    Where will your soul end up? Smoking or non smoking

    +10  Views: 941 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: soul home

    18 Answers

    I think I will float around and see what I can see for a while.  Take that vacation I have always wanted.  I will be a goner... I will have nothing but time on my hands (or lack thereof).  No need to rush.

    Mine will be in the non smoking department

    I can't presume to know the will of God. Hopefully, I'm on his good side.......

    Smoking probably, i want to be with my friends, i know they will be smoking.


    Come on Vinny. You know smoking is bad for you

    I don't think they would allow me in if I had a smoke detector..

    I,m definitely in the room with Vinny, cough!! cough!!!


    At least you will be

    I'm there too ROMOS - but make sure I do not subject anyone who dislikes it with my smoke especially children. Perhaps there will be a non-smoking and area there or it will be so sublime there will be no desire to smoke. Strange I have often thought about the people I knew who smoked Doctors, nurses etc. all so very good people not to say if you do not smoke you are not good - just seemed co-inciental. Must say I smoke and hate it really - the smell and everything but get the elusion of calm. I guess in a word we all smoked in my day even at the cancer hospital with black lungs put before us. And maybe the soul alters where alteration finds.

    nonsmoking, my reservation was paid for by very good friend.

    That’s not smoke it’s fog…..isn’t it?

    There plenty of white cloud up stair!

    Hopefully non smoking.......if God don't make me quit, the devil sure won't

    Non-smoking, literally by the grace of God.

    Non smoking please these seats were paid for at a very high price...

    former smoker

    Non smoking please. Had enough of it down here.

    I have hopefully done the best I can to do and be the best person I can, I don't  ever wrong anyone or do anything to hurt others intentionally, my intention is always for positive outcome

    Non smoking please, smoke gets in my eyes........

    Smokers section.Definitely!!


    This section will be very hot

    I will be with Vinny, Leo and Romos, at least we know we won't die of Smoking upstairs, of course that could be the reason we are there.:) lol.

    As a lifelong non-smoker in the present world, I guess it will be smoking for eternity for me as a non-believer in gods, devils, heaven, hell, angels, unicorns, fairies, leprechauns, mermaids etc.

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