that you've been there...
    Edit this answer Delete answer
    36 minutes ago. Rating: 0

    Ann (asks): Can you proove that there is no life after death? Edit this comment Delete comment
    Report abuse • commented 28 minutes ago


    Colleen (asks): Why is it so hard for intelligent people to figure out how to reply to comments here. Use the "comment this link" on the answer you wish to reply to as I've already asked you to do. Do not use the "add new answer box". You're the second one today who had had difficulties with this request. Edit this comment Delete comment
    commented 23 minutes ago

    Colleen (states): Science is not fact. Science proves itself wrong every day. It changes by the day. Neuroscience may have an explanation but that's all it is. It's their guess. It is not fact. I have proof that life exists beyond the physical world. But it is proof you would need to experience yourself in order to believe it. Until you open your mind to other possibilities, you will never be fortunate enough to experience that proof during your lifetime. This makes you less informed than me by the way. As for your ego, yes, I believe it is quite healthy. Perhaps too healthy for the objective you are trying to attain. I consider two comments that you made insulting. I know I am not alone in that consideration. You might want to think about what you post before you post it if you want people to take you seriously in your efforts to gain knowledge.

    yes, life after death is eternal. A LIVING person has two lives - physical and spiritual (soul). The moment the soul leaves the body, the physical person is dead and goes back to dust. The soul never dies and is eternal and goes to live forever.  


    Umbriel, in spiritual matters one cannot give physical evidence eg, Can you see the smell in a rose? you know its there. A second ago a person with soul(spirit) was alive. Soul gone he is called DEAD. Hope this clarifies.

    Actually is all as to what you believe Yes I believe that when you die, you are actually "reborn" into the heavens above...and you become an angel...yes I believe they do exist. You have a guardian angel "assigned" to you the day you are born..usually a relative..that angel can change as your life progresses..mine now is my mom who died in 1971. I believe she was with me the day I was involved in a car accident..I would have flown out the windshield had she not had her arms around me to protect me. No..Im not crazy...I beleive...also..I firmly believe in the Blessed Mother..and Im not Catholic...I have seen storms coming right at us and my fiance has prayed for no damage...the storm literally goes around us. yes..I believe in life after death.


    This is true. It is all as one believes.....until they die. Then the truth is known. There's really no point to these discussions as neither side will be able to prove their beliefs. All I did was state my beliefs just as you have done. JC is hard pressed to let me just believe as I choose. He's very intent on getting me to believe his views that I am nutty, delusional and should be thinking like he does, even though he does not believe he has an ego problem. :)

    There is a book publish Angels in your hair,

    Is life as we know it just a dream,and death a reality,?


    Life in the physical world is the fantasy. This earthly existence is illusion. Existence as Soul alone (no physical body) is the reality.

    I think i understand some of what you say,Colleen,

    It's not a variation of anything. It's simply what I believe. What do you fear Umbriel? You're too into this topic. Who are you trying to convince, Umbriel, yourself or everyone else so you feel less alone in your beliefs?

    Hector: It doesn't matter either way. Our actions (or inactivity) - I think - are based on complex neurological phenomena, predetermined long before the day of birth. Humans - in their ignorance and arrogance - seem unaware that our presence here is relatively brief, and that earthlings will probably not evolve very much before becoming extinct. On that note, good night to all.

    "and that earthlings will probably not evolve very much before becoming extinct"

    Dude, are you an alien? No, you can't be. You show too much of that ignorance and arrogance.

    So if your life is predetermined, who predetermined it? You or someone else, like your creator maybe? If you had never lived before and knew nothing about existing, how could you predetermine that which you knew nothing about? Is there some kind of neurological book that one would pick their predetermined life out of before they are born? Please, tell me how it works, this " complex neurological phenomena, predetermined long before the day of birth" theory of yours.

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