    What is your fondest childhood memory?

    Please describe.

     Mine would be spending Christmas morning at my grandfather's restaurant as a kid in the 60s. It was closed that day, and we had the run of the room. He made pancakes for the whole family, which were the best pancakes ever! I got to play with all my cousins. We played the jukebox. It was magical! It's funny how such a simple thing could bring so much joy in a child!

    +3  Views: 756 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

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    Tommyh - It would have been great to have Grand parents.Mine were all deceased before I was even born.I think this is why I am so attached to my Grand kids.I want to give them the best memories ever.

    15 Answers

    Sleeping in on the 1st day of summer vacation.



    THE excitement of Birthday parties..dressing up for cream and jelly and party games! :-).. Oh happy days!!! :-)

    fishing in the crystal clear water with my dad in Shoal Bay


    that sounds nice.

    Target shooting out back of the house with my father when I was 10 years old. No matter what's going on in my life, it always takes me to a peaceful place in my mind. I guess it also gave me a deep appreciation for living out where you can do things like that.

    Bicycle riding on a hot summer day to the store with my buds to get a cold drink after a game of kick the can..


    I loved kick the can!!!! I also loved Capture the Flag!!

    my neighborhood was so tough we use to play kick with a rubbish barrel..

    My neighbourhood was even tougher.We used someboby's little brother!LOL

    When I was seven, I spent the summer with my aunt and uncle on their farm in Suffolk, I believe.

    It was idyllic. Feeding the animals, the scent of the newly mown hay. Riding on the back of their haywagon, after a day in the fields.

    They only had a genetator for electricity, so we used to light our way to bed with a candle, under the sloped attic roof. The lavatory was also outside, so we actually used commodes at night! lol

    Fabulous memories. :)


    That sounds Grand!!!!!!!!!

    I was a really great summer that always brings a smile to my face, Doo. :)


    What a fantastic memory, Dardaigh! What an unforgettable experience. I doubt anyone will have an experience like that in our world ever again. Blessed you were!

    Outside toilets were no novelty to me.That's all we had when I was a kid.

    I have quite a few memories, can't describe any to the fullness they contained.  I liked playing with my little brother when I wasn't planning on killing him...........

    Summer vacation swimming in the local creek with all the other kids in the neighborhood.

    Every single moment I got to spend with my Grandmother.  She lived in England and we lived in Canada... I lived for her visits. 

    That woman was and is my hero.

    When we were 12-13 years old we would take this dudes car,knowing he wouldn't notice as he was usually passed out, and we'd cruise out of town with a canoe and some beers to do a little river walking in the then pristine Sturgeon River.We'd float the canoe along full of our shoes and socks and grub and beers and we would walk down the centre of the river moving upstream listening to the song birds and swimming through the deep parts and playing water could see the gold flakes shimmering among the white and tiger striped pebbles on the bottom with the sun shining like a crazy diamond on some hot July afternoon out on the beautiful Alberta prairies...our laughter could be heard for miles!!!!Rivers always remind me that somewhere along this line I was a KID!!!!!!!!   :)

    I liked going to my Grandma's house! Maybe because I didn't have so many chores then!  I had to take care of my baby sister when I was 8 years old! I also remember standing on a stool to reach the top of the cook stove! Grandma's was heaven even though she had no indoor plumbing or electricity!

    At five years old, getting up and dressing myself and going outside early in the morning and noticing the morning dew on my red shoes. It's my first memory of being amazed by nature.

    making mud soup seasoned with summer grass and juniper berries!


    ...that's funny!..we made mock cabbage rolls with dandelion leaves and grass laced mud!!!lol!

    mmmm yum lindilou! The grass is always the staple in these recipes, no?! lol

    When I was a Kid my parents families lived 250 Miles away.I loved the car trips to visit them.Getting up at 4 A.M. & heading off.The picnic breakfasts at the halfway mark were a real buzz.


    It's funny how people just take modern conveniences for granted now, Tom. Though I must say, "roughing it" doesn't hold the same appeal for me anymore.

    Boy! You can say that again Dardaigh.Flushing toilets are an absolute minimum requirement for me these days.

    One that pops to mind is driving my dads old 1947 Willys Jeep on the farm.


    Looked something like this, maybe a better

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