    Not a question,just a curious thing...

    My husband took a taxi two weeks ago.  He was in the taxi for all of 15 minutes from point A to point B.  This ride cost him $30.00 Canadian.

    My daughter is exploring India... The other day she took a taxi from one city to another to listen to the Dalai Lama speak.  This taxi ride took 5 hours and cost her $70.00 Canadian.

    This is a curious thing. 

    +10  Views: 1045 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    What did she think of the Dali Lama?

    I haven't heard yet... emails come every second day.

    13 Answers

    Perhaps Canada could use some cabbies from India..


    It is about the price of gasoline... most of our cabbies are from India in this part of the world.
    They don't usually listen to Indian Rap Music though... that could be the issue.

    It must have a lot to do with exchange ratio Canadian dollars to Indian dollars or whatever currency they use..

    yeah - you can do the same trip by cab in the UK and it will cost you differently some go all round the houses to may the fair more - of course this does not compare with what you are saying but - cabbie in india do not exploit in the same way. I think the price of gasoline would be the same there at the moment. I guess they try to get as many customers as they can.

    It is the taxes on top. Obviously we care about where our people go to the bathroom and that costs money. Clean public bathrooms are the culprit.

    First, what a wonderful opportunity your daughter had!!! Very exciting. 
    About the taxi rides, it seems that Canadian money has more value in India than it does at home.     


    But what about the price of gasoline?... This makes no sense. She was five hours in a cab listening to Indian rap music and enjoying air conditioning.
    I agree ... very cool!

    ....maybe because she is a pretty girl????

    That aside... she is lovely... I am talking about the price of gasoline! :D

    Canadian cabs are expensive and so is cost of living up there.


    What about the price of gasoline... five hours? The air conditioning was on.
    There is something going on here.

    Good point Fishlet. That is about the rap music.

    Gasoline prices in Canada are climbing to near-record highs, and financial speculators ... and growing competition from mega-refineries in India and China.

    Fishlet, don't mean to post a second answer.  I found this intro line to one of the sites I was referred to when I searched with "gas prices in India".  If I am reading this right, gasoline is actually being produced IN India.  ????  I'll check back with you later..have a friend coming for dinner.  


    I looked into it as well. We are taxed up the Whazoo on the stuff.
    I can say one thing... the price of gasoline has pushed me into an even healthier lifestyle.

    My work is 10 miles away, but walking the dog is free and the gym is 1 mile away. Can even bike to my bff's house. Now I just gotta do it.
    The price of everything keeps climbing. Why doesn't my paycheck parallel those price hikes?

    Oh lovely Bobette... You are talking to an artist in the middle of tough economic times. Free is best... motivation is an option!

    It really bothers me that artists have to suffer this economy. I'll buy your stuff. Just tell me where to find it.

    That is so nice Bobette. :)

    I just did some fact finding for you.

    $70 Canadian dollars= 3.589.74 Indian Rupees.

    (They did not have the current Canadian dollar rate per liter of gas so I chose the US dollar/liter)

    These #'s are really low but it could be what the Gas companies pay not the at pump price..but it gives you an idea.

    1 liter of gas in the US costs $1.07  1 liter of gas in India costs the equivalent of $1.48

    So, India pays more than the US and, I assume, Canada does for gas....My guess is that the price hike for Canada and Us cabs takes into consideration the pump price of gas and the vehicle maintenance...along with some extra for the cab company.  In India, they might not gouge as much at the pump, maintenance costs less, or cabbies expect a big tip. (Plus Canadian currency may be sought after!).

    I would love to hear all about your daughter's trip!


    1.399/liter today on Vanc.Isle.!!!

    Like Lindilou said $1.399 ... even Costco gas is costing a fortune. Crazy stuff.
    Email me as my son crinkled the piece of paper with your address on and the dog actually ate it... Well, he fed it to Nacho and the rest is history.
    I will fill you in.
    Can you just imagine? So exciting.

    Fishy- Colleen sent my emali address to you but she didn't send me yours.

    ....and you wonder why the "third world" countries are quickly catching up with ones in the western hemisphere?  And you forgot to mention the 5 hour taxi ride involved traveling over extremely bumpy roads, dodging over many animals and livestock along the way.....Yep, they offer very good deals, in more ways than one.  Sometimes if you wish for mass transportation, it's even cheaper.



    Funny, she didn't mention this about her train rides. They have been comfortable.
    This is serious population!

    Did anybody mention "seat belts"? What seat belts?

    The seat belt manufacturers are going through a depression over there.....absolutely no demand.

    I guess if they loose one or two it's no biggie.
    Can you imagine driving that thing?

    Last time I was in the Philippines, wife asked if I'd like to ride on top of the jeepney with the other guys. I opted to stay inside with the women and young kids, a decision I was glad about when the driver paid no attention to low-hanging tree limbs.

    Flip; I have a feeling this driver gives no never mind as well.

    Low hanging branches are supposed to wipe out a couple of passengers, commonly known in the Philippines as attrition.

    I would guess the cost of things in India is much less than the USA or Canada. Could you get a comparison price on A dozen eggs or a loaf of bread? This may explain things somewhat.


    Eggs must be free.
    My bread (gluten free) is $9.00 per loaf. I am betting there is no gluten free bread in India and if there was it would be $25.00 a loaf.

    Maybe taking a cab in India is a new business and they haven't learned how to gouge the consumer yet!

    It's the taxes... The public bathrooms and the lack of bumpy roads in Canada.

    I don't know where this will fit in but, I took a cab home from the hosp. (3 miles, no traffic) and it was $15.......


    I think you got a deal. :)

    Looked up Chicago taxi rate for  about 17 miles it is about 35-40 dollars. Like getting to airport . They also charge per minute if stuck in traffic!  Really like the rider is at fault if stuck in traffic!


    Wow. This is a 'Pause and Wonder'.

    The moral of the story is always go via India

    Apparently North Americans are greedier.

    I hope your daughter did not go alone to India. What a memorable trip this will be for her though Douninggirl just posted on this site that gasoline is over 9 Dollars a gallon in the UK. We are much better off in the US and even canada. I think in India, people might be more honest, than where we live.Our current price for gas is $ 3,79 per gallon


    I have friends who travel across the border to buy gasoline in the US... Our taxes are very high... It costs a lot to run a great big country.

    I am suprised, because you produce much more oil in canada then we do in the US. It schould be much cheaper, but then again your taxes are much higher. We are all beeing taxed to death. really is!

    So......where was your husband going?


    He had to go for a test at a hospital that isn't local very early in the morning so I couldn't drive him there because of our son. (How is that for a lot of information?!)
    My husband is fine ... more information! :)

    No, not too much information.
    But here's a curious thing for you;
    Back in the 60's the Dali Lama used to look at things from 2 different perspectives.
    Back then he was known as the Dali Lima Lama :)

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