    Hi guys - not a question - thankyou I'll get back to you - got home 1am today - had to call an ambulance for my Ma - so distressing - this is not woe is me just needed to tell you as I haven't responded to you.

    Would you believe - when the ambulance men came and my mother said she wanted to wee wee - they had to wheel her to the toilet and this was the first time I had seen her bottom since the day I was born - she has always been so independent to the point of difficulty. Oh yeah, I am sure you needed to know all this but I needed to tell you - do not respond - I will be embarrassed as it sounds like woe is moi again!!! Just to add she is 92yrs and I am 71yrs. So difficult.  

    +6  Views: 580 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers's so difficult to watch your parent(s) become helpless, isn't it?  They were always the ones "taking care of everything" and we never expect the day to come, when that can no longer be.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Oh Dopey... I feel for you.

    Big hugs and lots of love, Fishy xoxox

    I know where you are coming from Dopey.I hope your Ma recovers OK. You have a difficult job.It's a wonder you have time for AKA.All the best to you & your Ma.Tommy.

    Hope your Mom feels better soon!!""


    All the best to you, dopey.

    Hope all is well, I understand how difficult it is and empathize with you

    Thinking of you and your mom with love and prayers.

    Hope your mum gets well soon Dopey, thinking of you and your mum.

    Thinking of you Dopey, hope all goes well for your mum.

    I know exactly what your going through. My best to you and your mom.

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