    why luck always seems to be against the person who depends on it


    +3  Views: 494 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    If you think luck is going to get you through life, you need a wake up call.

    ""We don't know...


    I want the kitty`s teeth.

    One thing life and nature is known for is balance and balance is a rule that God doesn’t even mess with without good cause. Mess with one little thing and you have started a bunch of little unintended things to start up and that can grow in a hurry. So luck is just a flip of a coin.  

    Sorry i don't believe in luck good nor's all fate.!

    Focus on the positive... don't dwell on the negative and you will see things change.


    Fishlet. You sound like a "Battery charger POS. NEG. lol

    Dowsa,think positive for one month and see what happens.

    You know I cant Think for myself I will call my wife.She has the gift and a long "Tongue!!

    See, it's working already... Your wife clearly understands the power of positive thinking.
    My work here is done!

    Not always.

    Luck  (good) is just a term given a circumstance that goes favorably for one who has no power over the outcome.    Luck (bad) would be an unfortunate outcome to a circumstance over which one had no power to manipulate.

    Well I was walking across a field stood on "Cows dung !! "Oh good I thought .good luck Walked further on Fell down an old "Mineshaft !! "Heard voice`s Sing "wings of a "Dove I stood up with a "Harp in my Hand . "BAD LUCK ??

    Luck is something that finds you usually. Not the other way around.

    It's hard to choose amoung all these answers, all very good. For me luck is what you do with the hand you are dealt.

    It seems to me that good luck is taken for granted and that bad luck is always recognized for what it is.....

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