    has anybody ever been knocked down by a car?

    +1  Views: 770 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Once by a car and another time got rear-ended on my bike by a 5 ton truck!The car came barreling round a corner I and a friend crossed at and clipped me in the hip as I leapt to safety... and he sped off in his nice fat Cadillac! The truck was an armed forces vehicle and the driver was absolutely freakin' and gave me 50 bucks(this was in 1972 when money was worth something) so I agreed and got a new bike but my chin and shoulders took a's called roadrash!!!!

    No, but I have had a couple of close calls.  I am not sure why they didn't occur as I closed my eyes both times and braced myself for ... nothing.  Weird. 

    When I was a child my grandmother was very fearful of vehicles running me over. I think she spoke with a Saint and that is why the miracles happened.  My grandmother was amazing that way. 

    No can't say I ever have nor want to be..dosen't sound like my idea of fun..

    No, not I, but when I was a child, my good friend and I were racing bicycles and he looked to see where I was and just then......BAM.....he ran into a parked car, his bike stood still as he flew over the car like a bird......he and his bike were just fine, needless to say, I won the race.....


    Anti-gravity device no doubt!!

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