    Good Question, What is your thoughts......


    +9  Views: 922 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    People really do not understand how long the line is going to be to get any kind of help when using Obamacare.

    11 Answers

    I agree with Ed, except that they THINK they are better than the rest of us.


    Good point.
    Headless Man

    I think we should kick all the bums out. Sorry bums, just a figure of speech we know your better than them.....

    They only get first class treatment because they are so much better than all the rest of us. After all it is hard work spending money from tax payers.

    Headless Man

    Crooks I think would be a better word.......

    and the poor in the U.S. get free health care already---in the ER for minor things like a Urinary tract infection .

    It would seem upon studying this briefy (and now I would like to look into this further) that nothing is set in stone as of yet.  There are proposals on the table and what this question is refering to is one proposal based upon income. ... There you go. 

    From my understanding based upon the initial idea is, 'Making health care available to all Americans'.  What is wrong with that?  We have it here in Canada.  No one is left on the street with a broken leg or an exploding heart because they can not afford health care.  Now, this is just my take on what I have read.  I don't have the inclination on getting into any type of argument.  Truly and honestly, I am just so thankful my parents emigrated to Canada and not the United States of America right about now.

    I do have a friend that not so long ago could not go to the doctor when she was sick because she had, at the time, no health care plan in place... that is just sickening to me.  Even in my tightest times I have never had to worry about health care.  It isn't as if we don't have to pay some sort of fee, we do but no one is left out because they can't pay.


    I agree with you fishy, I think healthcare schould be a right and not a priviledge just for a few.Thousands of people die in the US because of lack of healthcare. We are in line with third world countries when it comes to healthcare.The US is 100 + years behind other countries. Insurance rates keep going up every year and our healthcare is the most expensive in the world. Its twice and even three times as much as any other country. Even Cuba has National Healthcare.I call it the country without pity.

    Fishlet, the ERs here in the states HAVE to take and treat anybody that walks in ----insurance or not. That's why our hospital bills are sssooo high. In one major hosp ER, I had to sit in the ER for 11 hours with a vag hemmorhage ---from cancer of the uterous. There were about 300 people waiting to be seen . They took all of them before me.

    Ann, you have to remember that other countries that have nat. health care, like Cuba are very small.....and like France and England. It'll never work in a huge country like the U.S. ,b/c a lot of people here don't pay taxes .

    If "pro" is for and "con" is against , does that mean congress is against progress ?

    Headless Man

    Sure, unless it's their progress......

    That is good and can be true.

    Good question!

    Who has a good idea for a health plan?  Something has got to be done to get one. Where's the ideas?


    National healthcare like they have in the UK, Canada and the rest of Europe. For over 120 yrs, the US tried to implement healthcare for everyone and it never worked out. Germany was the first country to have National Healthcare in 1883, followed by Britain in 1889 and then the rest of Europe
    The problem in the US is health insurance companies and drug Companies.They have been lobbying against National Healthcare. They make billions of dollars of profit every year

    So how to fix this? Its hard to believe the USA can't get it done! And everyone doesn't seem to want it! Why not? You HAVE to have car insurance to drive. I just can't understand the reluctance for national health care!

    Clu, I think its fear of Socialism Every Country is a capitalist and socialist Country, because of social programs, including the USA. Some people just dont get it.
    Headless Man

    Competition should make a big difference, government payments have made prices go up and if they try to control prices, doctors will quit.
    Get government out of it, they screw up everything, or change them....

    They make too much money.


    "Spot on DOO.

    Too much hidden things in this health plan, this scares me.

    When did you see someone denied medical coverage that needed it, my sons girlfriend takes the kids and her mother to the doctor and hospital when ever they have a pain and they never pay a dime or ever had insurance.

    My wife and I have Insurance and it cost us plenty when we need to go.


    Medicaid? This is why they go to er's . This is also why the working person has to pay so much! To make up for the ones who don't pay!
    Headless Man

    I understand that but why is that any worse than the health plan.

    clu, lots of people that don't have Medic-aid get treated for free in the ER. Beleive me.....I just spent a lot of time in 3 ERs.
    Headless Man

    That's the point, but if the Supreme Court don't stop this I'm sure you will see it get worse because thats what the government dose.....

    We are told that "all men are crated equal".  We are told there should be "no child left behind".  We are told that everyone should have equal opportunities for employment. 
    I have retreated into my shell like a scared turtle.  There is very little working in the US the way it should.  I got a "funny" email about how the "elderly" should be put in prisons and prisoners should have the benefits and respect afforded the elderly.  If I was smarter, I'd post the whole email here, because it pointed out how well the prisoners are treated compared to the elderly citizens.  
    My personal thought remains:   Elected officials are supposed to be public servants.  They should NOT be paid more than $3000/month for their time and effort.  They should not have budgets for travel, entertainment, postage, or anything else.  PUBLIC SERVANTS serve the public; they should not be served BY the public.  Passing laws that exempt any law-abiding citizen from mandatory participation (such as this healthcare nightmare) is NOT treating everyone as though they were created equal.  It IS leaving children (and others) behind, and it is NOT giving everyone equal opportunities.  
    If it is good for the goose, it is good for the gander.  
    Back to my shell. 


    NO. Bob you came out of your "Shell!! to say what people think I for one Bless You "Girl" the Country needs "YOU !!

    You are smart- these computers have so many thingymabobs you can do with them- you're just learning like most of us!
    Headless Man

    Right on Bob, SERVANTS ha ha, thefts is more like it.....

    Some day I am going to write to my elected officials on all levels and let them know they can reduce the deficit considerably by giving up their inflated salaries and perks and taking the stipends they should have had in the first place.

    the "detainees " that were/ are in Gauntanimo are getting better health care than most elderly Americans. Same thing for prison inmates.

    I still think the point of being elected is to represent their constituents to the best of their abilities. This doesn't mean they need hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries and perks....most of them are bazillionaires at the get-go. Sometimes the husband serves out his term and the wife or son takes his place. You get whole families in office. bleeckh

    You said it very well
    Stay out of your shell!

    looks like that was superimposed on the picture of the van.


    We have to wait as well unless it is life threatening or something to do with vital organs... my kidneys always put me to the front of the line.
    I think America just has sooo many citizens that your waits are longer than ours.
    Headless Man

    If it was, not by me....

    They must not be a gander.

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