    Did Judaism, Christianity and Islam incorporate ideas of previous religions into theirs ?

    +1  Views: 754 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Christianity absorbed many practices from previous pagan religions, such as incense and priestly robes. Also Christmas, Easter, and other feast days are essentially pagan ceremonies.


    There's not many Christians left that know this truth and actually reject these holidays. It proves the Bible correct when it prophesied the falling away from the true faith. Read Jeremiah 10:1-5 sometime, it's a cool verse referring to Christmas.

    Thanks Josh. As I understand it, the Christmas tree was introduced to England by Price Albert of Saxe-Coburg Gotha the husband of Queen Victoria. He was obviously following practices from Germany, his birthplace, but also pre-Christian in origin.

    Men and books, books and men??

    I love a good story.


    Me too! Would you like a story about elephants or the Great Luna Moth(s)???? Oh, wait, I have totally strayed from the topic.

    There exist commonalities among all religions.Meister Eckhart was a Christian mystic(1200s) whose  "originality and independence" in Christian philosophy have been likened to that of Sankara,(Hindu philosopher) as well as Buddhism!For example Eckhart contrasted the biblical metaphors of "wilderness" and the "barrens" with that of the great "void" or "abyss" of eastern thought.Plotinus too had "strong affinities" to Hinduism and Buddhism.See Walter T. Staces book "The Teachings Of The Mystics"(1960) for an excellent overview on this subject! I highly recommend it.Peace.Also see "the Science of Religion" by Paramahansa Yogananda and "Examining the Cults" byHarold J. Berry.

    Judaism is half the picture of Christianity, Islam borrowed from Christianity, that's why some of it is true, some say Christianity has pagan roots like borrowing from sun God's like Horus, if you read the Bible it is clear that it borrowed from no one.


    The bible is a collection of books that the catholic church, translated, and compiled into a common text from thousands of books, many of which remain practically unknown outside of the Vatican. I am sure they have the condemned books as well such as those scribed by Galileo and other interesting fellows who shall remain unknown.

    You have that backwards. Christianity is a part of the picture of Judaism. Jesus was a Jew. Christianity began after his death and thousands of years after other religions that already existed when Jesus walked the earth. I'm assuming you are very young not to know this JoshuaJ. I believe Christianity borrowed a lot of their stories from other religions that existed before Jesus did. Read up on the story of the Horus and how he was born and how he died, centuries before Jesus was born. The stories of each man's birth and death are almost identical.

    Yes Colleen is right...the traditional myth story...more concise...the Hero myth ...see Joseph Campbell,any book for more on this staggering subject!

    I have been to your link. I see nothing offensive here. I only understand what is spoken in a clear and concise fashion, presenting a point of which I completely understand.
    What I fail to understand is why you choose to compare your religion and faith to others and point out what you believe to be weaknesses in other religions.
    Hinduism was a religion 3032 years before Christianity.
    Judaism was a religion 2032 years before Christianity.
    Buddhism (Which is the path I follow and I have not ignored your insults) was a religion 514 years before Christianity.
    Peace and back down. For goodness sakes. We are all on this planet together.
    Jesus was a man of peace.
    The very least you can do is follow his path and quit yelling at the rest of us. We are not weak.

    Did you watch the video Colleen? Care to elaborate on how Jesus and Horus are so similar?

    What @nondeplume wrote, couldn't have written it better myself.  Thank you, @nondeplume.......

    Religion survives for historical and social reasons. If we humans survive the religious fanatics among us we might, in a few millenia, leave behind the superstitions that soothed our ignorance of long ago.

    All science is taxonomy. The discipline of comparative religions, like all scientific endeavors requires a survey of not only similarities, but also of differences. Even a cursory study of the subject will render the obvious answer that any apparent similarities between Judaism or Christianity with any myth or ancient religion is far out weighed by their differences.

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