    WHY don't INDIAN women dosen't wears shorts, tops hot pants and etc... short dressess like americans???

    why cant each women have their right 2 wear anythng?

    +4  Views: 1764 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Fortunately, there are still some parents who promote social, moral, ethical, and "ethNIcal" values for their children.  It's a relief not every kid in America has to has his boxers showing or her body overpierced, over-painted, and under-dressed.

    They do have the right to wear anything!They choose to wear modernized styles of traditional designs and are greatly influenced by Bollywood movie stars.Check out this site for more information>>>

    That will change in time as it has in the states. We used to burn witches, now we elect them  to public office.


    Does this indicate a strong possibility that you wouldn't vote for "moi" if I were to run for office?

    Because that is their culture.


    Culture is to be respected. I agree with eggie.

    They want to drive the bad girls crazy with the thought of them as being nice girls.

    Dunno. But i have to say most of them look very attractive in their traditional getup.Some of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen are Indian girls in silk saris.

    I thought most of them wore a feather in thier hair,and were called squarws,

    They do as their society dictates what is acceptable, as we do (for the main) ours

    the same thing with Muslim women in the U.S. They still dress like nuns.

    Its because of their Culture

    They are just a litle behind but not for long...

    because their hair is to oily and their asses are to flat


    This is a false generalization...

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