    Are there any men or women out there who would like to meet a cross-dressing man?

    +4  Views: 845 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    Is it Gemma? That is such a cute name.

    "AH Balls to that!!got them all twisted round my "Nickers !!

    14 Answers

    I personally have no problem with this.  Bring the flair on. 

    La la La!  Fun!

    I think I may be in the minority on this one.

    I bet you have great nails! ,,, and shoes..... It is so much fun!


    Oh shoot! Posted twice!

    I'm with ya, Fishie! :)

    corns to match "Haemorrhoids hanging down Has an "Orgasm !! while touching his/hers "Toes.

    I have met a few but not by personal choice.............

    At one time I was the only act in town that would go play music at the two gay/lesbian clubs ...the gay club was filled with beautiful crossdressing men...and I mean gorgeous! My mind was blown by how incredibly artistic and creative these guys were and what great senses of humor! I loved it!Peace.

    I am renovating my house.  If you're knowledgeable about construction, I do not care whether you wear panties underneath your skirt or not.  I'd definitely listen and try to get to know you.


    My observation is that American men are a little paranoid and uptight about being with "non-macho" men. Europeans and Asians are more at ease about this whole deal. I wonder why.

    Because I wear a "KILT" AYE its what's under it That tells the "Tale?? Can you Guess "NO!! OK I will tell the wife's "Panties.I am at ease when I please.

    the whole nine, don! :)

    I don't think of cross-dressing that way, Jim-Gem.

    I believe it relieves some type of stress in males to

    pursue this and as long as no-one gets hurt in the

    process, then go for it.

    I like to meet people.  Cross-dressing doesn't make one more or less desirable or interesting. Different from myself, and (excuse me for this), I would probably stare and be incredulous and awed by the transformation.  It would be my pleasure to have a visit with a CD.


    "OH Bob been waiting to hear that for a long time .See Colleen for my E-mail address You will adore me in my "Tartan dress "Oh "KILT. Same thing only "Shorter.You can see my "Long john's thermals A sight to be "hold.

    I have met a few,. I would not date anyone who is interested in both, men and women.

    I'm sure there is , but you might want to look further than this site..

    ""I'm a groovy cross-dresser.


    But do you have an hairy bum,??

    Matches the Chin!!

    I Dont mind the way he dresses ,as long as hes not cross with me,


    LOL! :)

    "WHO. Are you "Angry at !!  My wife wont let me .Says I am to "SEXY"


    An' ye are that too, laddie! :)

    Dardaigh Have you been looking in my "Wardrobe?

    Thank you for your answer. Did you take the time to get to know them, or did you just simply write them off as queers?


    Amazing how fast the close minded people answers these types of questions 'eh? And they think they're the "normal" ones ;)
    ed shank

    No, your the "normal" one? Men dressing as women. Get real this is normal? What next bestiality is acceptable? From the "closed minded one".

    Normal is undefinable.

    Why do the fearful always fall to the slippery slope theories? Bestiality is harmful to the animals. Cross dressing is harmful to no one. Do you think you can wrap your brain around that?

    I commented on this question earlier.I used no profanity. I merely expressed my opinion. The site has apparently decided that they didn't like my response and removed it. Obviously a man dressing as a woman is normal by this sites standards.


    Everything is normal by this sites standards. You were rude and offensive. That is not allowed. It was a decision between two moderators to remove it. Did you know that I was not allowed to use the word assassin because someone might get offended? I had to remove it. We have more visitors than ever. We have to look out for all sensitivities. That's the way it is now.
    ed shank

    I was in no way rude or offensive. I mearly stated an opinion. One, I'm sure many others would have agree with.

    You were. You name called in an offensive manner. If others had agreed with you, their comments would have been removed also.

    Just a note in case you did not know this. Cross dressers are not gay. Typically they are happily married men with children and they dress like that in private. I see no problem with it. Through out the history of the world, men all over have worn skirts and dresses or clothing very similar. Women have been wearing men's clothing for generations. This is your issue, not Jim-Gem's.
    ed shank

    I didn't comment on anything as far as sexual preference. I didn't say he was gay. Too compare a Kilt with a man deliberately dressing to look like a woman is an insult to the Scott's. Why do you say "This is my issue" why does everyone who doesn't agree with you have an "Issue". Has it ever occured to you that perhaps, just perhaps, your wrong?

    Nope, it's never occurred to me that allowing people the freedom to be who they are most comfortable being is wrong, especially when they harm no one. It's your issue that you can not be as open minded.

    I did not say you called him gay. Due to the name calling and judging and manner of up set you posted in, I had to assume it went further in your mind than a man wearing women's clothing. Not like it's EVER done on TV or movies at all, right?..........Really, it should not be so upsetting to you.

    The Scotsmen can sue me then. A Kilt is not different than a shirt. It wraps around and is open with no legs like pants have.

    Jim-Gem never said he dressed to look deliberately like a woman. He is a cross dresser, they do not dress for public show. You are referring to a transvestite.
    ed shank

    An incorrect assumption on your part. Whether I have a closed mind on a particular issue is my prerogative. You are not the "Morality police". I understand the need to screen out inappropriate comments. In regards to this issue and me becoming "Upset", your right, when this odd behavior is supposed to be the new norm, we need a reality check. You have made your point, I have attempted to explain mine. We are at both ends of the spectrum on this one. I will not hold it against you. Hope the remainder of your day is a pleasant one.


    "You are not the "Morality police"

    Nor are you. Normal is undefinable.
    No one said this was the new norm. It's about tolerance and acceptance and letting people have free will, something God gave to all. If it does not hurt you, let it be. If it offends you, look the other way. Simple thing to live by and can make your world so much more peaceful when you're not getting angry trying to fight something you can not control. I always have a pleasant day. It's as simple as walking away from the computer when the negativity begins to bleed through the screen.
    ed shank

    Have to run into town now. Mayybe I'll make your day and get hit by a bus. Chao.

    Does it hurt to be so negative? If you do get hit, remember, you're the one who put the thought out there, not me. Thought becomes energy. Be careful what you say.

    Not particularly, is there something special about you?

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