    Who will win the next presidential election between Obama and Romney?

    Remember the incumbent almost always wins.  Also, the economy is the most important factor and it is improving.  Also keep in mind Obama has made no SIGNIFICANT errors.  Finally, who SHOULD win?

    +7  Views: 3271 Answers: 33 Posted: 12 years ago

    Russ, I like your thoughtful questions and answers. It's a breath of fresh air.

    How do you like the results of your question? :)

    Thank you, ladies! I try to come up with some interesting and thoughful questions, and I love the responses to them. And I try to be thorough and accurate on the answers. If you've noticed, I try to cite my source, unless I'm very confident or it's a purely philosophical question. This is a fun site!

    33 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Can we  start all over again with some new candidates? Please!


    It seems there are NEVER any good candidates. We always have to chose between the lesser of two evils. Why can't we have several? I think the system is broke, don't you?
    rick screen

    Bunpkin check out thye new candidate with the last name of Lawson,He is the new start.

    Rick, I can find no webpage for Edgar Lawson who you claim is running for president. I could only find what appears to be a joke bumper sticker.

    I think you've been pulled into someone's practical joke.

    I am not American.  I would not enjoy having to choose.  I know that I could never vote for a man who strapped his dog in a box to the top of his car and drove for 12 hours.

    Our political system and voting doesn't work the way yours does.  We don't all vote for our Prime Minister... he has to win his riding.

    I am so glad to be Canadian.  My choices are always easy as I live in British Columbia.  By the time our polls close the decisions have been made... There are far more voters in the East than there is in the West.

    In the West we vote because we can.

    Headless Man

    I'm sure the dog loved it.......

    Come on Randy... that is Inhumane. You wouldn't do that to your dog.

    That's the same sick comment Romney made when questioned as to why he did it. He said, the dog loved it. Like he could feel the terror the dog may have felt shut up in an air tight container zooming along the highway and all it's strange sounds unable to even see what was around him. It was and still is illegal in Ma to put an animal in a container or cage on top of a car roof. Romney broke the law but he got away with it. He's a pig and so is anyone else who thinks it is OK that he did it. I expect anyone without love and compassion to find humor in this or even joke about it. Keep proving my points about you headless wonder.

    Dogs don't like to travel unless they understand the concept... I had a beautiful 100 pound Flat Coated Retriever that was anything but dumb. That dog was glorious. I bought a truck so that the dog could travel in the back seat of the cab. One day he had to travel in the front seat, strapped in with his canine seat belt.
    My boy was completely terrified. He shook. He whimpered and yet he was completely safe.
    Strapping at dog to the top of a car, in a box, without air is inhumane.
    I would not vote for a man who did that as much as I would not vote for a man who set a kitten's tail on fire.
    If a man has no empathy for an animal that he calls his pet... then he has no empathy at all. In the global arena, this is a flaw.
    Headless Man

    I heard it was an open container with the front blocked to keep him out of direct wind, like riding in the back of a pickup truck and dogs do love that.....

    Randy... the top of a vehicle is not the back of a truck... Here we have rules and regulations on how a pet shoud travel... Was that "Container" bolted down?
    Skis travel on the top of a vehicle... not animals!
    And, not all dogs like the back of a Pick Up Truck... my little 8 pound dog would loose it. I can assure you. That would ruin my little girl.
    Headless Man

    I'm sure he knew what his dog liked, whether he broke a law or was safe is another matter that only he could answer.
    Headless Man

    My mixed German Shepherd like dog loved the open air ride in back of my pickup just lower the tail gate and she was in ready for a ride.

    Randy.. I worked in the Pet Industry for 30 years.... don't you argue with me on this... Every single thing I did was for the betterment of domesticated animals and this action was wrong... A Snowboard goes on the top of a car, not a pet... This action was wrong, no matter how you slice it.
    This is walking on the fine line.
    Don't have pets if you consider them as luggage... I won't back down.

    Randy, there is no way I am backing down or will ever agree with this action.
    I have rescued more animals than any single person I know from situations that are dire.
    A dog should be treated with respect and not left to run back and forth in the back of a pick up truck to go flying out should the person driving the truck decide to make the wrong move... The crate that the dog travels in (if that dog is so lucky) should be bolted down for safety...
    I have seen dogs fly out of the back of trucks on the Mission connector.
    You make me so angry.
    You are priveleged to have a dog in your life... DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
    Take care of your dog.
    You strap your children in... the dog should be treated that way.
    Headless Man

    Well your right, I did have a chain on my dog so she couldn't jump out if she saw a cat, but that worried me if I was in an accident as I know of someone who was in an accident with a dog in the back of a pickup and the dog walked away, the person strapped in didn't.
    I don't know how safe Romney's dog was but being strapped in is not always safe either. I love my dogs but that don't even put them in the same ballpark as my kids.

    Randy; God's creatures are just that... To be respected.
    I hold this true in my heart even though I don't travel the same path as you.
    Look at your dog. Know that dog. And then understand the wonder of that dog.
    You are blessed.
    Jesus was surrounded by the loving creatures of God at his birth. For a reason.
    Noah saved those creatures for a reason.
    God's word transcends the words we read and interpret... God's word is around us every day... Curious words from a Buddhist.
    I believe in respect. I believe in being bigger than my own faith.
    I could never hurt an animal. That is just not on.
    country bumpkin

    Randy, The back of a truck is nowhere to put a dog. Put him in the cab with you or leave him at home. I've watched a 3 month old dog fall out of the back of a truck and break his back and legs and have to be euthanized.
    My grandfather was just like you, he thought he would play it safe by tying a rope around the dogs neck while Butch rode in the back of the truck. Butch tried to jump out when the truck stopped and died from strangulation before my grandad could reach him. It is NEVER a good idea to put a dog in the bed of a truck. Their Enjoyment is not worth the risks!

    You're sick to defend this low life, headless wonder. You and people like you are the reason our world is in a mess. You call yourself a man of God. As dark as you are, there's no way you can be. No compassion, no love. May God have mercy on your ignorant Soul. I feel for your dogs as to you are they just soulless things, something to own and hold ego over. A status symbol. Nothing more. If I had an ounce of respect for you. It just went away watching you defend an inhumane act. You're worthless in my mind. You disgust me.
    I have loved my animals as much as I love my sons. I have that ability, to love the things I love to the same degree as each other. I would die to save my sons the same way I would die trying to save my animals if need be. They are all creations of God and all are Soul. All worthy of love. You are a little man to not understand this. It's time for you to rethink who you are really serving in this world. Your own ego or God.

    What Romney did shows his disregard and total lack of feelings for his dog.I always judge people by the way they treat theire animals.He treats his dog like a commodity, that can easily be replaced and does not care to know that a dog has a loving soul, filled with unconditional love and also can have fear and feel pain.We have a truck. but never put our dogs in the back of the truck.I have lost all respect for this man. Even if he wins, I will always feel this way.

    Randy, lets just use some common you put your luggage or your dog in the back of a station wagon???? Hmm...luggage can go on top of the car!!!!!!!!! Sorry...but you are either trying to tick us off or you really shouldn't "own" pets!!!! I still contend that his wife should have put Mitt in the dog carrier and given the dog a seat in the car!!!!!!!
    Jack Large

    I don't know about that I see a lot cars driving down the highway, with their contented dogs head sticking out the window. ;)


    I have car harnesses for my dogs Jack. There is one thing riding in safety with the family that cares for you without a care in the world and another thing riding on the top of a vehicle not understanding what the heck is happening to you for 12 hours straight.
    We also stop the car regularly to walk and water them. I would never strap any animal to the top of a vehicle.
    Headless Man

    After looking this up I didn’t relize it was a 12 hour trip. But the dog was in an enclosed crate, the crate was protected by a windscreen that Mitt Romney had himself constructed... and of course there were stops along the way.
    If it wasn't hurt or distressed, the issue is even more moot.
    I love animals, dogs especially; But to condemn someone for doing something that was pretty normal 30 years ago is ridiculous. Up until the late 90's you could put your kids in the bed of your truck and dive 12 hours and no one would bat and eye--why on earth would there be a problem with having a dog on the roof?

    Colleen, as far as your name calling, what you think of me is not my concern nor will I lose any sleep over it. Anyone who treats a pet equal with a human has a problem, as far as I’m concerned.

    The very reason that people did these so called "Normal" things is exactly why we have laws today.

    Yes Randy, the problem with people like me is that we can see the grace of God in everything, not just humans, unlike close minded selfish, arrogant old men like you. You are so far removed from God I'm surprised you know how to spell God or Jesus for that matter. You still make me sick trying to find valid reasons for this other sicko to abuse an animal. I'd love to shove you in a crate and strap it to the top of a car then drive 12 hours and see how happy you would be about it.

    And let me answer what I believe you implied about me loving animals equally with humans, no I do not have sex with animals and you're a pervert if this is what you meant. I can think of no other reason as to why you would believe I should love animals less than humans. They were created by God, the true God not the made up God. They have Soul. Your next lifetime will probably see you as an animal again just to remind you of that.

    "Up until the late 90's you could put your kids in the bed of your truck "

    Where? This, in the state I grew up in, was outlawed in the early 70's. I know you don't live in a hick town so I think you made this up.

    Does anyone besides me think it is time for name calling and hatred to stop??? Maybe we should just allow TD's again???

    Romney and his wife dressed the kids, packed up the car, and got everyone safely buckled in. Finally, seeing no more room inside the car’s cabin, Romney tied the family dog, Seamus, to the roof of the car and proceeded on a twelve hour drive.


    “What happens to a dog in this situation is precisely what would happen to any of us in the same situation: Trapped in a box for 12 hours would be no one’s idea of comfortable,” said Llope.


    Dr. Russell Cumming, a professor of aerospace engineering at California Polytechnic State University, got a little more technical.
    “At that speed, assuming sea level conditions, the poor little dog would have about 10 pounds per square foot pressing against his head,” said Cumming.
    Nobel Prize-winning physicist Douglas Osheroff of physics at Stanford University said the dog crate on top of the car would change the air flow around the vehicle.

    “Beyond a certain velocity, the air flow becomes turbulent,” said Osheroff. “The airflow isn’t going to be laminar,” which means it won’t have a uniform distribution.
    Cumming said that’s bad news for Seamus.
    “Chances are the windshield would only protect the front of the dog, but the air flowing around the windshield would buffet the side of the dog — that would be tiring,” said Cummings. “My wife’s a vet, and she would be more worried by the dehydration of the dog’s eyes under those conditions.”

    That ten pounds of pressure buffeting poor Seamus was strong enough and stressful enough to literally squeeze the sh!t out of the dog.
    “A brown liquid was dripping down the back window, payback from an Irish setter who’d been riding on the roof in the wind for hours,” the article said.
    After his son noticed the liquid, Romney pulled the car over and hosed down Seamus at a gas station before putting him back into the crate on top of the car and continuing on with the drive.
    It is illegal in Massachusetts (and the rest of the country) to tie an animal “in or upon a vehicle, or otherwise, in an unnecessarily cruel or inhuman manner or in a way and manner which might endanger the animal carried thereon.”



    "That ten pounds of pressure buffeting poor Seamus was strong enough and stressful enough to literally squeeze the sh!t out of the dog."


    How much do you love the dog in your picture Flip? I will name call and dislike ANYONE who support animal abuse! Deal with it or do not pretend to love your dog.
    I'll even give up being a moderator here to have my say AGAINST supporters of animal abuse. TD me all you want if it makes you feel better. I'm not a fan of the karma system anyway. I'd like to see it go away. So go ahead, thumbs down away and show you support a person who supports animal abuse.

    Colleen: I did not take Randy's side on this issue about animal cruelty, so please don't tell me if I pretend to love my dog, to deal with your unwarranted name calling and hatred toward other members on this site. My reference to using TD's instead, is my belief that TD's are more friendly than the slanderous way you treat certain people here. I realize as a moderator, it is sometimes warranted, but many times it is not. May I suggest you go back through your comments and take a good look at the things you said in anger. You are supposed to be a moderator, so act like one. This is supposed to be a Help site, not a site to knock someone down and then everyone start jumping on him.
    Headless Man

    When I made the comment "I'm sure the dog loved it" I didn't realize it was a 12 hour trip, still think the dog would be fine on a short trip. We weren't there and don't know the details. I'm sure this has been all blown out of proportion by politicians.

    Colleen, I am not for animal cruelty of any kind and stop making it out that I am, but I do believe an there a difference between people and animals.
    As far as God in my life, I'm not the one calling names and acting like a mad child.

    Take a look at the thousands of good and great comments I've made here before you condemn me over taking down a defender of animal abuse. I will not longer be kept quiet just because of a moderator tag. I do act like a moderator when needed. Outside of that, I act like myself and when I see a SNAKE, I will shout SNAKE, not lamb.

    I have sent to the admin to remove me as a moderator. I will no longer have it used to try and silence MY freedom of speech here.

    I lost my desire to protect this place since it stopped being a help site after Randy's temper tantrum, then Bills temper fit, then Rogers attacks, and more. I get disgusted in seeing how people kiss azz on these goofballs. Apparently, people prefer that sort of drama over helping to answer questions. Something the crybabies that throw fits here do extremely little of. I'm tired of babysitting little children who are older than I am. I will not play nicey nice with anything I find disgusting, like being FAKE and pretending to be a bringer of light while defending animal abuse.

    Without the weight of being a moderator, I will be free to be as I choose to be. No rope around my neck held by members who don't even answer the help questions here.
    Headless Man

    Colleen, Fishlet and I was having a civil conversation until you popped in and started calling me names, my remarks where not Inhumane as I didn't understand the whole story at first but choose not to judge someone when the true facts are not known, you may think you know but you weren't there.
    If you decide to stop being moderator, don't blame me, I have always said you had a thankless job anyway.

    Mitt gave the story himself to the press. He WAS there. I don't care if he only drove 5 miles, that's 5 miles too far in an airtight crate with no view bumping and bouncing along. As a supposed dog lover, you should have felt the same instead of supporting it. I am not blaming you, I am saying I am giving it up so I can have freedom of speech without people jerking on the moderator rope they have tied around my neck. I still say anyone who condones Mitt's treatment of his dog is just as sick as he was when he broke the law by putting that dog in a crate on top of his car. A living, breathing, feeling creature of God with the ability to be scared. They should have taken the dog from the sicko.

    I'll call anyone the same names I called you if they side with ANIMAL ABUSE too. Deal with it! Get some compassion and figure out what Christ meant when he spoke of LOVE. He did not mean it for just humans. I've told you before, your mind is too closed off. Open it, understand the message. Don't just be a drone. Dogs have Soul too and you will weep when you get to heaven and find that out, then have to face the way you treated animals when you believed they were Soulless. What "names" did I call you that did not demonstrate your actions and beliefs that it's OK to abuse a dog. Your back peddle on your own words is weak. It does not matter is it was a short trip or a long trip. What matters is it was done in the first place and you showed the type of person you are by finding humor in it. I take back NOTHING I said to you. This shoe fits you well. All you're looking for is sympathy from the other members now. Just the same as you looked for during your 3 day temper tantrum here. You only care about yourself. You're a very selfish man and the last one who should be telling others to get saved when it is you who needs saving.

    You were pissing Fishlet off! She has more grace than I do. That's the only reason your conversation was civil. Trust me, I only said the things she wanted to say. She's just a whole lot nicer and sweeter than I am. Her sweetness is genuine, unlike another here...

    Randy; Mitt's wife should have come to the plate and hired a pet sitter, taken the dog to a reputable kennel or had a friend/family member take the dog for the duration of the vacation. I would never have let my husband make such a bone head move. I just couldn't put up with that.
    I also had school friends that died because of riding in the back of their dad's pick up truck. I personally like the seat belt laws.
    Headless Man

    How would they replace you......
    I hope you understand in no way do I support animal abuse but don't think it's fair to write someone off for a dumb thing that was done 30 years ago when we weren't there and only know what is reported on. Some times we learn from our mistakes, I hope he has as our country may depend on it.

    According to the 2011-2012 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 62% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 72.9 millions homes.
    There are 78.2 million domesticated dogs in USA.
    Owners spend money on their beloved pets. In 2011, American pet owners spent $50.96 Billion on these beloved family members.
    If I were Mitt I would hope and pray that the average voting American is a forgiving person.

    Animal abuse is just one more thing I have against the flip flopper and no, I do not believe abusive people can change. They just get worse the more they get away with it. Animal abuse works it's way up to human abuse. Ask the professionals.
    Romney is just another Obama. Just as evil and just as wrong for this country.

    Last word... :D

    Vander Who?! LOL :D

    Ha Ha!!!! :D

    All polls show that he will be elected again. I had hoped that a black President would pull this country together. Instead it has polarized the races. His record is a joke, that only proves that there are more uninterested or stupid people out there than anyone knew. I heard it said that the American white woman put Obama in office. I would be inclined to believe it. Women for the most part were feed up wiith Bush's policies. They do the shopping and run the household and know the cost of a loaf of bread. This Jerk ran on "CHANGE". Well we got it, all bad. Hopefully the women see the writting on the wall this time around. Gas will be between $8 and $10 per gallon. That loaf of bread will be $10.00 come December. People wake the hell up. 


    Bush Jr.or "W" was an awful president!!!!!!
    ed shank

    I agree, but this guy is so off the wall it's sickening.
    Headless Man

    I think the polls will be different when the republican candidate is chosen.

    I agree with eveverything you said.I dont think Obama would have won the presidency, if GW. Bush had not made such a mess. We are now suffering the consequences.



    rick screen

    He can talk, But he can not say anything.
    Rick Screen

    I will never vote for Obama! I like Ron Paul, but he isn't doing to good. He is for the people and not a war mongrel.


    It's monger, not mongrel.

    I'm right there with you Daisy. I will write in Ron Paul's name on election day.
    ed shank

    Shootah, she's right, war mongrel.

    I too think Ron paul would have been our best choice. He complained for 25 yrs about overspending by our government and creating wars that dont make sense.He is the only one who still knows right from wrong and is for the people, by the people.GW Bush was a bad example for the Republicans, thats why we got Obama. It is hard to see, what is happening to our country.Emotions are running high on both sides.


    The truth is anyone will be better for the country.

    I've been around a looooong time and Obama is the worst President in my time, who is distroying the country and our economy with an added seven TRILLION DOLLARS of debt, since he took office.  His ONLY accomplishment has been in making Jimmy Carter look like a good President

    I'm black but I was not taken in by Obama because I took the time to CHECK his record as a State Senator and as a US Seantor..

    The black candidate that I and other blacks would have been proud to vote for was Allen Keyes,  who has a Doctorate from Harvard and was a former UN Ambassador, who ran against Obama, for Illinois Senate.




    Keyes is a good guy!

    I agree Alan Keyes would have made a much better President, but unfotunately he did not challenge Obama when he ran for president.
    Headless Man

    I really liked Keyes....
    ed shank

    So many good African-Americans too choose from, and this Cretan crawls out from under a rock. What happened?

    This is the worst, longest-lasting recession I have seen in this country.Obama has added 5 1/2 trillion to our deficit in 3 yrs. How can anyone defend his policies.? Gas prices and food prices have gone through the roof. People have lost good paying jobs and lost theire homes. This country is hurting. Obama cant be reelected. He just does not know how to fix our problems. Romney will be  the republican candidate and hopefully will win, .


    This recession is not restricted to the USA, it is a global problem and I feel it is wrong and a mistake to hold your president responsible for something of which he has no direct control of. We in the UK have been suffering for years, and with each successive government it has brought no real change except the rift between the rich and the poor grows wider and wider.
    On a personal note I would like to say thank you for all your interesting posts and wish you good health to you and your pet.

    Are you leaving? I hate to see you go. Thank you for the good wishes and the same to you.The problem with our government is, they did not learn from the past. The 1929 Depression in the US affected Europe and other countries too.

    Almost always doesn't count.

    Lost re-elections:  Ford, Carter, Bush #1, if I recall correctly. 

    Who'll win?  Obama wins if Unemployment dips below 7%.  Otherwise, he's dead meat.


    Chi: Just read your blog. I think there should be some kind of notification when someone posts there (or did I miss it?). Congratulations on becoming a new grandpa!

    I read it too! Congrats on both having your daughter back in your life and your grandchild!!!!!!

    Thx Flip and doolittle. The last 8 months have been just extraordinary. I feel truly blessed....I agree with Flip that there should be some direction as to when a blog is posted.

    Romney is so out of touch with the people, I'd feel more confident voting for the Three Stooges than him. For him to even present himself as a challenge is almost like it's done in jest. He just can't open his mouth without sticking his foot in it...and what's even sadder, is that he actually has people supporting him!

    ed shank

    As politically stupid as I am, I think I could kick his a** in a debate.

    I agree Shootah!



    The beauty of this country- we can disagree!!! and we each get a vote!!!
    Headless Man

    Yea some more than one.......

    Well, yes, the dead did vote in Chicago once....and who the heck knows what happened in Florida. Sorry, bud, but I will happily vote for Obama instead of Mitt. Minorities, Women and animals have a lot to lose if Mitt is elected.

    I can say for certain, without fear of contradiction, is that after all the votes are counted on the night of the election and the Elector College has voted, Obama will STILL be President of the USA..

    I will bet $1,000 that's a fact!






    Don't bet on it.
    Headless Man

    Hope your wrong....

    I agree. He's done a decent job under the circumstances, and I don't like any of the others at all.

    I think you are wrong. In about 4 month we will have a clearer picture.
    Jack Large

    Actually it is an old sucker bet, I've won many a ten or twenty dollar bets over the years, with that bet.

    The fact is Obama WILL still be the President after the November vote and the Electoral College vote, even if he LOOSES.

    The President does not take office until January 20th following year. ;-)
    Headless Man

    Good point
    ed shank

    Jack, Sucker bet or not. He WILL be re-elcted unless people pay attention to what he really is saying.

    We need more choices.

    rick screen

    This oi just one of candidate Lawson for President websites,This guy is for real.

    We shall see.  A lot could change by election day.  I won't vote for Mitt... the last thing we need is an another arrogant man who lacks common sense as a president.... and the name Mitt ???? The guy is bad news!!!!!  And, I am in one of those "groups" of people that decides the vote if it is close.



    Doo. Maybe its better the "Devil you know?

    The way Congress has acted- that is the devil of it all! The President has extremely limited power...If Congress would decide to co-operate with one another...oh it drives me bonkers!!!! How can people blame Obama for most of the BS when it was the stalemate in the House of Reps (over and over and over again) that caused many of the issues!!!!
    Headless Man

    Obama had House and Senate for the first four years and look what he done then, anyone will be better!








    O bama,what  odds do you want,?????




    rick screen

    His last name will be Lawson,He will be James Carvilles predicted winner.He is called the first great man of this new century. He is on the ballot in thirty seven states so far as a write-in candidate. Obama is slick, But he will not clide past Mr. Lawson.

    Ill ,give you 4to 1

    @ rick- Who are you babbling about???? Does Lawson have a 1st name??? Who is the James dude????? Are you feeling ok????

    Rick, I can find no webpage for Edgar Lawson who you claim is running for president. I could only find what appears to be a joke bumper sticker.

    I think you've been pulled into someone's practical joke.

    My opinion is Obama will win, only because it is too hard to beat an incumbent, but he will certainly not get my vote.

    Either the country wins or it losses ant anything one can do but sit under a tree and fish.

    ed shank

    Wrong answer, that's the mindset that got this jerk into office.

    It's too close to call now. But,  a lot of people don't want to give up their health insurance, b/c they've got it too good. Under Obama care, we'll all have to buy our  health insurance from the gov. It'll be like medic aide, only instead of your tax  $ $  paying for it, YOU will pay for it twice !

    Headless Man

    Yes, and win has the government been able to keep the cost down on anything?

    " If the economy picks up more steam (President Obama) will win a second term in office, and if-in it hits a snag or two along the way Mr. (Romney) will win a first term in office."  " I just wish we THE COMMON FOLK could  WIN FOR ONCE ! "

    I wish there was a place where we could get accurate information on what a politition has done good and bad.  What we most get is propaganda from both sides.  It would take reading a lot of books hearing a lot of economist and objective people before we humans to get the truth about anything going on in the political world.  I understand that there are some things that are hidden from the public by the White House regarding the war.  I try to get objective news sources.  From what I understand republicans want to do away with government.  I hate paying higher taxes too.  But we need government and government regulations to avoid things like the housing melt down that occurred in the U.S.  Over the last 4 years California has had to cut $56 billion from education, police, fire protection, healthcare and other critical services.  Republicans want to futher cut and get rid of social security.  The disparity of income is getting greater every day.  There are 7,000 homeless people in my county alone.  Yes Mitt showed lack of sensitivity to his dog which indicates how he feels and treats people.  Many people that know him says while with Bains he fired them and let them come back after the takeover at a lower pay.  I believe Congresswoman Palosy said they have been trying to get funding to fix roads & bridges in the US but Republicans will not let it pass, which would create many jobs.  Several economist from all other the US has spoken about how the Republicans will actually destroy the economy, like they almost did with Brother Bush in office.  About 200,000 jobs were lost monthly under Bush.  Jobs are being added under Obama.  They are getting ready to spend at least $440 million on negative ads against Obama.  What a way to run a country.  We humans need to use that mind power to support what ever president we have & try to make this a better world.  Ideas that Republicans thought up,  now claim they hate because Obama embraced them.  How ignorant and some say racist.  We need to grow up.  I know its hard having a black president.  A former slave person.  It's like have a gorilla learn to talk and 65 years later it is the president.  That's hard to swollow on many levels.  I heard a lot of my friends who are republicans say they are embarrassed that republicans are acting like this, and they think its because obama is black and of course not born in this country.  p.s. many economist say everything the republicans are suggesting to correct economic problems will only make things worst.  Listen to the economist people.  Not fox news.  Just for the record, I do like Ron Paul because he is totally against war like me.  I think Mitt is a decent person and knows how to balance books,  Obama is trying his best & help give America a renewed good look around the world, because everybody was sick sick sick of Bush and his war making friend Cheney.  As they said, "Cheney never saw a war he didn't like."  People cried all over the world when Obama because they felt he was for the people. Many still feel like that.  President is a very hard job.  How would you do and what would you do if you were in his shoes. Seriously.  Get rid of all the social programs, more homelessness.  Seniors with no social security.  And to top it off people (politicians dem & rep) who are suppose to working for the people and what the people want, just revel in gridlock, like, according to political historians, never before.  Rep do not support anything at all the president suggest.  What kind of ignorance is that?  I'd like to see everyone kicked out and start all over and it be against the law not to work for the people, but instead stop everything. Mitt's embarrassed that he said let Detroit and the car industry fall.  But Obama supported it and it's turning around.  Once again come on people, get some objective facts and let's support who ever is running the country for the betterment of all.  Weather it's obama, bush, romney etc.  As Dr. King said,  we can work together or parish like fools.


    "I wish there was a place where we could get accurate information on what a politition has done good and bad. What we most get is propaganda from both sides."
    You started this off really good .... then you did nothing but bash republicans. Now what are we to think?
    Headless Man

    Obama's main problem is he can't balance the books and is going to crash the country with debt and tax the people to death.
    Republicans don't want to do away with government but bring it back under control why we still can. Then give people freedom to do what Americans do best create jobs and grow the economy with government off there back.
    rick screen

    Please visit what i believe to be the person withy the truthful answers to the many subjects you speak of.You write a good column.

    Rick, I can find no webpage for Edgar Lawson who you claim is running for president. I could only find what appears to be a joke bumper sticker.

    I think you've been pulled into someone's practical joke.

    Thank you Flip. "What are we to think?" What I hope we think is that we use our gifted and open minds. Government grew by 60% when Bush was president. How many Republicans know that? Misinformation is a thing many people thrive on. "Obama can't balance the books." as you suggest. I been asking for 30 years why can't the politicians balance the books of their city, state and country. How many people asked that true question before Obama got into office. Have you ever tried to find out any good things Obama has done. I don't want to bash Republicans, but I feel many are wasting their great talents by belittleing the president of the US. I feel no citizen should do that. But republicans have made cutting down obama their whole agenda. too bad. what we should think is get more accurate information regarding what the president has done for the peoples of the world, and offer constructive ideas for balancing the budgets in the city, states and the country of the US. And let me repeat myself. Budgets have been out of balance for the last 30 years and now we are complaining since this president is in office. Challenge yourself, what can you do as a citizen to make the US a better place. What email can you send to your congressman or the white house the make this a better land. That's what we all all should focus on instead of what an elected official is not doing.

    I think it will be a case of black magic.

    The lesser of the two (not too) evils should win.  Who will win? All guesses are just guesses, perfectly equal untill the day after...

    Who will I vote for? I'll figure this out when I'll get the voting ballots. In spite of the fact that I am wasting my votes because I llive on West/Left coast I will continue to vote untill I lose my mind.



    If this doesn't go well.....come to Canada!!!Lots of wilderness and hills to head for!!!""


    ... And as an added bonus we pretty much ignore the politicians unless Vander Zalm gets involved! :D

    Obama...Romney has no clue on the average person's feelings, patriotrism or contributions for this country.  Romney is the 1 per cent, and most of us are not.  We are a trickle up society, not tickle down.


    I agree.
    Headless Man

    I would rather trickle up than be TAXED

    I think Warren Buffet should run.  He'd know how to fix the economy.  Bill Gates would be good, too.

    Why does America always vote for the lesser of the two evils? Why not just follow your heart and vote for someone who isn't evil?  Your candidate probably won't win but when the fascist government takes over you can at least know that you didn't have any part in it.


    Because then it's like not voting at all and there is the saying, "If you do not vote, then don't complain about who is in office."

    I'm writing in Ron Paul whether people agree that I actually voted or not, I do not care. I'll still complain about the nit-wit who ends up in the White House be it Obama or some other clown.

    Colleen, we finally agree on something! Lol. I've always stood behind Ron Paul, cheers.

    May be this will make the girls happy, only trying to make a point.........



    Now this is a campaign poster.
    I wish I was American now!
    Look at the cute puppy with the nasty words... cute cute cute puppy.

    Obama = Cute Puppy = America
    It's Puppy Power!



    Only a defender of animal abuse would appreciate this sick slogan. You truly like proving what an insensitive "person" you can be, don't you?

    Wow Randy. This is pretty hideous.
    Good luck with this. I am sure this is a winning friends and influencing moment in your life. You may want to consider sending this into Romney's office for the campaign. I bet you get big bucks for it.
    Headless Man

    As you can see on the lower right, this wasn't my idea only the best choice.......

    You shared it. This means you back it. You're no better than the one who created it.

    This will remind voters of 'Marley and Me',a very popular book and movie. Job well done! Congratulations to Obama for his win ahead of time!
    Obviously this is not the same breed but just look at the similarities of the cute puppies... oh so cute cute cute puppies...
    Romney is toast!

    I am TRULY an animal lover-- i don't get all this BS about the dog on the car roof, I see people putting dogs and cats in cages and being mistreated by airport baggage handlers on their way to the fridgid baggage compartment of a plane, i see dogs riding in the back of pickup trucks, sometimes not on a leash and i don't know what is wors, dog on a leash dragging behind the truck or just falling out. I see dogs heads out windows with just enough room to pull it back in and I see people risking my life with a dog on their lap as they drive. A dog on the roof is a 'carrier' not a BOX is humane, i see nothing wrong with it, some dogs get excited when they are shown the carrier, they know they are going someplace. This story is only because Romney is running against Obama, nothing else, it shows just how desperate the liberal press is when they can't find any dirt. Now Romney is an animal abuser-- Last week it was the stupid remark that Mrs. Romney never worked a day in her life, well maybe raising 5 kids and A DOG is not work in your eyes, I plead that you ask any stay at home mother what its like to raise 5 kids.

    republicans have had almost 4 years to dig up the same garbage on Obama, remember people! This is a presidential election, not a mr. congeniality contest.. Lets look at their agendas and that is all! AGENDA! not lifestyle. 1% 99% who cares?? all of us have a chance for the 1% some make it, some don't, if you didn't make it, maybe you did something wrong, ya think?? Don't hate the rich because they made it, this is immature and not important. The rich owe you nothing although I do believe they should pay their share but not penalized for being a success. They hold you job in their hands in many cases. Better not bite the hand that feeds you. But I digress.. Romney is not an animal abuser, the dog is fine, he's a family member what's worse is that 'wicked' person that puts their animal in the bed of a truck with no carrier or the baggage compartment of an airplane. The carrier is protection for the animal, they are manufactured for that purpose.

    Who knows what the truth is here? Certainly not me. As a Canadian I don't believe or have any faith in American politics. George W was the last straw for me.
    Peace out and don't forget to vote.

    Romney is not the only animal abuser. But he is the one running to be president. If he can abuse his dog, then he can abuse others. I do not want an abuser for president. People need to respect their pets or do not bother having them. I do not agree with dogs in the backs of pick up trucks, that's illegal in my state. I do not agree with letting dogs hang their heads out windows. Dogs riding in cars should be in dog seat belts. Animals should not be on planes unless they are caged in comfortable cages and the air temp is comfortable also. As it is now, no animal should be put on a plane. This is all abuse and it needs to stop. Defending an abuser by saying well, others do it too, is not the right way to go about ending animal abuse.

    We have been fed a story by the media about Romney, that happenend 30 yrs. ago . I love animals . But who really knows what happenend 30 yrs. ago and everyone fell for it. I joined in too, because I did not research the story. It is nothing but a hype to discredit Romney.It was obiesly written by a democrat who wants Obama reelected. I have always known that the media will bring stories to suit theire ideology.


    Umm,read the reports of what really happened. Straight from Romney himself. How does one make driving 12 hours with a dog strapped to the car roof worse? Just that is bad enough. Even without the story, Romney is still a bad pick. He's just Obama all over again. He has been hand picked by the Illuminati. Are people so easily fooled still?
    Headless Man

    Romney was not my first choice or my second or my third but he is a step in the right direction, no mater what happened with his dog.

    I am no a fan of Mitt Romney. BUt when I read the story about the dog, they also added that he went through the car wash with the dog strapped in his carrier. What a pile of nonsense. The dog would have never survived that. To add insult to injury, they also wrote, that the dog had diarrhea and it was running down the side of his car.Sorry, but I dont believe everything we are beeing told. It is intented to make him look like he is an animal abuser and this happened 30 yrs. ago.

    HL.Many of us would have loved to see Ron Paul get the nomination.But it is what it is. Even Romney will be an improvement compared to Obama.

    He stopped to hose the dog off after the crap was pushed out of him due to the pressure he endured in the container strapped to the roof of the car while it sped down the highway. He also hosed out the container and then put the wet dog back into it. Try to find the real news reports, not the fake ones. The real ones are still out there. The man admitted to all this, why do you continue to defend him Ann?

    Romney is not an improvement, he is just Obama all over again. A useless puppet who will take his turn at forcing government controlled health care (killing care) on the people.

    If this country is lucky it would be Ron Paul. But since were on our way down I think Romney will take it. IF THAT HAPPENS watch out. Obama will do almost anything to hang onto his power. Maybe cheat or declare martial law to suspend the elections.

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