    What are the 5 respectful ways to ask a woman for sex?

    I just want to ask a girl for sex with me? But I feel that I must respect she at any situation?


    +1  Views: 2440 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    If you are any sort of man, you don't ask, you will know from body language when she is willing.

    bulletman's right...she'll either be hugging you...or flipping you the bird (or a whole bouquet with a smack!)Live life.

    11 Answers

    I can give  you 5 reasons not to ask a woman for sex

    1.You could avoid getting a slap in the face

    2.You may have her husband coming after you

    3.Think about the STDs you could save yourself from catching

    4.You could escape a possible sexual assault charge

    5.Save yourself the embarrassment of finding out she was a he


    # 5, as in Alvin Purple.

    Asking would be less than romantic.  If you have nurtured the relationship in a loving, kind and considerate way, you won't need to ask!

    Go and get a prostitute. It would be easier.


    But Expensive ( please don't ask.)

    No slapping, I have arthritis.  No husbands since all 5 died.  No STDs, no sex for 30 years.  No assault charges, I would be doing the assaulting.  I am definitely a she, a very undesirable she.

    Just kidding pythonlover.



    Is she spoken for,??

    Almost, she's got the hots for Denney.

    I wonder how old she is. I also wonder why I wonder. How can anybody be like that? How? How?
    Did she ever have a boyfriend? Was she, OMG, a mom?
    I will be moving along now.

    You forgot to mention the potential negative odor, itsmee.

    You may also get:

    !) a big hardy laugh

    2)  OMG WHO are you?

    3) Not if my life depended on it

    4) I'm getting the bouncer

    However you decide to 'ask" please remember that no meand NO and stop means STOP and anything you persue after the NO or STOP is sexual assault or rape....

    (1) ARE YOU AWAKE?


    I will not ask :)...but Little Doo is a bit curious LOL

    Oh you're not just concerned about how well she is sleeping???

    No Comment to any of the above. lol.

    ROFL!!!!! LLB You are funny!

    Don't ask because you will come off sounding you sound now...just...don't.


    Sex just happens when two people care enough about each other and wish to stay involved, another step in a loving relationship, no need to ask, if you are not in a relationship there are brothels only too happy to oblige, a relative of mine used them all the time, he said no guilt, no responsibility and served the purpose, worked well until my nanna found out (his mother)

    how much luv


    ASK for IT like a MAN, DON'T BEG for IT like a DOG!!!


    HMMMMM..never mind- I am a doolittle :)

    And I was born in the year of the Dog!! What does it all mean?? Pleeease pleeease tell me?

    Keep your pants on and your mouth shut.  You aren't ready for sex on so many levels.

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