    Not a question just to let you now our poor henry was put to sleep on Friday


    +6  Views: 1090 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    If love could be a stairway
    and memory a Lane
    I,d walk right up to heaven
    and bring you back again.

    Ann that is sooo lovely thank you xxxx

    20 Answers

    "Cat's go where they please and please where they go". Just think of all the happiness and love Henry took with him to share with a whole bunch of little Souls that may be in need of it right now. Not all animal Souls got to experience that kind of love and happiness in life. The wonderful joy and contentment that Henry got from you and your husband, he now gets to share that with so many in need of it. He gave his all to you both for as long as his little body allowed him to. Now he sends his love to you on tiny gilded wings that dance their way into your hearts to remind you of how very much your love meant to him.  You will see him again, this I believe. You may even meet all the little Souls that your love helped to comfort via Henry.  This is the truest and most perfect gift we can give to God's creations, Love. And Henry got a ton of it. He will most definitely please many where he's gone. You gave him that. May knowing that help to soothe your hurting heart. ((((hugs to you both))) 


     Immersed in God's love and light, Henry waits for you there at Rainbow Bridge. 



    Colleen I cant write much as I am crying after reading your answer this is so lovely yes its true in what you are saying and makes alot of sence thank Colleen and the hugs xxxx

    Now KOTF is crying.................

    Lovely Colleen.........

    For some reason, this pic and answer, has brough tears to my eyes.

    Colleen I didnt relise that you put a picture of my sweet little Henry at the gates ah that is sooooo compassionate thank you so much. I do hope I can print this off. thanks sweetheart xxx

    Colleen I have manged to save it on to a file I will print off later I feel I have won the Lotto this has uplifted me sooo much thank you again xxxx

    I'm glad it gave you the peaceful feeling I was hoping it would. It may not print large. I'll try and make a larger file for you to save and print if you need it. xxx

    Henry's crossed that rainbow bridge and joined all the other members pets in their happy place Mel, remember him with love as you do all your past pets and I do mine.



    ROMOS thank you so much for your thoughts on Our Henry we called him the Buda Cat as he never ever killed even a fly in his twenty years I miss him so much I feel my heart is going to break love always Romos xxx

    I know how you are feeling Mel, my dog died in my arms 2 weeks ago.I am grateful for the 11 years we had with him.Just treasure your memories with Henry.


    PL- How sad...I held my beloved dog the day she died! I miss her but am joyous when I think of her learning to fly with her angel wings!!!

    pythonlover I am so sorry that your dog died as you said you know how I am feeling I feel that I havnt got a arm or something they say time is a great healer I wish it would hurry up to stop this auful pain!!! I keep crying as he was my Moms fravorite cat and he loved her so with the combination of my mum and henry its hard thank you for sharing about your dog I do hope thye are together you never know the link!!!! xxxx

    I am so sorry that Harvey is no longer with you. Animals are children that you take care of, but they also give so much unconditional love in return. It is very painful. But he has found another home over the rainbow bridge, where he is happy and well. Thats where all our animals that have passed are waiting for us. Thinking of you in your sorrow and sending you love and prayers.


    Ann thank you sweetheart I do belive he waiting on that Bridge Ann its Henry not Harvey but it dosent matter your heart is always in the right place love as always Ann xxx

    Mel, i'm so sorry to hear about Henry, at least he had a good life with you as his owner and friend.


    Hi bulletman thank you for your comment he was 20 years old so he had a good life and we enjoyed him sooo much he will never be forgotten xxx

    I am so very sorry and I know how painful that is. But you can rest assured that all living things join the soul of God.


    Ed thank you so much for your comment xxx

    Hi Guys thought you want to know that my poor little Henry was put to sleep on Friday Morning he died in my arms I have been so upset but it was roughly a year ago when I asked for thoughts and preys and thanks to you guys we had another year from so thankyou soooo much at laest he is with the rest of the gang god bless him xxx


    AWWHH!..i feel very sad for sorry to hear that!..(There are animal/pet bereavement people who you can talk to if it helps?..(here in UK..the SAMARITANS HAVE A SEPERATE LINE for this as they know how desperate and sad it is when you loose a pet who is part of the family!

    Millie 111 thank you so much for your concern I was very distraught on Friday and Saturday but feeling a bit better now thanks for the advise it is worth knowing that thanks again xxx

    Sorry Mel .Henry is gone to a better place were all animals bind DOWSA.


    dowsa thank you for your thougts xxx

    So sorry to hear about Henry, but happy you had the extra year together.  Twenty is an incredible life for an animal; that shows he was given the best of care and love, a testament to those who knew and loved him most.  I know how much I enjoy the company and affection I receive from my cat and dog and am thankful God put them in my care (and vice versa). 
    Keep those happy memories of your Henry, and my heartfelt sympathy to you & yours.
    XOXO   Bob/PKB   4/29/12 


    Bob thank you for those kind words as you say we have all the memories from him xxx

    So sorry to hear Mel, I'm sure  Henry brought you much joy and comfort me heart goes out to you and Henry as well..


    daren thank you yes you are right he brought joy into our hearts and when anyone met him they were drawn to him like a magnet thank you again xxx

    so sorry Mel, a very sad time and I know he'll be very missed, xx


    lambshank thank you for your comment he will be missed sooo much xxxx

    What a great, big empty he has left behind. I am so sorry. I wish my good thoughts could fill it somewhat.  Time heals all, etc.....


    jhharlan thank you for your kind thoughts xxxx

    So sorry to hear Mel.  Henry sounds like a sweet and lovely cat.  Our pets bring so much to our lives.  You have been blessed to have this wonderful cat in your life.

    xoxo Fishie


    Hi Fishie yes were blessed when Henry arrived I will never forget him he made such a impact in our lives thanks xxxx

    ""Just thought to show another photo of Henry doing his cleaning routine with Oscar

    he cleaned all the cats everyday and when we had kittens he let them suckle on him!!!


    I can well imagine Henry is already caring for hurting Souls on the other side of rainbow bridge. He's a special Soul for sure. How lucky you were to have been blessed with his light. :)

    Colleen how true is that in what you said we were blessed when he came into our home... I was a volunteer in animal rescue and when I went round to this german shepard it was fine but something was hiding behind a sofa and he peered right into my eyes and I asked the guy was he looking for a home for the cat and he said yea and that is how I ended up with him what a sweetheart right from the begining as you said he will now be helping other souls now that does make me feel better but Im still hurting as I write this we knew this one would be hard one its because of his kind nature thanks Colleen xxx

    I know how hard it is to lose a dear and loved cat, Mel. :(



    that is soooo lovely thank you so much I feel Henry is now a Angel xxx

    " I have no doubt (Henry) will wait-in for you on the other side." :)


    Ah PANDA than you sooo much for those thoughtful words I hope he will be waiting woth the gang! xxxx

    Mel- I am so sorry. He sounds like he was a very loving and kind guy!!!  I'm sure he will always be in your heart!!!!!!

    I have this vision that when I die all of the animals I have loved will meet me and guide me to Heaven!!!!!  Then I think of them all buzzing ab0ut in Heaven- trying to figure out how to fly with their angel wings- I know, it's odd, but it always makes me smile!!!!


    doolittle thank you for thise kind words xxx

    My sympathy for you loss, Mel :( :( :(...


    valR thank you for words xxx

    Blessings to your family for your loss! I know you will miss Henry! 


    clu thank you yes he is loss and I still miss him so much lets hope time heals xxxx

    Time makes the pain a little less. I lost my dog earlier this year and still find myself looking for him!

    clu sorry to here this I still call him and think I see him wierd as you say time is what I need do hope you are getting better after loosing your Dog xxxx

    I know you'll miss him a lot.  I am very sorry you lost Henry, Mel.


    Chiangmai thanks for answering we will miss him dearly xxx

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