    Prove that the Bible is supernaturally inspired.

    Prophecy based would be preffered here.

    +1  Views: 1970 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    Oh please Randy, I've seen that week claim of a prophecy coming true expertly ripped apart too. It's one of those cases of if you want it bad enough you can find a way of giving credit to it.
    Headless Man

    Expertly ripped apart by who?

    I'll see if I can find it again. It was by some guy who studies religions.

    I've found another that has proven some prophecies in the bible false which now reasons that if some are false, all could be false. He even caught Jesus giving a false prediction. Instead of worry about the site (which I know you guys love to do as a way of discrediting the authors before you even read their words)take a look at what the author has to say and dispute his words and his findings

    I'm still looking for the other article. It might take some time as I was searching from link to link on another matter when I came across the dispelling of this prophecy you mentioned here. Has something to do with the time frame, the same as what you will find in the article I've given you the link for. These prophecies were not meant for thousands of years into the future. So far, no prophesies record have come true with 100% accuracy, something the rules of Deuteronomy require in order to validate them and not have them cast down as a false prophecy.
    Headless Man

    You can find evidence for what you believe and so can I:

    You will hang onto any little thread you can to give some sort of credit to your man written book. If one prophecy is false, then all others are subject to being false too. This proves that your bible is not completely factual. My work is done. You just keep drinking the kool-ade. It's what makes you happy :)

    here we go again .....

    I know, right? What's up with the Christians always trying to bash other beliefs and then getting offended when others fire back?

    19 Answers

    Prove the BIble is supernaturally inspired.
    I believe the Bible is the Word of God, given to us through man.   I believe those who recorded the events of the Bible reported accurately.
    I can't prove my "faith".  I just have it.  Go back to the answer Ed1530 gave you.   

    Prove to me that your parents loved you and they just didn’t say and act like they did.


    Spot on Ed. you have him thinking!!

    Good point

    my parents never said those 3 little words to me or my brother.

    The Bible is a God-inspired book. The oldest teaching in the Word. It is eternal. Human can not create same or similar writings, bacause these are beyond time and space. The people are limited. The teaching of Bible are boundless. Limited can not create unlimited things.


    What? Is your mind beyond time and space?

    The bible was written by humans about a human. This human was not made a God until long after he died when a new religion needed a God for it's worshipers to follow. The religion was founded by Paul but the bible did not appear on the scene until almost 1,500 years later. The bible is a collections of short stories, songs and debatable verses written by men who contradicted themselves on occasion. I do not see a lot of God at work here. Just a lot of faithful followers keeping the illusion alive.
    The teachings of the bible are no different than the US Constitution. They work for any generation but they say the same thing year after year, after year, without change unless man amends the words. The bible's teachings does have a limit. The teaching ends when Jesus ends. Then the church simply starts all over again from the beginning.
    The old brainwashing technique of continuously repeating the same ole messages over and over and over and over until it becomes so thoroughly drilled into a persons brain, they can see only the message as reality.
    Headless Man

    No, nogradiremete, your not wrong, the writings in the Bible are unique.

    God so thoroughly vindicated Jesus Christ that even mathematicians and statisticians, who were without faith, had to acknowledge that it is scientifically impossible to deny that Jesus is the Christ.

    Unique to the rewrite called the KJV anyway. "Oooh, we had to rewrite the bible so it would read the same for everyone. We had to rewrite it because the original was too confusing. We has to rewrite it to put in words that the layman could understand. Of course the laymen will not know if the words we put in actually change the whole idea behind the verse or text." What the layman does not know will not hurt him, or something to that effect.

    Josh ...  Can you cut to the chase please?  You seem to have an agenda.  So far this has been a painful journey.  State your point.  Is this an end of the world "The Awakening" thing or not?


    Heebie Jeebie Jelly Beanie!
    The Spirits are about to speak!!!

    Lindilou ... you are hilarious. I am a thinking a sense of humour is not welcome in this here part of these here lands... Le' Ha and Le' Sob for the "Oh so serious!".
    Oh shoot! That could be the Devil them there speaking through moi!

    I know Skylar. I am waiting for the cut and dry. This is exhausting. NWO here and 100 sites there. One answer without the drama would be nice.

    Seek and you shall find.

    You want supernatural? Come out to the Island man...I'll introduce you to some supernatural...big...hairy...'bout 9 feet tall...leave big freakin' footprints...that scare Bears away...Good grief! I have studied so many renditions of the bible it'd make your eyes fall me do a favor so you don't waste your time.Begin with an Ethiopian Bible...then study the Dead Sea Scrolls for awhile...not years.You could probably get into the Lost Gospels especially the Sophia of Jesus'll love that only if you can comprehend what the Master means in a deeper sense than the translations to English permit.Also read the beautiful Upanishads...for fun!Last but certainly not the least please read absolutely every word ever written by the sage and scholar Joseph go Grasshopper.Peace.

    There are aproximately 2500 prophesies contained in the bible, over 2000 of those have already been fulfilled.  This is territory worth traveling, but can not be adequately addressed my humble opion.   peace


    That's what I was trying to explain to Colleen. Don't be afraid to give a super long answer if you have the time though, that's why I asked the question!

    Other religions had many of the same prophecies. Of course all those transcripts were destroyed during the Christian wars and crusades so the bible could be the last book standing even though it was the last book pieced together. You people really need to do some heavy research.
    Headless Man

    "Other religions had many of the same prophecies. Of course all those transcripts were destroyed"
    Then you have no prove.......?

    Research the Christian Crusaders and the wars they had on other religious houses and once defeated the masses of transcripts that were destroyed. You have a lot of learning to do Randy if you really want to know what the truths are. Research the Mayans and see who was truly behind their total annihilation of that people. See what God these people were slaughtered and killed in the name of. All their records were destroyed, why? What truths did the conquers not want the world to know?

    Yes, there is proof and when the time is right, all those truths are going to come tumbling down onto you. I hope you can handle them.

    Colleen, it's impossible to have a discussion with you when I don't know your beliefs. I'm guessing you believe in striving for a higher consciousness that will usher in some great new era. Why do you call them Christian crusaders? Christians don't slaughter people.

    I call them Christian Crusaders because that is what history calls them. The Crusades were a series of religious expeditionary wars blessed by the Pope and the Catholic Church, with the stated goal of restoring Christian access to the holy places in and near Jerusalem. Your interpretation conflicts with historical facts. Go argue with the historians.
    It is not impossible to have a discussion with me. I will give you my opinion based on my beliefs according to what you give as opinion based on your beliefs. I do not need to pit my path against your religion. God is in no religion. God is within you. Remove religion and you merely remove dogma, you do not remove God. Listen not to the voices of men. Connect to God and what you need to know will be shown to you. Each person is unique and on their own individual path. Religion is set up with a bee hive mentality. All thinking the same and all working for the same agenda, whether it applies to their path or not. There is no room for freedom of will or expression. This is not what God meant for his Souls. It's hard to have any good discussion with a person who can not think out side the boundaries of the box they've placed them self in. Your only agenda is to prove you are right and all others are wrong. That's a lonely path to walk but it's your choice. I bid you the best in you agenda. I however can not be swayed to go back to spiritual kindergarten. The Christian religion can only take Souls so far. There is so much more out there to know and learn and understand. When you are ready, you yourself will seek further. When that time comes, God will show the way, not me and not another. Trust in God to know what is right for you.

    What we seem to have here is a failure to agree,
    Headless Man

    The start of the Christian Crusaders was the killing of Christians:

    The power of Islam was perceived as a particular threat to Christianity. By 1095 Islamic Turks had conquered Jerusalem, and Pope Urban II proclaimed a "holy war" or Crusade to rout the Muslims and to reclaim Palestine for the Christian faith.

    "The noble race of Franks must come to the aid their fellow Christians in the East. The infidel Turks are advancing into the heart of Eastern Christendom; Christians are being oppressed and attacked; churches and holy places are being defiled. Jerusalem is groaning under the Saracen yoke. The Holy Sepulchre is in Moslem hands and has been turned into a mosque. Pilgrims are harassed and even prevented from access to the Holy Land.

    It can not be proven. The bible was not meant to be taken literally. It's a matter of faith, not fact. You still have not posted even one prophesy with an event  linked to it that is totally clear that the event was the one from prophesy. 

    Now, you need to relax on your agenda to push your personal beliefs here. We are a help forum, not a platform for JoshuaJ to try and convert people to his religion. 


    That's why I made this question! I hope you don't mind me answering my own question...?

    I said that because you tried to promote the idea yesterday that prophecies prove the truth of the bible yet you neglected to give me a prophecy that has done this.

    If you need to answer your own question, edit the question and add what you feel are fulfilled prophesies there.

    I didn't want to go off on a tangent and type a 6 paragraph answer. So I don't see why I have to edit my question...

    I mean click the edit button so you can add the fulfilled prophesies you find to there. You started the question, add your evidence to the question. Seems to me, you want to believe prophesies have come true but don't want to do your own research to find them so you want others to research for you. You are just following what others have said but not proven themselves. Do you even follow a particular church or religion or do you just make it up as you go after reading all kinds of underground sites?

    I do, I follow the original teachings of the early church. Today known as the Remnant or SDR. Have patience, I need time unless you want me to copy and paste.

    You are a recovering addict? If you are, the fact that you are so young makes this even sadder. Now I understand your religion. I've seen what they do. I'm not impressed with some of their tactics. It's brainwashing and at times can be very cruel. That's all I'll say. Nothing more that you can say or bring to this discussion will convince me that your religion is good. It is built on the weaknesses of man and his inability to control his own self. These types make good little sheeple because all they've done is given up one addiction for another. None are healed. Just brainwashed.

    A recovering addict? Where are you getting this? You make all these accusations against me yet all I have done is give my opinion. Please just calm down and stop with the personal attacks, I assure you I will give you solid evidence of fulfilled prophecy. I have dedicated a large portion of my time studying prophecy these last few years, have a little patience and I will show you. I didn't ask this question for my own education, I asked it because you wanted it. I see your frustration because a lot of Christians speak of prophecy but they themselves don't put in the time to understand it. A reason I mention prophecy and don't explain it is because it is so incredibly involved. You can't just quote one verse and make a quick historical connection. Kinda like the supposed false prophecies made by Jesus, you can't just take one verse out of context, the Bible interprets itself perfectly as you will soon find out.

    Before you judge what I have just said, please, just let me show you, peace Colleen.

    You said you follow Remnant.

    Welcome to Remnant Fellowship Churches, located in home settings and churches around the world. We are a growing community of worshipful, adoring believers of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, whose lives were immediately set free from many life-long addictions from which no one was able to be set free even after attending all representing denominations in the United States and even in the world. We tried it all. Jesus said that the Truth would set you free, and those who are free are free indeed.

    People in the Remnant have been set free. Many were healed of sins and desires that they had been trapped in including overeating, alcoholism, gambling, drugs, sexual sins, greed for money, and the list goes on and on. As a result of being set free, our health is better – it’s superior. Our marriages are strong. Our families are strong. Our children are growing up sound. Finances have been healed and people have, obviously in this place, been set free from depression. We’re actually a very ecstatic group.

    Did you know that Jesus studied other religions of the time? Did you know that he got some of his prophecies from those religions? Do not start and stop with just one part of the religion. Investigate it fully. Look beyond the bible and it's writings. There is so much more out there. Study the dead sea scrolls while you're at it. There is no proof in the prophesies that the bible is true to God. I already know how things will go and Armageddon is not it. There's so much more that you do not even know about..keep seeking Joshua.

    Colleen, I have yet to actually hear your beliefs, if you know the truth please enlighten us all.

    It appears you looked at the incorrect remnant church, started by Gwen Shamblin.

    I give them when needed, not on demand. I do not promote my beliefs to convert people. I use them in my opinions on topics posted and where they are relevant. I stand against any religious rhetoric that infringe on people's free will. Like the constantly tossed stink bomb of follow the Christian way, repent, get saved or face the possibility of eternal damnation. That is infringing on people's right of free will as given to them by their Creator. It's control, it's false and it is an attempt to get people off their path as assigned to them by the Creator before they were born. No man has a right to turn people away from what "God", IT, has chosen for them. No one religion is better than another and the Creator backs none of them.

    I've never questioned the bible, I took it for granted. I trust it. I don't have to "prove" a durn thing....

    JoshuaJ; I have absolutely no idea why you insist on arguing about the subject of your religion.  As far as I understand (I have read the Bible and I do know it's origins.  I have also been to many different churches in earnest), the words of Jesus are peaceful and loving messages.  The Bible sets forth the examples of being a good and pure human being.  I take the messages to heart even though I don't practice your faith.

    You are a very upsetting person.

    I wouldn't go to your church based solely on your desire to disrupt.  If this is what is taught in your church, then keep it to yourself.

    More proof:

    1. The bible touches on an astounding remarkable evidence of History ,Science, Mathematics AND Medicine in detail. It also has embedded Numeral Mathematics within the words, as well as THOUSANDS of Bible codes threaded within and throughout the BIBLE.

    2. Prophecy can be found in the celebrations- God set up 5 exciting celebrations in Lev 23 Today some celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Halloween, but did you know the Jewish festivals all contained celebrations that set up furture events that would occur? It is kind of neat that all the celebrations were on the exact same day that either Jesus was born , and in the exact place, or that the holy spirit was given.

    3. Here is another distinction. In all of the old testiment prophecies that talk about “the comming messiah” FOUND in the bible codes in the very line of the prophecy is Jesus’s name. YUP!! The Jews would finally wake up to know that that messiah they are waiting for is Jesus.

    4. There are 2,000 prophecies that discuss past events which have come to pass (proven correct), future prophecies and 300 prophecies (ALL proven correct and detailed) on the implications about the life, INCLUDING the death, and resurrection of Jesus. An honest study of biblical prophecy will compellingly show the divine authorship of the Bible. NO OTHER religion has this.

    5. The Messiah would have had 456 identifying characteristics; Jesus had them all.

    6. Jesus DID NOT manipulate events to fulfill prophecy Such as The Place of the Messiah’s birth (Micah 5:2). , The Date of the Messiah’s birth (Daniel 9:25). Manner of birth of the Messiah (Isaiah 7:14), The Manner of death of the Messiah (Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 22:16 prophesied before the invention of crucifixion). , Piercing in side of that Messiah (Zechariah 12:10).The Details of the Burial of the Messiah(Isaiah 53:9).Executers dividing up Jesus’ clothes after he died on the cross

    7.AN EARTHQUAKE and an Eclipse Happened while Jesus was dying on the cross.Sited by MANY NON Biblical Sources (13 in total)

    8. At the very moment Jesus died, the temple curtain tore in half that was once used to seperate the holy place of God . The curtain was 60 feet in height, 30 feet in width and 4 inches thick

    This is only some basic evidence for Jesus. Buddha didn’t rise from the dead, (Jesus had more than 400 witnesses of his appearance after he died) nor did Confucius or Zoroaster. Muhammad or Maitreya didn’t fulfill detailed prophecy. Alexander the Great, nor did Joseph Smith raise the dead or heal the sick. There is far less reliable information written about these “religious” leaders, yet they are followed by millions, OR JUST completly ignored by athiets.

    The point is there is so much more evidence for Jesus in astronomy, in biology, in healings and demonic deliverance to touch on some interesting topics….. BUT, here is how it effects you. If all the evidence is true, then you should look into what he said. Your eternity depends on it.


    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16)

    Which one?

    R. Screen

    Prove that it isn't.

    Never has there been proof of any religion having been supernaturaly inspired. Today's age is filled with just as much mystery as it was in the beginning. Different paths sprout as we ALL seek to find the Devine. We are ALL searching for the same thing, only walking down different paths. It's a process of discovery that feeds our needs and is different and personal for everyone. Happy searching.

    Headless Man

    Only if you refuse to believe, lot of proof is available....

    You can show proof, but people will deny it just as they did when Jesus walked the earth and people saw the miracles.


    Are you still stuck in this one? You realize there are thousands of other questions out there, right? What's your agenda of making this one question surface again? Still having issues that you can't find anymore followers for your cause? You've posted your answer already. Now I think you're just looking for more karma from those who agree with you.
    Headless Man

    Your entitled to your opinion........

    Well it's working. One TU so far. :)
    Headless Man

    That has nothing to do with your opinion!

    They are the non-believers those who have eyes but they can not see, have ears, but can not hear, have a brain but can not reason, the wonders of Gods universe.


     One does not need to be a Christan to believe there is a God. All of the established religions have a God.

    I was once asked why, as an intelligent highly educated person, do you believe in God and have done so many good works?

    I told them because I DO believe, if I'm wrong and there is nothing more than our life here on Earth it will make no difference, in the end.

    However if YOUR disbelief is WRONG, there could be a HELL of a difference. ;)


    There are the believers who fit this too. They close off to anything that is not injected into them by someone interpreting the bible for them. Just because a person does not believe in the bible, does not make them blind or deaf to God, it just makes them blind and deaf to the Christian religion and it's dogmas. Nothing wrong with that. In my opinion, they are ahead of the game as they are not trapped to a limited way of thinking.

    If prophecy based would be preffered here, then so be it.  Here are a few facts, read and judge for yourself:

    "You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified".

    Wars have always occurred throughout history, but never on such a grand scale as in the past 100 years.  There has never been a time before this period when the whole world has been at war with each other, yet since then it has happened twice.  One British historian wrote: “The 20th century was the most murderous in recorded history. . . . It was a century of almost unbroken war, with few and brief periods without organised armed conflict somewhere.” A report from the Worldwatch Institute states: “Three times as many people fell victim to war in [the 20th] century as in all the wars from the first century AD to 1899.” More than 100 million people have died as a result of wars since 1914.

    "For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another"

    Researchers say that food production has increased greatly during the past 30 years. Nevertheless, food shortages continue because many people do not have enough money to buy food or land on which to raise crops. In developing countries, well over a billion people have to live on an income of a dollar or less a day. The majority of these suffer from chronic hunger. The World Health Organization estimates that malnutrition plays a major role in the deaths of more than five million children each year.  According to the U.S. Geological Survey, since 1990 alone an average of 17 earthquakes per year have been powerful enough to damage buildings and crack the ground. And on an average, earthquakes strong enough to cause total destruction of buildings have occurred yearly. Another source states: “Earthquakes have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the last 100 years and improvements in technology have only slightly reduced the death toll.”

    "and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages"

    Despite medical advances, old and new diseases plague mankind. One report says that 20 well-known diseases—including tuberculosis, malaria, and cholera—have become more common in recent decades, and some types of disease are increasingly difficult to cure by means of drugs. In fact, at least 30 new diseases have appeared. Some of them have no known cure and are fatal.  The Spanish influenza alone killed about 20,000,000 people following World War I—some estimates being 30,000,000 or more. AIDS is another major epidemic which has resulted in the deaths of millions. Each year millions of people die of heart ailments, cancer, and other diseases.

    "Because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off."—

    In recent years there has been a major increase in crime throughout the Earth.  Asia Times reports: “Once Japan was among the safest countries in the world . . . Now, however, the once-cherished sense of personal safety appears antiquated, and national security has been supplanted by deep anxiety about crime and global terrorism.”  Patrick Burton, a crime researcher, stated in the Financial Mail: “Fear of crime permeates every aspect of young South Africans’ lives.” This includes “violent crimes such as aggravated robberies, hijacking and bank heists,” says the paper.  In regard to a UNICEF report about the state of children and crime, The Times of London noted: “Increasing numbers of young Britons are dying at the point of a gun. . . . Victims and perpetrators of gun crime are getting younger and younger.” The prison population in England and Wales ballooned to almost 80,000 in 2008.




    Anyone can see anything if they truly desire it. I see coincidence. I see all these events have happened over the history of the world many times over. There have always been major wars and new diseases. Food shortages have always existed depending on climate and location.
    Headless Man

    Your right you only see what you want to see..... "Eyes but can't see, ears but can't hear......

    Randy, as Eggy would say, go soak your head. If you could only see what I get to see, you'd stop being such a nasty unloving spirit. Where the hell is Christ in you? All you do is target and strike like a serpent. Who do you follow really Randy? You get darker and darker as the days go on. I do not believe you are a man of God at all. You are one of the ones that people are warned about. Go away little dark minion.
    Headless Man

    Only warning, not pushing anything, Thanks for the nasty names only shows you can't see or hear.

    I choose not to hear or see you and your agenda, yup I do not hear or see anything from you for you are nothing in the whole grand scheme of things. You are a sheeple droning out what has been brainwashed into you. No significance to any Soul's journey. Good luck to you finding your own way back to God. By the way, stop being such a child and whining about name calling. I feel like I'm dealing with an 8 year old.
    Headless Man

    whining ha ha ha, you don't know how funny that is.......

    You don't know how funny you sound at your age when you whine about name calling when all I'm doing is describing your actions :)

    I won't limit you to prophecy only :)

    I don't converse with punks. I thought I made that clear joshua.

    I'm not a punk..

    Then stop acting like one. You are a cyber bully. You throw your ideas and beliefs around and virtually demand that people accept them and get mad when they do not. That is bullying. It is not tolerated here. You attack the Catholics for no good reason other than your own beliefs. This is not allowed by forum rules. As a moderator I am now giving you warning to change your ways here or you will be removed from this forum. End of discussion.
    Headless Man

    If anyone is a cyber bulling punk you are Colleen, but we will forgive you you don't know any better.

    Anyone can see evil. Quit trolling.



    Who are you talking about?
    This was dead for days and you have brought it back.
    You called Colleen out and now who is trolling?

    This is a warning. Stop trying to cause disruption on this forum. If anyone is trolling, it is you. Walk away now Joshua.

    @ Colleen, I've been able to see the evil in this world since I was a kid, didn't take a grand revelation to find this out on my own. Just look at the progression of what is allowed on t.v. now and 60 years ago. Satan will use many wordly distractions to corrupt us and keep us out of our Bible's.


    Bibles are books of fiction,why do you live your life around a book?
    It makes NO sense.

    I guess that means that my step brother is working for the devil... I will just give him a quick phone call. He is off set right this moment. He will be shocked.

    Gonna get my comment moved by her royal highness soon... Why do you call the most prophetically accurate book ever written a book of fiction? Where is the proof?

    I'm not following the bible and I still manage to avoid the distractions and corruption. I'm one of the best people you will ever meet. I'm fair and I help all who I can help. I'm strong when I need to be, compassionate where it is warranted and understanding to a fault if I'm not met with an attitude of "I'm better than you are because my religion is better than your beliefs". I do not take to a person calling me a liar because of my beliefs too well. I will not let that go. You have no right to judge my beliefs that way just because I do not produce a book for you to read. When you are ready for the real truths of God, they will be presented to you by someone much higher spiritually than I. I will not take on the responsibility of showing you something you are just not ready for yet.
    By the way, you do not hold the title for evil seer. I'm pretty sure most of the worlds population recognizes the evils in the world. As for TV, I do not watch it simply because of what is shown on it. Simple. Parents should learn that lesson too and keep their kids from watching TV.

    "Gonna get my comment moved by her royal highness soon..."

    I will if you want me to. You're sounding very bitter by calling me that. I am a moderator and I do my job well. That's why one year later, I am still a moderator here.

    @Joshuaj, can you prove to me that your books are "not" fiction, I think not!

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