    is it right for a person to marry a person same sex

    +2  Views: 1059 Answers: 19 Posted: 11 years ago

    19 Answers

    If they love each other, WHY NOT?

    Only if the two are in love.

    Yes, homosexuals fall in love too. Big shocker, huh? It's not all about the sex. It's not about wanting to act like the opposite sex. Lesbians do not want to be men and gays do not want to be women (like an ex member lurker here wants to believe). It's simply because they fall in love with each other. The same "in love" that heterosexuals feel. Why shouldn't their union be protected at the federal level like heterosexuals are? Why shouldn't their children be protected by having married parents, like the children of heterosexuals are? Yes, homosexuals build families, homes, lives and even have professional careers AND they pay taxes too! Why do we pay taxes? To protect our rights afforded to us by the US Constitution. Why shouldn't homosexuals enjoy the same rights and benefits that heterosexuals do? Because some pinch brain people who only know how to hate and control others says they can't? Tell me, what right would you like to give up to someone like that?

    Yes, they should get married because marriage brings over 1500 rights that non married people don't get.  


    Come to Canada.There are so many marriages here and on tax forms benefits are equal across the board inclusive of common-law(6 months residing together constitutes common-law).I suppose our strong Euro presence and influence may have something to do with our very open free-thinking views...altho' we do still have those pockets of population whom we shall call "the haters". LL

    I heard that Canada's gay marriage law is under attack, that there is a fight to get it reversed. Sadly we still have generations to go before the war against gay marriage ends.

    I've always told them they can keep their Holy Matrimony. That's not what we are looking for. We want the government sanctioned marriage. The one that comes with all the protective rights. Holy Matrimony is not recognized as a legal marriage contract and offers no protective rights.

    Now as far as "any two people in love", I would draw the line on age (being too young),incest and polygamy . Polygamy was made illegal for good reason. Research it before "you" (general 'you') argue with me.

    We're trying to ignore the 'guy with the horns on his forehead' and then we'll be ousting him...archaic SOB...he belongs to a church that promotes the idea that the earth and its' people have only been around for @ 9000 or so years.....heeeeeellllllp!!! As Canadians we are becoming quite sick of his fascist and totalitarian views...he forgets where he is and that we'll not stand for his kind of ego-driven politick tick ticking.We'll vote him down.The End.

    Love alone doesn't pay the bills

    You're strange MCM. Homosexuals work, have careers and statistically have more money than heterosexuals. Their bills get paid.

    Love is love.  A bond is a bond.  A relationship is a relationship.  I find it unfortunate that there are gender rules applied.  Legal marriage between two people who choose to live their lives together should not fall victim to restrictions set into place by persons who have lived in fear of what they did not understand or what they thought was morally incorrect.

    If two people sincerely desire that they live their lives together under one roof in a legal wedded state of affairs then there is not one single thing wrong with that.  I have that experience and so why not others.  Marriage can be a beautiful thing.  It is in my case and I wish for this much happiness for everyone.  Why not?  Love is free and love is grand.

    Is it "RIGHT"? By who's standards? Yours? A gay couple should enjoy the same priveleges that a heterosexual couple do. That's my opinion for whatever that's worth.


    To me, it's worth it's price in gold. Thanks Ed :)
    ed shank

    Your quite welcome Madam.
    Deleted User

    We have been fighting for basic rights, time to take on the big one , but whats sad is just last week 2 men were hung in Iran for being gay. So we have a bigger fight yet, I would give up the right to marry to know people all over the world were able to freely love without such prosecution..

    yeah cool..thanks ED!!;-)

    Sure , by all means, they should have the right to be just as miserable or happy as the rest of us.


    I am happy with my wife for nearly 40 years, if I was not happy, I would have a replacement, at least that,s what I tell my wife

    WHY NOT !! Good luck to them .I say be "HAPPY !!


    If you start singing that "Don't worry, be happy" song, I'm going to slap you.

    Colleen...We can slap people???

    "OUCH That Hurt Its called "HAPPINESS" UK Singer."WEEP

    DUCKY DONT you say A "QUACK"

    We sure can Ducky. We're not mods for nothing you know :)

    that is "ABUSE !! MAYBE MODS I think Poor souls like me "HURT !! "MODS Indeed "HUH!! "OH for Slapping .Only a wife has that Honour!!

    Your wife told me she would slap you for me :)

    She did ."Like a DRUNK !! SLAP "Happy!!Give her any "excuse .

    Frankly I can't understand why everybody else is so interested in somebody elses sex life.I never judge anybody soley on their sexuality.Why? Because it's none of my bloody business! We have all these names for these people.Gays, lezzos,poofters,dykes.Why not just call them COUPLES.What difference does it make if 2 people want to get married & they are of the same sex? What harm are they doing to anyone else? I am as straight as they come BTW but I do have friends who have lived together for years.They run a successful small business & try to do some good in the community. I don't understand the religious do-gooders that come down on them.I think the do-gooders are the ones with the sickness.

    Why not? It's all about LOVE baby!

    Marrage is the bond by love, so same sex marrage is your chioce. the bit of paper is not the marrage but it does help, as I was told to give equil right, that should be there for all people 

    lf the goverment should look on here they can see we are, all most all of us in agreement all people should be treated the same. and we cover the world i think . And they are suppose to be on our side put don't take a bit notice of us

    I think if people are in love and wish to be married-Let them be married! I fail to understand why some folks want to regulate everything that happens!

    Depending upon the meaning of the word "right"

    Of course! It's quite legal in California. 


    Since when? California passed proposition8 making it illegal for homosexuals to get married. Has it been over turned and no one mentioned it?

    Quite frankly, it's none of my business who marries who. I support the ones I know and like. It's a personal issue.............

    My kids are happy and well balanced with my girlfriend!..They adore her...They still spend plenty of quality and quantity time with their fathers(3 ARE MINE..3 ARE my Sisters in my care)!!:-)

    Sure. Why Not?  

    It depends on who you ask.  There are a lot of people who would say absolutely not.  There are also a lot of people who would say absolutely.  You can always find someone to agree with what you think if you ask enough.  
    My opinion?  People who are of legal age who desire to marry should have the right to do so. 



    I don't mind if people are gay, but I draw the line at marriage. I think they're making a farce out of marriage. And what they're doing to the children of such a union is unconsienable..........They're deliberately depriving them of a mother, or a father, such as the case may be.


    1. Yes you do mind if people are gay or you would not have a list of ignorant complaints about them.
    2. Making a farce out of marriage? Have you checked the statistics on heterosexual marriage lately? 50% divorce rate. Who's making a farce out of marriage? What are you basing your comment on? Please show me stats that the relatively few homosexuals who have been allowed to get married thus far have made a farce out of marriage.
    3. Deliberately depriving them of a mother or father...and?????? Have you taken a look at how many broken heterosexual homes there are out there today? Have you taken a look at how many children are being raised by just their mother because the sperm donor father wants nothing to do with them? Children with same sex parents are raised with two loving parents IN THE HOME. It has been proven over and over again that children of homosexual parents are more advanced than children of heterosexual parents. Oh yes, it's so unconscionable what is being done to them, that they are healthier mentally, physically and emotionally than kids from heterosexual relationships. Do your research before you open your mouth. Stop listening to your warped preacher man. I bet you agree with that pastor I posted about.

    As for your other comment that you attached to my above comment where you said, "love alone does not pay the bills" you say that to heteros who want to get married too? Or is that reserved solely for us homos? Don't be a hypocrite by saying you don't mind people who are gay. Your ridiculous comments here prove otherwise. As for paying the bills, as I said up there:
    Homosexuals work, have careers and statistically have more money than heterosexuals. Their bills get paid. Now please take your ignorance elsewhere.
    Deleted User

    What a really silly answer considering most children are brought up these days from broken homes where a mother or father have full care of the child. The problem is that there is often visitation issues and many children do not actually get to know there parents.

    She is basing her beliefs from the bible I believe, have you just cast the first stone are you without sin?

    Love alone doesnt pay the bills nor does making children for the wrong reasons.
    Wouldn't you dislike knowing that most of the professional people, like your local doctor or the nurse they gives you a needle, the person whom sorts out your partners pay could all be gay. Many gay people can pay there bills ect. better than heterosexuals, we own houses, nice cars and really nice underware.
    We want world peace and love for all , I believe that us the gay minority do more for society than hetero's do anyway, in Australia 69 percent of foster carers are gay. So its ok to fix your F..K ups is it? but we cant access IVF or things heteros take for granted. Like being able to marry, you wouldn't get divorced if it wasn't so easy.
    This privilege is often taken for granted by hetero's when they let us homo's marry watch us thrive :)

    Homosexuals are not sitting on welfare looking for the tax payers to pay for their mistakes, I mean children. Homosexuals take care of their children all on their own. I have a friend, she and her WIFE have adopted 3 boys so far. All boys from the same STRAIGHT mother but all 3 have different fathers. The mother knows she can not raise a child because she can not afford it because her drugs are more important to her so she keeps giving the babies up to the state. The "good" heterosexual married people keep bypassing her kids because they don't want children born to a drug addicted mother. My friends were first foster mothers to the oldest boy and then they were asked if they wanted to adopt him because the state could not find a married hetero couple to adopt him. My friends have been lucky enough to be able to adopt all 3 boys so the boys can stay together. My, my what those homosexuals do to children.....SHOCK AND HORROR!!!!!!!!! Oh yes and this is their second go round as parents. They've already raised a daughter together who is now 20 years old and loves her little brothers as little brothers. ALL THIS LOVE PAYS THE BILLS BABY! Please do tell me of a heterosexual couple that you know (not a rich celebrity either) who has done the same.
    The boys:

    I think these little boys are very blessed to have two wonderful loving parents to care for them.
    Thanks for sharing this Colleen.
    @mycatsmom; Deliberately depriving? I wish I had never known my father. I would much rather have been raised in a loving environment regardless of the union. My parent's heterosexual marriage was a flipping farce. The damage it did to my sister and myself is unconscionable. My sister's life and death is proof of that. I live with this reality every single day.

    That`s your right to have an opinion...but why not marriage..i don`t does it affect are addaptable..they may end up with two ma`s or two pa`s...but we live in the 21st C ..unless i`ve missed something...So LONG AS THE CHILDREN ARE LOVED,CARED FOR..AND happy...why shouldn`t they be happier than kids with parents in a bad,destructive marriage situation????
    Deleted User

    You may want to watch this ..

    You may not know this but a recent study has shown that gay people make excellent parents that in fact, they bring up well adjust kids ... Don't let that haunt you :)

    Is it wrong for people to marry people of different race ? I think in this day and age its beyond a joke that love is not accepted in all the shapes it comes in. In Australia they are yet to allow same sex marriage yet the UN has told our government its not a heterosexual privilege it is a human right.

    I myself am not for a biblical binding between my partner and I. Neither of us follow the church nor its rules. So we would be happy with a civil union that allows us the rights that of a married male and female.

    I know in Australia there are many things to be passed before we even look like approaching the path of same sex marriage.

    I personally think that governments and the church is scared that our marriages may shame the divorce rate that heterosexuals abuse, Britany Spears married for a few hours ? that's hardly protecting the meaning of marriage. I think they should save the economies around the world and promote same sex marriage ..

    But on this earth every gay and lesbian person shall be know as resident alien we pay taxes, fight wars, foster kids and play our part in society but really have no rights.. Send me to Mars :)


    Look out gays have well adjusted kids :)


    Why insist that a couple love each other? The heterosexual divorce rate is above 50-percent, whether love is present or not. And how does one define the word Love? Presumably, the divorce rate in homosexual and lesbian marriages is at a very low percentage. For me, marriage is all about the love and welfare of children. If kids are not involved, then the only apparent advantage for gay couples to marry is tax relief.


    "the only apparent advantage for gay couples to marry is tax relief."
    The same goes for heterosexuals who never have children.
    But it's much more than just tax relief. It's property, social security, financial savings, stocks, bonds, healthcare, hospital visits, medical decisions and whatever else I'm forgetting that marriage protects for both parties.

    What's a marriage without love? It's merely a federal contract designed to merge family holdings or as a tax shelter. I fail to see your point when directed only at homosexuals.

    As you can see by my story above, homosexual couples can and do have children to love and give welfare to. I raised two sons with my gf at the time. It would have been nice to have been able to cover my sons under my health care plan at the time but since she and I could not marry and they could not be my legal children by way of marriage, she had to turn to the state for medical for the boys because her job did not offer health insurance and she could not afford it out of pocket, even with my help. We got nothing from her ex husband. No support for the kids. He ran and hid.

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