    is it gonna rain

    +1  Views: 690 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    It was raining yesterday and raining today.... it will be raining tomorrow, Saturday ... easing off on Sunday.  I live in the shower stall of the earth.

    Not here in Austin, TX. Where are you so that we can look you up?

     Try when it gets closer to the date you are interested in.



    It depends on where you live.

    Sooner or later!


    Maybe is always the answer!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

    Today's Forcast: Sunny  to partly cloudy with a chance of rain.  


    so definitely maybe?

    Certainly will rain somewhere today/tonight--  As a matter of fact, its raining here right now. 'Silicon Valley, CA'.

    It's already raining here in Briz Vegas.

    Yep, tomorrow it'll be rainin' again.

    YYYep...and rain...and rain some more...welcome to the wet coast...""

    "It Never Rains In Southern California"  ALBERT HAMMOND

    Got on board a westbound 747

    Didn't think before deciding what to do

    Ooh, that talk of opportunities

    TV breaks and movies

    Rang true Sure rang true

    Seems it never rains in southern California

    Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before

    It never rains in California

    But girl don't they warn ya

    It pours, man it pours

    Out of work, I'm out of my head

    Out of self respect, I'm out of bread

    I'm underloved, I'm underfed,

    I wanna go home

    It never rains in California

    But girl don't they warn ya

    It pours, man it pours

    Will you tell the folks back home I nearly made it

    Had offers but didn't know which one to take

    Please don't tell 'em how you found me

    Don't tell 'em how you found me

    Gimme a break, give me a break

    Seems it never rains in southern California

    Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before

    It never rains in California

    But girl don't they warn ya

    It pours, man it pours


    That would be why we ship water to you.

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