    If your were stopped by a policeman and they asked you to recite the alohabet backwards whast's the odds that ave person is sober can say v/s it backwards when your a little tipsy?

    0  Views: 519 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    Now, I uderstand that alohabet meant alphabet. And whst's the odds meant What are the odds. And ave which is avg for average ans v/s was typo...with that in mind please read my ans. which means answer. See below (which means my answer is below this blue box next to my name and frankenstien face.

    7 Answers

    Are you a little tipsy while writing this?

    I would say the chances are fairly slim unless you have a very large conviction and can handle alcohol better than the average schmoe.

    If you were stopped by a policeman and asked to recite the ALPHABET that would probably indicate that you have been drinking and driving.  That is illegal and a very stupid move.  Drinking and Driving does not mix... ask Alexa Middelaer's parents.

    Here is a link...


    Fish, I hope the TU's are IPS has been acting strange the last few days....really slow !

    ZYX..unless i were to face him foward.

    You should have done it in Arabic or in a foreign language.  He would not have had a way to verify if you were correct or not.  If you ended in court, you'd win for sure.

    I've no idea don't quite understand the question anyway to be perfectly honest.


    I think he is a little "Tipsy writing this ?

    Dustin Hoffman would never spell like that!  ;)

    My housemate can only do it if he's been drinking...He's beaten a few P.I.'s this way...........

    Hmmm how could you get around this???? Tipsy too.....

    " O tay ossifer..Z is foe Zebra...did you know that cheebras -haha Zebras live in africa.  They have those unique stripped -ha Striped markings for caamafoldge(spelled the way you pronounce it tipsy) which is pretty alright cause when they're all together it's harder to tell them apart. and What? oh yeah. Y is for yak Yak's are also hoofed animals.  What? Yaks are too animals!!! You have a smart phone ossifer look it up. What,? yeah, I'll wait. See I told you Yaks were animals!  Can I go now??? One more??  X is for xpert which I am about animals. What? What do you mean expert doesnt start with an X? Really? you really think it starts with an E?? Fine, E is for Xpert which I am. D is for dog. Dogs make great pets.  Have you ever owned a dog? Yeah? Great!  Cis for cat.  Cats make great pets!  B is for baboon.  Baboons are facinating they are part of..What? I am taking up Your Time? Fine, A is for Aardvark. Now, I shalt waist any more of your time. Thank you ossifer.  have a nice night......

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