    Psychics, anyone?

    At workshop this morning, we had small group questions. One woman said she had psychic abilities and elaborated in her answer to one of the questions.  During our break, I asked her if she got any "vibe" from me.  Every morning, when I awaken, I tell myself the same thing, "You are not alone".  Imagine my reaction when she looked me squarely in the eye and said, "You need to know that you are not alone.  You need to believe that." 
    We talked for awhile after the workshop, but prior to that, there was NOTHING to promote a response like that.
    Any of you have psychic abilities or believe in "That Stuff"?  Share an experience?  Please, no joking around; thanks.

    +4  Views: 978 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    There are some true ones out there but don't get caught up with them. They do not know how to properly protect themselves or the people they connect with in the physical world. You could get a leech you are not expecting. 


    Thanks, Colleen; I'm generally quite skeptical; a couple of times, I've believed what I heard because it came out of the blue. This is one of those times. No money exchange, for sure. No interest in knowing about tomorrow, either.

    I was watching a horse race, I can't remember the horses name. I said to a friend with me watching the race that "The horse will break" before the race started. The horse broke, and eventually was put down. Nichole Smith died the day after I told my wife a woman of notoriety with very blond hair will die tomorrow or soon.


    Harbinger of doom! What do you think gave you those premonitions?

    horse racing is a huge abuse of horses. They tie their tonges back and they give them lasix, so they won't bleed in their lungs,etc.And as you know, horses frequently break their leg in the trotters class, b/c they're run too much, too fast, too young. And when they do break their leg, they're euthanized, or worse.....b/c they've become a liability instead of an asset.
    ed shank

    Bob, I don't know why, but those are only two incidences. There have been many more.
    ed shank

    mycatsmom, Years ago a very good friend owned several trotters. Your correct in your comment regarding the abuse of horses. It always pissed me off whenever he ran his horses, knowing they would be drugged or some other form of torture imposed on them. Money can take away your humanity.

    Psychic |?s?kik|
    1 relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, esp. involving telepathy or clairvoyance: psychic powers.
    • (of a person) appearing or considered to have powers of telepathy or clairvoyance: I could sense it—I must be psychic.
    2 of or relating to the soul or mind: he dulled his psychic pain with gin.
    3 Bridge denoting a bid that deliberately misrepresents the bidder's hand, in order to mislead the opponents.
    a person considered or claiming to have psychic powers; a medium.
    • (psychics) [ treated as sing. or pl. ] the study of psychic phenomena.
    psychical |?s?kik?l|adjectivepsychic ( sense 1 of the adjective),
    psychically |?s?kik(?)l?|adverb,
    psychism |?s??kiz?m|nounpsychic ( sense 1 of the adjective)
    ORIGIN early 19th cent.: from Greek psukhikos (see psyche1) .

    Yup, I’m psychic. I hear people and animals think. I see spiritual beings and they see me. I see and talk with dead people.  I have always seen and talked with spirit. I can project the image of a ball in front of a cat and lead it around in play. I can make a dog run away in fear with a thought. I know what I can do and I never abuse my ability or show off. Most folk get very upset if I were to demonstrate my ability, My parents charged people quit a lot of money to talk with me when I was a child. One day she asked how I could answer any question offered me to answer and I told her the only way a person can ask a question is by denying they know the answer. I look to where they are in mind, they are at their denial. I just move their denial aside and tell them what is there in mind. Most folk have no idea how the mind works  and habitually abuse themselves and others with their beliefs and denials. What is true requires neither belief or denial to support its truth…it just is. 


    It's kind of being psychic and all I can think to inquire of my current circumstances is...why why why why??????? ;)

    Lindilou…Your denial of knowing “why” is best dealt with by you, revolk your belief in not knowing why. That is where the answer is. Of course you have repeated that error many times so it is going to take more than once ( revolk your belief in not knowing why ) to get to the last of it.

    I know when I'm good to buy a scratch off. I know when I'm not going to win. I can't pick lottery numbers but I know when it's going to be a good day for someone. I know the little inconsequential stuff.....

    I am somewhat psychic, PKB, and the vibes I pick up from you is that the man in your life that you are wondering about will come thru for you. You and he will get closer.


    LOL: Love you, mycatsmom! Just meeting that man will make us closer!

    I have a family full of very intuitive people.  I think if you rolled everyone into one person, that person could make a living at being a psychic.


    I believe in intuition and I think in general women are more intuitive that men to the point that some take the extreme intuition as being psichic...

    Satan pretends to be kind and helpful. He tries to appear as something good. Satan and his demons will give a psychic information about a person in order to get that person hooked into spiritism, something that God forbids. It appears innocent at first, but soon people can find themselves addicted to psychics and unwittingly allow Satan to control and destroy their lives. Peter proclaimed, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). In some cases, the psychics themselves are deceived, not knowing the true source of the information they receive. Whatever the case and wherever the source of the information, nothing connected to spiritism, witchcraft, or astrology is a godly means of discovering information. How does God want us to discern His will for our life? God’s plan is simple, yet powerful and effective: study the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and pray for wisdom (James 1:5).


    Thank you, daren1. I never take this too seriously. It is curious when someone hits a chord with my past or present.

    I never took them too seriously, though would visit one now and then out of curiosity, but I did come across one woman that unnerved me a little, I had a blond haired toddler at the time that was severely asthmatic and suffered from nightmares, I hadn't mentioned my daughter but amongst other things she said matter of factly that there was a blond headed child, that had been buried alive in a past life and I should leave a light on at night for her as she felt she was being suffocated, I did that, no more nightmares and no more asthma, and she has never looked back. The same woman also told a friend that she had been given to the wrong mother at birth, indeed she had, and only her husband and I knew that. 


    It is hard to be skeptical when someone gives this kind of insight. I'm really glad your daughter benefited from what you were told. :D I don't know about past lives, though, and I've been told I have many and am a very old soul. ??

    Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions, none of us know, but I do believe in re incarnation, the same woman also told me of past lives,I went to see her as a skeptic as I had others, but she knew too much detail to be guesswork,her words have been realized even now, some 20 years later

    don't believe in para activities, phenomena, capabilities and such


    I knew you were goin to say that. :)

    why? :)

    I have worked retail for more years than I care to count and after a while you do become quite psychic... it's a short cut actually! :)

    I believe that there are much more that we see. I don't believe that we can communicate with deaths, but I believe from purely christian base that there are angels and other beings that share our space.

    I read people..their past not future but anyone can do that if you got the know how



    how you know?

    try it out on a cupple of people first haha !!!

    Psychic?  No.  Intuitive?  Very.

    Sorry Bob I got it mixed up with the wrong question,



    I read palms and do tarot but I call myself a gypsy, a psychic is someone whom believes they can see things ect all they really do is guide you, they often are very good at reading people.

    I don't even call myself a Psychic . A psychic is someone I believe whom allows you to pay them money to tell you what you want to hear.

    You should tell that woman that you see a dark orb around her like a cloud, is she feeling herself as you are feeling that you are now tuning into your powers, scare the shit out of her look on her palm and the middle line if its going down or splitting tell her omg you suffer horrible depression and then look at the top line and tell her that she doesnt have enough lines touching both her head and her heart line tell her she has lost the intution to be in tuned to her gift .. Let me know if you want anything else to scare her :)..


    I love seeing them I can get my money back read there palms and go there you go thats the real deal..


    There is no reason for me to do any of those things to this woman. I asked her, she didn't ask for money, and there is nothing for me to gain in scaring her. She's having a rough go financially and in her relationships; I understand her situation and wouldn't do anything to make it tougher for her.
    Why would you want me to be so cruel?

    <reply moved to where it belongs>

    Karma: 2075

    I don't want you to be cruel .. I was being cheeky sorry ...

    We all get vibes from people so don't think that what she has told you is anything different to how you dont get from others. Good or bad vibes.

    Sometimes people in vulnerable positions link on to people that give and care, they tend to be the ones who take away energy from you.

    We all must use positive affirmations to help us , if we only believed them as whole heartedly as we say them. As I say to some people you have the best advice if only you listened to it yourself , you would be dangerous.

    I'll work on those things, wonderdyke, and thanks for clearing up the confusion. I will try to be more dangerous, too! I DO know better!
    Deleted User

    Sorry I know I keep doing that posting it in the wrong box but sometimes I dont have a comment to this answer :( .. Please don't get angry :(

    You will be dangerous Bob :) Shout to the universe it gives us the best rewards :)

    No, not all charge money, my grandmother, a wealthy woman and and very gifted and (used to scare the crap out of me) traveled all over the world on request helping people with her physic ability, never accepted a penny saying it was a sin to charge anyone for a God given gift

    I do believe that people can have a moment of psychic ability but to claim that one has full ability is highly questionable. Think about it.. If they were that good at it they would be calling us before we were to contact them with questions. It's an area of interest, but a glimpse here and there is no great scientific proof. Stick with what you know to be true.


    Very sensible! Thank you. :D

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