    a person how to become a vampaire

    +2  Views: 869 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    How to Become a Vampire - The World's #1 Vampire Guide

    Try a little makeup!!!""

    You watch too many movies, I bet Justin Bieber is an idol of yours too! LOL


    How could you be into Justin bieber and Vampires at the same time?? Besides, justin Bieber is a girl.

    And Lady Gaga is male.

    Yeah, I know!!! An ugly one too!! :)

    Yeah, I know!!! An ugly one too!! :)

    Ancient lore states that you have to be bitten by a vampire...............yuck...........

    This has been my experience and the very easiest way to go about things in this particular department.

    Open all your upstairs windows at night... for about three weeks in a row.  (If you have a security alarm or parents who truly do care... You may find this a teeny tiny bit difficult).

    Stand in the middle of your bedroom emoting "Emo" in the largest sense of affairs.  (Again, very difficult to do if you have truly loving and caring parents.... Parents pick up on "Emo" like a fish finds Mosquito Larvae in high season).

    Expose your neck.





    Stand.                                                                                        and

    Stand.                                                some more...........................................

    and as time passes either a Vampire shows up or you come up with an ingenous idea..........

    Ideas are everywhere Darling! 

    Vampires, not so much.

    vampaire? is that like an au-pair for baby vampires? if so just get some references! ;-) 


    You really need to spend more time here. You are always a riot.

    Other than my previous answer you might study

    for some insight into working in front of a camera on sets like “True Blood” etc. Find a notch there and you can suck all the blood you want. 

    To get a taste for the subject you might study to become a legally sanctioned phiebotomist so that you won’t be carted off to jail for your culinary appetite.   

    phlebotomy |fl??bät?m?|
    noun ( pl. phlebotomies )
    the surgical opening or puncture of a vein in order to withdraw blood or introduce a fluid, or (historically) as part of the procedure of letting blood.
    phlebotomist noun,
    phlebotomize |-?bät??m?z|verb( archaic)
    ORIGIN late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin phlebotomia, from Greek, from phleps, phleb- ‘vein’ + -tomia ‘cutting.’

    I met a man once in Guyana who had been bitten by a vampire bat. He was certainly a bit odd but I could not see any evidence he had changed into a vampire himself.

    The benefit of being a vampire being what?  

    You have more chance of becoming an Aupair .

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