    If you could go back in time and stop a tragedy from happening, what would it be?

    Anytime, anyplace, anywhere.  Any kind of tragedy from a huge disaster to a small personal one.

    +5  Views: 830 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Personally, I would stop Hitler before he rose to power, even if it meant I'd have had to kill him. I am not a violent person.

    11 Answers

    911 first and foremost, that one was truly heartbreaking.


    Excellent answer! It was the saddest day I remember.

    YEP!! beat me to it!!;-)...I even cried watching the 10th anniversary memorial!!:-(

    I would have tried to have stopped Eve from eating that apple,but it could have turned into a pissing contest with Adam.. they wrecked it for all mankind..

    Hitler.  I would Stop the Holocaust

    My first thought was my cousin's death in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. He was in his 20's and the father of one, expecting his second child within a matter of months.  He was a guard at Avenal prison, and it was nearly a two-hour drive home. The drunk also killed his own cousin, who was a passenger in his car.  My cousin's mom, my aunt (my mom's sister) was given the tragic news in a brusque, thoughtless manner by a policeman who telephoned and barely identified himself.  She had a nervous breakdown from which she never fully recovered. He was the youngest of her 8 children. 


    That is so sad. It must have been especially difficult for both your aunt and the mother of his children.

    Isn't it also a bit ironic that, as a prison guard, he died outside of the prison due to a criminal's act?

    Truly ironic. I lost a friend a few years ago who had been clean/sober for 12 years. He taught the DUI classes required by courts here in Calif. He and his girlfriend were at a red light on his Harley when a drunk driver came plowing through the intersection, smearing them across the road. (Both were living donors before their life support was terminated).

    That was a terrible tragedy. The loss of a child changes lives forever.There were too many tragedys in my life. I cant go back and bring them to live. It will take me weeks to get normal again.

    Bob, thank you for your thoughts. These senseless acts cause so much pain.

    Ann, I don't think we are ever the same when a tragedy strikes our family. We just don't know what, where, or when, and I try to always end a visit or call with "I love you". Even my son in jail....there he is and I want to hug him and haven't been within 40 feet of him or behind a plexiglass for almost 1 1/2 years.
    I hope you have some god memories to go with the horrible tragedies you have experienced. You are the one I most respect here, and I admire and like you a whole bunch, too.

    I've been pondering this question and there have been so many instances of human atrocities down through the centuries, that it's difficult to chose. :(

    Huge tragedy = US slavery ...... Personal (but not so small) = Death of brother and sister-in-law caused by a driver having a fight with her boyfriend.


    Just want to tell you I care.

    Don: Slavery started long before the American slave trade began. Slavery has been around pretty much as long as humans have inhabited the earth. Unfortunately, man has been compelled to dominate others for his own benefit, profit and pleasure.

    I would go back in time to when the earth was first forming and stop that from happening.


    Interesting. Why?

    That's really hard to say, as so many events hinge on whether or not other events occured before them, in where people are at certain times. You could be stopping one tragedy, but unknowingly be creating likelyhood of another.

    Think about it. If no safeguards go up as a result from one tragedy, then the potential still exists, but only with no safeguards in place to stop it from occuring elsewhwere.


    Of course you're right. Read Stephen King's 11/22/63. It is excellent and talks about what you are saying!

    I would like to go back to London in 1888 and stop Jack the Ripper, the first "serial killer"!

    On a personal note, I would stop a childhood friend who ate a bullet when he was 17, apparently because a girl had rejected him.

    Probably the asassination of John Kennedy. Maybe if he would have lived, we wouldn't have lost so many young men in Vietnam. He was only putting them in there as advisors. Maybe in other ways, too, our country would have been better off if he wouldn't have been assassinated.


    Great answer! If you like to read, get Stephen King's new book, 11/22/63. it's an excellent revisionist story about a man who travels back in time to try to stop the JFK assassination. It's very good, not a typical Stephen King horror story.

    I could never choose, there are many personal tragedies I wish I'd  had the power to stop, there are many disasters, wars. crimes I would like to have stopped, but history cannot be changed, and I fear we don't always learn from our past


    too true!!

    i wouldn't have answered a question that I shouldn't have.


    To late now..

    oh well!!

    hi ed.

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