    I began receiving the Acti Vit Multivitamins a couple of weeks ago. I was charged again for another bottle I have not yet received. I would like to stop any future shipments, and have a refund for the charge incurred on 3/23/12.

    I began receiving the Acti Vit Multivitamins a couple of weeks ago. I was charged again for another bottle I have not yet received. I would like to stop any future shipments, and have a refund for the charge incurred on 3/23/12.

    0  Views: 411 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    Your webpage does not offer any cancellation procedures. Yesterday I stayed on my cell phone for over 30 minutes and had to hang up because no one answered. It seems to me a gimmick to tire people not to cancel shipments and get their refund, while new shipments keep piling up, accruing more bank charges. Please stop any future shipments. As it stands, my account will only have one more charge of $39.95 for the Brazil butt lift DVD's.
    I also would like to know why I got charged $69.16, when the total should have been $64.90USD.

    2 Answers

    Victoria, this is a question and answer site not an online store. 

    There must be a contact toolbar on the homepage of the company you have purchased these items from.

    Also, contact your credit card company.  You can halt payments so that nothing else comes out or have them change your account number so that this company can no longer take payments ... if in fact, this company is scamming you.

    Good Luck.

    You need to contact the vendor from whom you purchased the Multivitamins.

    No one hear can help you.



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