    when are the best days this month to cut my hair

    +1  Views: 1380 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Closed on Monday


    Or on Monday and he can do it himself! LOL!!!


    We can do this style on Thursdays.....Saturdays by special request!

    country bumpkin

    He may want to try on the days he's not stoned! LOL

    TOO LATE country bumpkin!!:-O..LOL!!

    I know this guy!!!

    I am booked tight with french poodles this week until at least Friday. Check with me Saturday!

    We sharpen the scissors on Tuesdays, so Wednesdays are usually the best. 

    Monday is all about Nacho and Pico but I can cut cut cut your hair on Tuesday between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.  I have consulted the magic eight ball and this is the most perfect window of time for you.


    Here's a tissue can dab my eyes too while you're at it!Waaaaah!


    The 24 th. Your going to be fired on the 24 th. Look good for your new interview.

    Ok this Q..well LOL.....OK I must consult the animals! Be back in a bit


    The sheep, alpaca, and llamas all agree that (you only have 2 weeks left this month) This Tuesday at Fishlets or this Wed (wherever) are the best 2 days.. I would do it- but I only know how to shear!!!

    Buy a pair of scissors and do it yourself. You will save lots of money this way but please first refer to Ducky's and Countrybumpkin's advice.


    Oh all means..don't miss any really good advice! LOL!!!!

    Ha ha. You always impart the most wise, considered and sage advice, Miss Ducky! :)

    When Is The Best Time To Cut Your Hair To Make It Grow Faster According To The Moon Phases?>>>

    According to the farmers almanac when is the best moon phase time to cut your hair to make it grow faster
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    Rate of hair growth is mostly determined by a person’s diet and hormone levels. Some research has suggested that the moon phases have an effect on hormone levels, but this is mainly true in women. The moon cycles directly influence a woman’s menstrual cycle. It is believed that cutting hair when there is a waxing new moon promotes faster growth. The Farmer’s Almanac even acknowledges this as truth, and assigns the dates of the 12th and 13th of this month as the best dates to cut hair for faster growth. It is difficult to find other credible sources on this subject.

    There are other, more reliable tips to make your hair grow faster. Heat opens up the hair follicle which makes the hair grow faster. Exercise is a good way to make the follicles on your head warm up quickly. Getting plenty of sleep allows your body to use nutrients more effectively, and this will promote hair growth. Eating a high protein diet rich in legumes, eggs, and soy also promotes hair growth. Taking a daily multi-vitamin also helps. Use a shampoo and conditioner without sulphates. Sulphates make hair very dry resulting in breakage. Using heat products on your hair also causes breakage, so it is best to stay away from those. Deep conditioning treatments can help strengthen hair if used on a weekly basis.

    Wear your hair loose instead of styling it up. This allows the hair to move freely near the follicle. It is best to get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks. These are tips based on medical and scientific research. There is a calendar you can use to plan your salon visits based on the moon cycles at, There isn’t any definable proof that cutting your hair based on moon-cycles works, but the resource is there to try.


    Good stuff... and humidity. Humidity and warmth is a winning combination for hair... except if you were born with stupid hair. It is a sad and true fact that every other person on the planet has better hair than any one else and each of us thinks we have stupid hair...It is a curse.... Then there are, Bad Hair Days... Oh My Goodness!
    I am going to cry now.

    The moon may however affect your hair growth adversely.



    Fine illustration!Who's the model?Is he single?LOL:D

    Well Lindi, if we hold him down and shave him,I'm sure you'll find a nice buff specimen, lurking beneath. Guess he needs a nail trim too...and possibly a set of clothes? ;)

    AWWWWWW! I kinda like 'im all fuzzy wuzzy but methinks he may need a couple downers...he looks a little tense!LOL:D

    Any day is good except Wednesdays.  That's why a lot of barber shops are closed on Wednesday in Asian countries.


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