    What has happened to the Walmart Greeter?

    I don't go into Walmart very much... maybe two or three times a year.  I have noticed that the uncomfortable moment when the Greeter say's, "Hello", and whatever comes after that because I blank when accosted, is now gone and has been gone for quite some time.

    Does your Walmart still have a Greeter?

    +7  Views: 1159 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I don't know what a greeter is at the door,  i don't think Australia has them,  but i know we have someone standing at the doors to inspect your bags on the way out.

    Anytime you wonder why business or industry phased out something that was good,.......just follow the money trail, and you'll get your answer .

    Yes, it does.  Usually it's the skinny, older woman who smiles and returns baskets but for a while, it was Glenda who became friends with my sister. She was GREAT!


    Oh, you are soooo lucky... Mine did not have a Glenda and now it has no one. Good I think.

    They don’t say it but those greeters are just a forum of security.

    Yes, it does, and it bothers me that they always have a greeter but never enough cashiers.  The greeter is a great idea, but providing good customer service is a better one!  :)

    Last time I was there they still had a greeter and I imagine they still do. That was 4 month ago. Maybe it depends on where you live?.

    No worries Fishy, the greeters are at a convention in Cancun..they'll be back soon.


    I think they have been replaced by the person who yells, "Wait! Let me check that bag!" ... as you leave the store... I'm a shifty one, I am!

    LOL! You aren't shifty...they just don't know why you are wearing that glorious tin foil cap!

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